More and more findings on Biblical events and locations are bringing evidence to stories in the Bible...
Over 2,600 years ago in the skies over Babylon, terrifying red clouds and skies covered over the land drawing the attention of many soothsayers, royals, and astronomers. Thanks to their research, it has been confirmed not only by their reports but by the strong radiation rings in trees from this time period around 7BC that were also found to happen earlier that same year which was discovered in Greenland's ice! Thankfully, the ancient lands of Assyria and Babylon were home to a slightly different kind of astronomer than the ones we have today. Ones who looked for omens among the heavens.
RT reported the following:
These observations were made around 2,700 years ago in Babylon and the Assyrian city of Nineveh and both are mentioned contemporaneously in the Bible.
One tablet says, “red covers the sky,” while another mentions a “red cloud.” The scientists say these were caused by the Sun’s particles interacting with the atmosphere following the massive storm.
“These findings allow us to recreate the history of solar activity a century earlier than previously available records,” explained the study’s senior author, Yasuyuki Mitsuma. “This research can assist in our ability to predict future solar magnetic storms, which may damage satellites and other spacecraft.”
While these events were not recorded in the Bible itself, the Bible is littered with mentions of signs from the heavens, and Christ even made a parable mentioning red skies are terrifying. Of course, common people would see them as natural at this point, but these skies were probably a red like we have never seen before.
Matthew 16:2-3
He answered them, “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.
Radiation from the sun is very real and has been messing with our skies for centuries, one of many signs from the heavens. As more cities or figures from the Bible are discovered in different regions, and reports continue to come up that coincide with these events or places existing, we see the truth coming to light. Will the veil be lifted before time is up? What do you think? Leave your thoughts below! Have a nice day!
This article was written by @cifer44
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