But love your enemies,be good to them, and give them what they need without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great in heaven, and you will be sons of the Most High, because our God is also kind to the wicked.
Thanks for reading
SteemChurch does not have borders. We ought to show love to everyone that comes around. Love is one of the qualities, we appreciate so much over here.
Upvoted & Resteemed
That is true. We shouldn't limit our acts of kindness to a limited sect of persons. Even people with different beliefs should experience an extension of our kindness. Christ's followers are identified with the love they have for one another, this love is also displayed when associatinh with others.
Thanks for sharing this with our parishioners.
"We should learn to love ourselves and even our enemies as the bible said/if your enemy is hungry give him what you have ,just do all this to fulfill all righteousness and pursue the heavenly reward. Be good to someone out there today". I really love this part
Kindness is something that we shouldnt restric to a sect of people for if God does same to is i am sure many of us wouldnt be where we arr today the poeple rhat needs our kindness more is our ebemies brcause that it the greatest payback we can ever do to then.
You learn when to give and when to limit the amount you will give. And at some points you have to ... It's trusting that they will not take advantage of your kindness or giving nature.
If God had limited his unending kindness towards the righteous only, then where would the unrighteous dwell. Let us not be specific I'm showing kindness. Let us be General in showing kindness. What a great post. Thanks
It is of Good morals to be kind to one another, it is of great degree of neccessity to show love and be kind to one another. It is basically the phrase of which Jesus build its church,
. one would not know the essence of love if one is deprived of it... it was shown in the story of the good Samaritan, the samaritan man never let the injured man to lie down unconscious instead he help him. It is even writen in the ten commandment that one should thy neighbor as one should love oneself.It is a neccessity for all faithfuls to show love or rather be kind to one another and the world be as peaceful as a
state of eldorado
, The land of milk and honey. nice one @allensamTo love each others and our enemies is the best way to show that we are christian, and our God is love of God who show no partiality. Thanks for sharing