In times of serious turmoil, you request your God for help. In your brain, you envision certain resolutions. Be that as it may, when the results are not the same as what you have sought after, you start to question your God. You trust he has not heard or overlooked your petitions. Presently what? Do you abandon your confidence and in your God, or do you persistently sit tight for a sign?
In many cases, God's signs are directly before you. The issue is you ignore the signs since you are expecting a particular answer. Unfortunately, you don't generally get what you are searching for. Rather, your God gives you what he knows is best for you. Likewise, he sends you signs on the best way to approach dealing with your issues through the words and activities of others.
On occasion, I'm liable of saying my God is hard of hearing. He hasn't addressed my prayer or doesn't comprehend what I need. I end up plainly baffled and have a craving for leaving. Yet, not long subsequent to feeling those feelings, somebody in my family or in my congregation reveals to me something of confidence or something profound happens surprisingly that steps me back to my faith in God. I've been blessed to see his indications of persistence, comprehension and expectation.
When you believe you have lost control of the issues life has given you, don't abandon the confidence once imparted in you. Rather, search for the signs God has put in your way.
The following are 3 ways God demonstrates his quality.
- Prayer
While you are separated from everyone else, implore your God. Let him know everything that is in your heart. Request that he demonstrate to you the way and give you the strength to move past the rough streets. When you implore, painstakingly tune in to and watch your environment. Give careful consideration to what your kids, dear companions, family or life partner need to state. He will answer your supplication through them at the fitting time.
- Trust in individuals
As lamentable as it may be, we face a daily reality such that not every person is reliable. Not every person has the best goals. Regardless, there is a huge populace who watches over each other - family or not. For instance, because of work advancement, you move to another city with no family or companions. You are anxious and uncertain of the move. Be that as it may, one day a neighbor connects with you. Try not to accept the more regrettable. Gradually become more acquainted with the neighbor. What's more, if that neighborly kinship assembles, you know God put the individual in your life as a sign that there is no reason to worry.
- Your treatment toward others
You don't generally need to sit tight for somebody to approach you for help. On the off chance that you see somebody in require, broaden some assistance. Maybe this individual is experiencing something comparative as you. What's more, by helping the individual, you are likewise helping yourself. For instance, if this individual and you happen to endure a disease of a kid, a demise of a relative, or employment misfortune, you can discover comfort together.
You may not see God's signs quickly, but rather the signs are there. Trust in your God that he will help you through. You should simply give him a chance to enter your heart, and he'll deal with the rest.
If we serve Him in truth and holiness He is ever ready to give us signs.
God is ever ready to show us his signs, only if we would listen and wait and see.