Good day steemit... I am writing this with a deep anger in my heart. I woke up this morning and and decided to check my phone, i opened the Instagram app and found a video that was shocking and would probably be a lesson for all the people who claim to work for God. I am going to share the video and let you be the judge. But while i do that, i am still going to say some things I'd like to get off my chest.
On the video you see a Gospel singer, you probably know him from his gospel songs, his name is Benny hinn. He talked about, how luxury lifestyle has taken over the Christian faith and working for God.
Below is the link to the video, i really don't know how to upload a video in steemit.
People get this so confused as what it means to work for God. What it means to be a man of God or a prophet of God. You'll see in the world today, especially in my country Nigeria, people just wake up one morning and say they want to be a man of God, they want to be a pastor and so on, and at the end of the day, their major reason is to enrich themselves with the people's hard earn money.
Not to get this complicated, Jesus life on earth and the other prophet or people that worked for God, their life on earth is a perfect example of what working for God entails. Let's talk about Jesus for example. Jesus was God, without a single doubt, he took human flesh and came to earth to serve a particular purpose, show us the way to salvation and redeem us from our sins, there by bringing us closer to God. Jesus choose to live a very ordinary life that, people had to question his claim of being the son of God. Jesus performed so much miracles on earth that , if he decides to be the richest evangelist in the world till date, he would have been.
Also do you know , the hardest work in the Christian faith to do is evangelism? That was what Jesus picked up and made it look easy. Jesus never had a home, Jesus never had any means of transportation, jesus was so ordinary that when the soldiers who came to arrest him, they passed him and did not even know him, until Judas kisses jesus, by means of identifying him. Isaiah prophesied about the appearance of Jesus and his life and suffering on earth. The book of Isaiah tells us that, jeuss was so ordinary that, you could not tell him from the next man. The book also told us that, during his suffering, that Jesus was so badly beaten that his face was not recognized anymore as human, his face was disfigured, blood dripping from his body like water hose.
The life of Jesus is a plain example of what working for God entails. You don't wake up one morning and say you want to work for God, if you would work for God, your main aim should be winning souls for Christ and nothing more, you shouldn't be worried about what you'll eat, where you'll sleep and clothes you'll have on. People turn the word of God up side down that it's so painful to even hear it.
Show me a rich prophet in the Bible and I'll show you a liar. Also, understand this... God had people he appointed as kings to rule over a particular people, those he made rich, they were not prophets, they were selected by God to work as kings and rule, these are people like , David, people like Solomon, people like Nebuchadnezzar, people like Saul, e.t.c. while the prophets, God's soldiers are people like the apostles, the disciples, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Joshua, Jeremiah, Johnna, Samuel, e.t.c.
There are big difference between these people and until you understand them, you'll always get it mixed up .
My point is this, working for God has nothing to do with living a luxury lifestyle and claim God is the reason. Working for God will drain you, and at the same time fill you with spiritual gifts to sustain you . You will be persecuted, you will be hated, you will go through the most, just for the sake of God, and mind you Satan will make these happen to you, just to make you give up on working for God, but if you hold unto God tight , he will always strengthen you and come to your rescue.
My brothers and sisters, i have said it, just as i am moved to say it and I'll always keep fighting for the truth when it comes to defending God's words and and God's glory.
God bless you all.
Only the truth can save
Exactly my brother, God bless you.