Picking up the sword, the celestial one.

in #steemchurch7 years ago

After a long journey, full of personal crusades and close encounters with the accurate arrows of life, I found again the church that I once criticized.

Oh brothers of celestial weapons that the light illuminate my steps keeping me from falling in the perdition of my ego, that my words are not sharp rather fair, that my post has quality and not be a copy paste to get a little money, and that the reward is something more than sp, something comforting.

The Battle

Since I stopped paying attention to my steem account and concentrated on my life outside the network, I told stories to the peasants who have not yet traveled to these lands, the story of how a humble mockery became an experience that easily could change a life and help a family, and how that experience is now in a binance account helping the life of this humble servant improve more and more.

The crusade that we live in my country is a constant siege but I will not speak negatively of it since we knights who fight for freedom do not know how to speak that language.

The battle is brutal with small moments of happiness, the walls are thick depending on who holds them, the nights are calm, full of fresh air with the desire to wake up to a new challenge that adds a weight to our backs, already tired of metal what we use to protect us every day in battle.

(I still like to talk like this)

The happiness

I have seen that the activity of the church has increased and not so surprised I see that in my country the construction of a temple takes place, right where I lived it will be the first meeting of the order.

I see with happiness that the brother @abiye continues to work hard for a better future and that the plan of the farms powered by the generous hand of the order and of God every time takes a more tangible and less utopic form.

How many things have changed, how much growth have I lost because I'm chasing whales, I just let myself be swallowed by one like Jonas.

The word of the Lord should not be taken lightly and when I say this because I can feel that the lust for steem is present, I smell it, I see it, I have used it, we all like it but we must be strong, brothers in arms , I have traveled and seen other communities, I have moderated contests and recruited, I can easily tell you that this is one of the best communities here in Steem, fun and at the same time serious, it impresses sometimes how crappy it can be, the simplicity of some post simply makes me doubt, again hesitate, judge, am I perhaps too hard on them? I do not know, I still laugh and that is what impresses, it is the work of everyone making possible something that was born out of nothing, either for their own benefit or because they really enjoy talking about God, the church is real.
Sirknight listens to all his knights, raising morale, pushing the ranks to follow the line of the order and with his swords full of light cut all the bad vibes of steem.

Of course it does not stop giving me laugh as my dear master mind expresses himself, I have high appreciation for him and for everything he has built by being true to his username.

Once again I am here amazed at how self-sustaining this community is, what it represents inside and outside of Steem and how wonderful it is for me that a bunch of religious people are doing so much good, especially here.


The people who take advantage of the system every time is less, I am happy that the reesteem and the post are original and of quality, reflections and advice that help anyone, each time the sword is sharper and the horse stronger, the metal more resistant and our hearts more brave, we will get to it brothers, the crusade will be ours, Bitcoin will bull, the holy pool of rewards will be conquered and we will use it for good, we must take back jerusalem from the hands that snatched it from us ... wait ... I think i get alittle bit excited about the last one.

We live in an era of changes that sometimes we do not understand, where the light of religion is becoming more tenuous and it is our duty not to let the order or its principles die, to enlighten is our duty.

(Damn I love talk like that)I would love to be part of the church, be able to call myself a celestial knight but I can only act as a mercenary in the crusade for freedom, I am still a sinner and as a sinner I recognize others, keep your eyes as sharp as your sword friend @Sirkniht I know your vision is as good as ever and remember that the only way that evil prevails is that good men to do nothing.

Farewell brothers.