The tongue, the smallest but the most dangerous organ
The Bible compares the tongue with a rudder of a ship that can direct an entire ship or with a small fire that can set fire to a whole forest.

brothers the tongue is the smallest organ of the body, but it is the most dangerous, and we have to be very careful because with it we can bless and curse, which should not be done.
Santiago 3:10
The language is able to express the most recondite things of the body, of the mind and of the soul itself, just as man is complex, it is equally complex to learn to speak, since the Bible makes mention of the characteristics of good speech, as for example: The one of good speech ... "It does not gossip", "It does not slander", "It does not speak lies", "It does not give false testimony", "It does not say vain words", among others.
and never tell your lips lies. (Ps 34:13)
you loose your tongue and lips. (Ps 50:19)
Brothers, the solution to the problem of our language is to submit ourselves more to God, fill ourselves more with the Word, let the Spirit control us, make personal evaluations of the spiritual life every day, and strive to be different and discipline ourselves in the form of talk. Tips: if someone comes to tell you something bad about other people, do not listen to them and suggest that they tell the person directly about the bad things they are doing. If you see a brother sin, do something wrong, go directly to this person and let him know the error and if he does not listen, go to the pastor so that together they can go to this person. When you inadvertently hear something, they tell you something, or you realize something, look for the person, do not tell a third person, or let the pastor know this and if you tell another, do it with the intention to help the infragante.
excelente post!! cualquier cosa podemos quemar aveces con la lengua!! pero asi también bendecir y maldecir, como dice la palabra la lengua tiene poder, es malo por eso soltar palabras de maldición a cualquier cosa porque puede traernos consecuencias
te voto!!
y te ganaste un seguidor mas
excelente post! gran reflexión para nuestra vida como cristianos.