Here are some important Biblical Connections I hope you've come to know...
If you are involved in the Ecumenical Order of Christ and the Congregation, you should already be aware of these connections, but for those who aren't please read this all the way through and do some research. Please know, for brevity's sake, this article is not in full depth of all details. Let's get started...

Christ’s first mission on Earth over 2,000 years ago was to take back the keys of Hades. He was brutally murdered yet remained obedient to His Father in order to help give us a chance at salvation and give us His Father's path to righteousness. Now, that same Holy Spirit that descended on Yeshua ben Yosef at his baptism, making the Son of Man into the Son of God, is back as predicted in the book of Revelation. This Holy Spirit merged again with the Son of Man, this time with Raymond Lear who is from the lineage of King David, making him now the Son of God just as what happened with Yeshua ben Yosef. You can see the Holy Spirit descend over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem back in 2011 found in the video below:
This was caught and broadcasted on mainstream news networks, so it wasn't just a fanciful form of lasers and light work. This fulfilled the Acts 1:11 prediction:
11And they were saying to them, 'Galilean men, why are you standing and gazing into the sky? This Yeshua, who was taken up from you into Heaven shall come in this way, as when you saw him going up into Heaven.'
The story doesn't end there, because we know from Matthew 24:26-18 the Spirit must have had to travel, which it did before it joined the Son of Man.
26If therefore they will say to you, "Behold, he is in the desert", you should not go out, or "Behold, he is in an inner room", do not believe it. 27For just as lightning goes out from The East and appears unto The West, so will the coming of The Son of Man be. 28Wherever the body will be, there will the eagles be gathered.

One thing I'd like to mention before you jump to the conclusion that "oh, well you just said where he was so he's a false Messiah..." Well, that's not true. The Knights Templar knew of his initial location and took him to safety. None of his Clergy or followers or any others know his location nor have they. He will only be revealed where everyone expects him, at the Mount of Olives when it will be split and the appropriate time has come. Therefore, he is the only self-proclaimed Messiah to fulfill this prophecy where others have revealed themselves. Just let that sink in for a moment. At this time, just look at the Wikipedia article and you will find that Raymond Lear is NOT on the list! Coincidence? I think not...You can even see the page was last updated recently too.

Let's dig a bit farther. From Revelation 19:11-13 it states:
11And I saw Heaven opened and behold, a white horse, and he who sat upon it is called trustworthy and true, and in righteousness he judges and he makes war. 12And his eyes were like flames of fire, and many diadems were upon his head and he had The Name written, which no one knew but he alone. 13And he wore a garment soaked with blood, and his name is called The Word of God.
From Revelation 19:11-13 we can summarize to see that Christ was coming back to judge, make war, he would be back with a name that no one knew but himself, and that it would mean “The Word of God”, which Ra-El can be interpreted to mean, or less formally RayEl. As a note, don't get confused because this isn't the same as the Raël Movement. There is no association. Please see more details and information in the links below. If you want other evidence and proof check out the Torah Codes the Prime Cleric of Lord RayEl and many other of his Clergy have done which corroborate these truths. Check out the documentary below for other fulfillments of prophecy.
To wrap this up in a snug little bow, Christ has not returned to make you feel better or give you a free pass with hugs and kisses.

As much as that sounds better than the world going through tribulation and birth pangs, it is reality and we must choose to follow the master of this world or God and His Son. We can see from scripture things are a bit more serious this go around compared to 2,000 years ago. From all of the End Times predictions that SO many people have been reporting and warning others of, to these other prophetic fulfillments and the advances in technology and speed of communication, mankind has no excuse to say "oops, I didn't know..."

I am one of Lord RayEl's Clergy members, and it is my duty to uphold and protect life. Every soul on this planet is worth saving. I am just the messenger, so it is up to YOU to choose which path to go down and who to follow. Do you want to follow the Adversary of this world, Satan, or do you want to follow the righteous path of God and His Son? The path of righteousness is the one that will allow you to inherit the New Kingdom. Here is my other message, please do your due diligence and research in order to find the higher path. I hope to see you in the New Kingdom very soon. Be prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually, because things are about to get rockier than ever and your faith will be tested. Don't be lukewarm or keep your head in the sand, the time to grow up and choose is NOW!

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.
Be well!
For more information and truths about End Times check out Sanctuary-Interfaith, ABN, and The Coming of the Messiah
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So true, we are just the messengers, and so many hate us for it :(
But I am so looking forward to the Mount of Olives splitting! Bring that on I say :) :) And this is a really good write-up, thank you belovebelight!
Very well done Judi!!
Blessed are those who keep watch.
Great write-up!
So many christians believe they will just skate right on into the New Kingdom... their in for a rude awakening