Have you been paying attention lately?
I feel I've asked this too many times over the past few years. The mainstream news could clue you in and show you that we are in the season Yeshua discussed in Matthew 24 if you haven't noticed already that we are in the time of the end or the end of the age...
If you have been following the EOC through the International Congregation of Lord RayEl then you've probably heard one of us talk about making exodus out of the United States of America. This is because Lord RayEl commanded all to leave her because she is the Mystery Babylon the book of Revelation discusses. How many have actually followed what Lord RayEl, the returned Christ, commanded? Sadly, only a handful. For many are called, but few are chosen. After so many years, there is a very important announcement regarding this exodus that Archbishop Eric Logan presented and shared yesterday:
Official Announcement: Exodus Call Ended
Know that these numbers do not reflect poorly on Christ, they reflect the cognitive dissonance, normalcy bias, and sheer laziness of those who call themselves followers of Christ...The pride and blatant disobedience do not speak at all towards the facts and evidence that prove that Christ has returned as Lord RayEl, it only shows how this wicked generation has made their choice, and it wasn't a wisely made one.
Be sure to watch the video in full, because your salvation may just depend on it...
Christ HAS returned as Lord RayEl. Check out the links below for the proof and evidence. The truth will set you free, but you need to seek it out first!

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.
Be well!

Gif Credit
For more information and truths about End Times check out Sanctuary-Interfaith, ABN, and The Coming of the Messiah
If you enjoy the work you see, consider donating, using this link, or donate to the Head of the EOC with this e-mail address: [email protected]
The gates of the Kingdom are narrow for a reason. It's time people realize that God doesn't actually want all of them around, and why.
They had their chance, now they can either support us, continue their own selfish ways, or faithfully, truly, leave Babylon and its ways.