Many may correlate the "Gospel" with the "Good News" and the "Great Commission"... However, what does "gospel" even mean? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the first definition of "gospel" is the following:
Definition of gospel (Entry 1 of 2)
1a often capitalized : the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation
For over 2,000 years there have been many versions and interpretations of Yeshua's message[s] taught. How is it that even now, after Constantine made Christianity what it is today by making those at the Council of Nicea agree on one version that became known as the "absolute truth" and canon, we still cannot come to terms with the most fundamental teachings Yeshua gave us in the Gospels, and those important writings not included in the canon? Is it just easier for a person to not seek out the matter for themselves? Is it better to go along with normalcy bias and cognitive dissonance? It seems everyone just wants the "easy button"... I couldn't allow myself to sit back and not find the answers to the questions so few were able to provide. History gives us a template and a trend if we are willing to be persistent to keep learning and changing our perspective. It is called gaining knowledge and using that knowledge to gain wisdom. Remember they say, "knowledge is power" and those that hold the true secrets to history and religion are wise and have control... Can you see that in today's world?
One of Yeshua's messages, in particular, is that of the two commandments he gave us. To love God and love each other. How is it that many in religious faiths [including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam], discriminate against each other, segregate themselves, point fingers, encourage hatred against another brother/sister, and even persecute some to death? Where is the love in that? How is ecumenicism bad if it is allowing others to look through their own teachings and find that they are all common and in unison with their Heavenly Creator? After all, we are ALL the Heavenly Father's children and therefore we are ALL brothers and sisters in that spiritual sense. How is it that we cannot come together to uphold the two commands we were given, even on such a basic level? How is it that such a simple teaching could be distorted so much?
As for the New Kingdom/Heaven, it is not something of just all clouds in the sky, pearly gates, and old saints in white robes frolicking around with the only purpose of singing and dancing around. It is a PHYSICAL Kingdom that will need to be built by all of those called, chosen, and worthy... Those with an enlightened mind and a noble heart. Don't you think you'd get bored if you were sitting there doing nothing all day but singing and you didn't need to do an ounce of work? How would that be fulfilling? Eternity is forever...
Just because the majority opinion of an interpretation of scripture stands within the religious community and among scholars, does not mean that it is an ABSOLUTE. That is ABSOLUTELY dangerous to think that! So many are willing to just believe blindly without looking into it further. Merriam-Webster defines "interpretation" as "the action of explaining the meaning of something". Over 2,000 years do you really think after Yeshua left that they believed what we do today? You know how the game of telephone goes, don't you? Think about it... Scripture can also be dualistic in meaning, whether literal or metaphorical. Keep those things in mind when you have questions no one can really seem to answer. Do you not think GOD is logical? Look at how everything around you works at such an amazing and intricate level that humans cannot even grasp or fathom the full meaning of. There is a lot within man-made religious interpretations and traditions that are NOT logical, so how is it that they CAN be ABSOLUTE? Just think about some of the things that don't quite make sense and see where it leads you... Pray about it...
However, the GOOD NEWS is that Christ DID return as it was predicted, prophecied, and anticipated by more than just one religion back in 2011. Yeshua came [as his name meant "salvation"] 2,000 years ago to get the keys to Hades to make it possible for us to be saved... That message is important, but he was to return to JUDGE the Nations, to RULE with an iron rod, to WAGE war. Read the book of Revelation and tell me where he is handing out free hugs and telling everyone they deserve a gold star sticker and a free pass into the New Kingdom/Heaven for going to church every Sunday? There is a lot more to it than just following the religious "norm"...
Even secular texts corroborate what is happening before us today! Look in the news, this planet is not doing so well, and big change is on the horizon. Nor are people these days doing well, physically, mentally, or spiritually... The GOSPEL is that Christ is HERE NOWMatthew 7:13 - and he has provided you with LOGICAL corrections to Man's poor interpretations! You all have probably seen many things posted by me in the past and I would not be upholding my oath and duty to you all if I did not share his message with you all. He came back as the Bible and other religious and secular texts predicted. YOU need to do your own research and not just take 5 seconds to discredit all of this. Go to and see for yourself. Don't just stop there, dig deeper than that. Find the corroborating truths and connect the dots. Remember, Yeshua taught REFORMED Judaism and he was put to death because the religious leaders did not want to give up their power. Don't follow the "norm" because as it says in
Enter the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road is spacious which leads to destruction, and many are those who are going in it.
So, will you take the time to search for the logic and truth in the facts? Or will you continue to take what the majority take as absolutes? I cannot provide you with ALL of the answers, but I can help guide you to the knowledge and light of Christ. This is something each person has to pursue for themselves. You cannot expect someone else to do all the hard work for you and give you the easy answer. There is no "easy button" here. Search through your own minds and hearts. This is a form of LOVE because I love you all and want you to CHALLENGE your normal ways of thinking. I embrace many faiths, but Christ's truth and His Father's will are among the highest. As Proverbs 15:32 states:
The one that detests discipline hates his soul and the one that hears correction possesses wisdom.
Christ returned with his new name as stated in Revelation 19:13, Ra-El which means the "Word of God"...
And he wore a garment soaked with blood, and his name is called The Word of God.
What does Christ ask of us today? He still asks that we love God and each other, and obey him!
It's time to learn past the errors of Man and learn the corrections from Christ. So, are you going to continue down through the wide gate? Or are you going to finally enter through the narrow gate and find your place in the New Kingdom with the King of all Kings? The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.
Be well!
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For more information and truths about End Times check out Sanctuary-Interfaith, ABN, and The Coming of the Messiah
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