What is the best Church?

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Greetings to my brothers from SteemChurch and Christian-trail


There are so many churches nowadays, that we often ask ourselves which is the correct one; In some cases, people attend a church only because of the glamor or façade it has, in other cases because of the fame and publicity that is heard, sometimes people attend other churches because they have been told that miracles are done and that Economic prosperity is received immediately after making the first monetary offering. People sometimes look for a church because of the pastor, because he likes how he talks or because of the jokes he tells, impresses him as he shouts or vituperates words that in many cases have no biblical basis and in other cases he attends a church because simple custom; In the background, many have no idea why they should attend a church.



So I, brothers, could not speak to you as spiritual, but as carnal, as children in Christ. I gave you to drink milk, and not via; because you were not yet able, nor are you still able, because you are still carnal; Since there are jealousies, strife, and dissensions among you, are you not carnal, and do you walk like men? Because saying the one: I am certainly Paul's; and the other: I am from Apollos, are you not carnal? What, then, is Paul, and what is Apollos? Servers by means of which you have believed; and that according to what each one granted the Lord. I planted, Apollos watered; but growth has been given by God. So neither the one who plants is something, nor the one who waters, but God, who gives the growth. And he who plants and he who waters are the same thing; although each one will receive his reward according to his work. Because we are God's collaborators, and you are God's work, God's building.


It is sad how it has become a business to spread the Word of God, and people with their ignorance realize, placing their trust and faith in people more than in Jesus Christ, think that a beautiful building or a shepherd Well dressed is the most important thing, God is everywhere. A pastor, preacher, priest, are only collaborators and not for their own merits but by God's grace, just as you and I should be at the service of the people and not to serve the people.

Find a church, where truly teach the Word of God, where you can study and become a true offering of love for our Lord, do not be impressed by the material or pagan aspects that many churches today offer believers as if It will be a circus show.

Let me tell you my dear brother, the church is in your heart, where the Spirit of God dwells, so you must always keep it clean of any bad feeling, eradicate from your being those thoughts and feelings that harm your neighbor, where only your benefit reigns above that of others. What good is it that you go to a big building dressed in your best clothes, if in reality your heart is empty, you have not learned anything from Jesus Christ and you are spiritually dead.

Reading and studying the Bible, constant prayer with the Lord is what will guide you on the right path; It is not that it is wrong to congregate in a church, but more than to seek a church, order your life and your being, to be a temple and abode of the Holy Spirit, do not allow yourself to contaminate yourself with religious fanaticism or pagan rituals that have no spiritual benefit to you. Christian life, but if what you are looking for is some personal benefit, then you can act as you see fit and continue deceiving others, except God with your Sunday religiousness.

Attend the church to study the Word of God, feed your spirit and faith in Jesus Christ, since the goal is that every day we seek to be better people: better son, friend, husband, co-worker, employee, student, father-in-law ... better Christians, and although we will never be like Jesus Christ, but let us strive to look more and more like the Son of God.


God bless you!


Dear @bertha1

Several important issues to discuss, although the Church is not perfect, should always be a moral guide for society. We must let love flow in the membership and tolerate each other. Good picture!

Resteem by: EC

Thank you for voting for STEEMCHURCH in the poll!


An intriguing read. Great topic and great reflection.

Posted using Partiko Android

There’s only one true church, and it’s you and I who are purchased and sanctified in Christ, being built up a spiritual house for our God.

Like you said, we must guard our hearts and I add; we must also honor God in our bodies which are Gods.

God bless his Church!

Thanks @bertha1

Excellent message my dear sister and friend, thank you for sharing your valuable knowledge.