The Prayer That Works

in #steemchurch7 years ago
James 5:16

Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.


God wants you to have answers to prayers. He doesn't want you to seek Him in vain.

Isaiah 45:19 tells us

I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain: I the Lord speak righteousness, I declare things that are right

God said He never said to the descendants of Jacob to seek Him in vain. God has not said to seek Him in vain. But you must know how to pray the prayer that works. Today's opening verse tells us that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. The Amplified Version puts it this way: ''.... the heartfelt, continued, prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available, which is dynamic in its working.”

Firstly, the prayer that works is that which is prayed in faith, according to the Word of God. God is not committed to answer any prayer that is contrary to His will. He will only answer prayers prayed according to His will. Therefore make sure to pray according to the provision in the Word. Amen!

Secondly, prayers must be rendered unto God with fervency - an outburst of a heartfelt desire. Prayer is not prayer until desire is involved. Mark 11:24 tells us that whatsoever we desire when We pray, we must believe that we receive them, and we shall have them. Desire according to the Word starts off prayer. You must have a heartfelt, boiling desire for what you are asking God for. When prayer is prayed in faith according to God's Word, and with a heartfelt desire, it makes tremendous power available that is dynamic in its working. Don't pray to God just with your lips. Don't pray just with your words. Pray in faith, and pray with boiling point fervency erupting from your heart to the Lord; and God will answer you! Amen!


The easiest way to well up desire for what you require of the Lord is to meditate on the Word that promises that thing, and see yourself possessing it. You must see answers to prayers before you see them in physical manifestation. When you see the end from the beginning, then your faith and desire can go through the process to get there.


Prayer works. Especially the passionate, authoritative prayers you see filling the Psalms, the Gospels, and the New Testament. Thanks for this fine one.

Thanks for contributing to the church Boykhilo. A sincere prayer from our heart is one that pleases God. Just like talking to a parent, we have to talk to God with respect.

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Prayer is one of the most important things any child of God cannot ignore. We need to pray but it is also necessary that we know what make prayer works.
It is indeed sad when you have prayed and yet you have received no answers. I'm glad you have shared with us things that makes prayer works.
Thank you

Don't throw away prayers because you are discouraged when it doesn't seem to work.
Be steadfast,faithful and have faith in God.
Prayers that work isn't merely a matter of
gift or personality.
You must be positive and see God answered your prayers even before he does, that way we already have faith that he has answered our prayers and so physically our prayers would definitely be answered by him.
We just have to be faithful and believe in him for our prayers to be answered.

Yes that is true God want us to get answers when we pray that is the reason why Christians must be submissive when praying and open up our heart desires up him for he alone can help us.

Prayers are best gift from GOD to us, If we truely prayer with our hearts, GOD will nevery denei our prayers.

God is always committed to answering us whenever we call on Him.
We need to keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking.
We commune to God through prayers.
We need faith to connect with God,
We need a lifestyle that pleases Him,
We need a heart that forgive his fellow human being,
We need to speak His word back to Him and we need to watch our desire/motive

God is always ready to answer us if only we call according to His laid down principles. Most a times some complained that they don't receive answer to their prayers whereas their prayers might be to satisfy their own selfish interest and not to the glory of God .

Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
James 4:3

We need to ask in faith and in obedient to God while keep meditating on His word and keep praising Him believing that He is God that answers prayers.
God is always committed to answer us but He check the motive behind our call.

Ask and it shall be given unto you.....
Matt: 7:7

Most Christian pray but fail to walk in their prayer.After praying a lot seems to still complain and worry.walking in your prayer is believing God that He has already answer every prayer of yours.Prayer is always the key

God has established prayer as the means by which we receive his supernatural help. And without supernatural help, we cannot live a life worthy of the gospel. Everything that distinguishes Christians from the world in a Christ-exalting way is a work of God’s supernatural grace. And God has ordained that this grace flows to us through prayer. That’s why prayer must be central, not peripheral, in our lives and families and ministries.

Supplication is a standout amongst the most imperative things a Christian can do. It is a period they are speaking with God and it ought to be considered important.

Prayer from our heart is the only prayer that the lord will accept .

Christ is everything and he is all we have , we need to trust him with all our heart and soul and be everything we have for he is the almighty .
Do not let your self to be desieved
put your trust in the living God and he will always give you all you deserve
The more we call our self try Christians and do the things of the Lord the devil will always be there to tempt u through the sins of the flesh like sex, drug and so on .
The devil hasno better plan than to destroy us and take the relationship between us and God away.
Be careful what you do for christ will always be there to see you through even when the enemy is around and this is for those who truelly believe in him and do his will.
Trust him

It is Gods greatest joy to see our prayers and greatest desires beign met because he cares for us, in psalm 23 his promises are established.

1The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

The continuous prayer changes the circumstances. God does not want us to look for it in vain. There is power in Him.
It is indeed sad when you have prayed and yet you have received no answers. I'm glad you have shared with us things that makes prayer works

Prayer that seeks the purpose of God's will is always answered. How do you know the will of God before you pray? That is why the Holy spirit is always there to guide us so we should pray in the spirit

Who else knows our #Tears Speak Faster than our Mouth could?

Prayer with a clean state of Mind works
Prayer with Faith works.

prayer is the key

Great post @boykhilo

Prayer is one of the most important things a Christian can do. It is a time they are communicating with God and it should be taken very seriously. While there is deep theological meaning in prayer , it doesn't have to be something that is complicated and difficult. It's something anyone can do anywhere at any time.

God says: Cry to me and I will answer you and show you great and hidden things that you do not know, when we seek God it is never in vain He is the almighty and inclines his ear to the prayers that are made from the deepest part of the heart .

God always challenges us to look for him with determination. The continuous prayer changes the circumstances. God does not want us to look for it in vain. There is power in Him.

Prayers are best gift from GOD to us,

Prayer from our heart is the only prayer that the lord will accept .

God has established prayer as the means by which we receive his supernatural help.