Naturally the Messiah wants you to serve God, so LETS NOT GET CONFUSED. We serve God as does his son!
Now the thing that might bother you is that Christ beholds supreme wisdom in understanding Satan's true role. Christ wants and needs for you to uphold truth and not reject his knowledge and truth!
Satan's role is to test mankind in order to determine among them who are the worthy to enter into the New Kingdom. Our role is to PASS THAT TEST! No need to label Good or Evil. It is his job. It is his role.
We know who we serve and it is not Satan.
When anyone is learning the truth it is natural to be scared or taken back because the TRUTH can be a bitter awakening pill. Be open, stay clear, ask questions, drop defenses . Never assume anything!
If you attempt to curse or test the tester then you may put yourself into a regretful predicament as we are taught not to provoke or challenge Satan! If you ASK for it and put it out there then you will get it without God's protection! We urge you to just focus on what God wants you to do and it IS NOT to provoke , curse and challenge Satan! It is not the way of God!
Many however do serve Satan and some of them do not even realize it because they are so deeply saturated in what they want without considering if it is even God's true will. It is liken to "selling the soul."
Now what kind of things should newbies need to know about Satan? This being the end time I would think it is important to share excerpts from the Gospel of Angelus Domini to reveal once hidden truths to the masses. This is also a great refresher for others who already know the truth!
Here are some important and common questions and Divine answers that came from the Lord's Imperial Regent Angelus Domini
The answer is in this question* What are Reptilians?
The Reptilians are the armies of Satan, and the Anunnaki fleet has arrived to assist Lord RayEl remove Satan and his legions from Earth.
They have infiltrated planet earth and under great cloaking technology as a guise so that you cannot readily see them.
They are in politics, military, Hollywood actors and actresses , aerospace, media, news and more! This is not a fairy tale. It is a reality.
Satan does what he does, because God wants him to strengthen Man through adversity, because adversity does build character
His tests determine if you are worthy to enter into the Kingdom.
On a final note on this part he does not behold horns and red skin!
In America, the seat of Satan, you are among the highest concentration of Christians in the world, yet these Christians knowingly call Christ "Jesus", knowing that the name was a Roman replacement name, and violates the commandment not to take the Lord's name in vain.
America has been given over to a strong delusion, and 9.8 times out of 10, when we lose someone, it's an American, so look deeply before abandoning salvation.
New Living Translation (©2007)
2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
EVERYTHING about The Messiah Lord RayEl is backed up with proof and scriptural evidence.
- ...he doesn't match what YOU believed, but he does match scripture. See, this is the core of the problem with American Christianity, you have all been fed a satanic lie about Christ's return, that has caused American Christians to believe things that are not scriptural. You must guard against this Vince, and ask yourself "am I believing what is written, or am I corrupting the truth with non-biblical beliefs?"
I say this out of love, because I have witnessed far too many Americans lost to this.
Remember Satan is the Master of Lies. He mixes the truth with lies to cause confusion! If you fail to seek the truth then you will only fall for the lies and continue to perpetuate and live within lies. Confusion is one of his specialties.
DECEPTION * Satan claiming that he is Lucifer
Satan has fooled many into believing he is Lucifer, but the Bible clearly tells you that Christ is Lucifer.
Lucifer in the Bible is the "Morning Star":
King James Bible- Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
New International Version- Isaiah 14:12 How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
Revelation 22:16
“I Jesus have sent my angel to you with this testimony for the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright morning star.”
So as you can see, by Christ's own words, he is Lucifer, not Satan.
The role of Lucifer (Christ) is enlightenment.
Lucifer means "light bearer".
John 8:12 And Yeshua spoke again with them and he said: “I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Light of the world. Whoever follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall find the light of life.
It was all part of the 'great deception' the Bible warned of. Satan making the world think that he was Lucifer.
Satan is the "Prince of darkness". Christ is the "Light of the world".
The casting out of Lucifer is derived from Isaiah 14, but (hold on to your seats here), it is a perfect description of what happened to our Lord when he was here 2000 years ago.
The trick is to read Isaiah 14's "Fall of Lucifer" as a Jew of the period, and see how Christ's time here is perfectly described:
(My comments will be in parentheses)
- Isaiah 14:12-20
12 “How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
(We showed above how Christ declared himself the Morning Star {Lucifer} in Revelation 22:16)
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
(We all know the history of Christianity's effect on the pagan nations, and how he was "cut down")
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
(Christ ascended into Heaven)
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
(Stars are another term for angels, and Christ's throne is above them)
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
(We all know of Christ's "Sermon on the mount")
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
(The Bible clearly describes Christ's ascension and likeness to his Father)
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.
(Christ was killed, and descended into Hell before the resurrection)
16 “Those who see you will gaze at you,
And consider you, saying:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms,
17 Who made the world as a wilderness
And destroyed its cities,
Who did not open the house of his prisoners?’
18 “All the kings of the nations,
All of them, sleep in glory,
Everyone in his own house;
(We know the Romans and Jews mocked Christ in this way)
19 But you are cast out of your grave
Like an abominable branch,
Like the garment of those who are slain,
Thrust through with a sword,
Who go down to the stones of the pit,
Like a corpse trodden underfoot.
(Christ was cast out from the grave {obviously Satan wasn't}, stabbed, and Zechariah 6:12 specifically refers to Christ as "the Branch")
20 You will not be joined with them in burial,
Because you have destroyed your land
And slain your people.
and killed your people.
(The Jews rejected Christ and the effect he had against them, and obviously he's not buried with them).
So now you see that this doesn't describe Satan at all, but perfectly describes Christ.
Lucifer means "light bearer".
John 8:12 And Yeshua spoke again with them and he said: “I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Light of the world. Whoever follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall find the light of life.”
- A lot of conversation about people rejecting our Lord... Hopefully this helps.
Keep in mind that the "Jesus" people have worshipped for the past 2000 years, is only a caricature, a picture or an idol people would pray to, that would NEVER tell them they were wrong, evil, or horrible. The people invented a god that would always forgive them, and always tell them that they were right... I'm sure most of you now see this for the delusion it is, and understand now why idol worship and graven images were forbidden.
Now that the real Christ has returned, the people reject him because he demands things of them, he chastises them for being wrong, he doesn't forgive someone who really isn't remorseful or repentant, and he has no tolerance for willful ignorance and stupidity.
The people prefer their fantasy Jesus, and they fight to keep worshipping him, not simply because they reject RayEl, but because they know RayEl will reject them.
"Jesus" was a replacement name for Yeshua, a Roman attempt at removing the true name of power from the lips of Christians.
As for "Anti-Christ", this is a biblical misunderstanding by most Christians. The King James Bible uses the word "antichrist" exactly 5 times. The Bible tries to explain how people would come to deny the truth of Christ, and that these people had within them a "spirit of antichrist". The Bible was speaking of a false belief system, not an actual person. It wasn't until later Bibles were printed that the word "the" was placed before the word "antichrist", to fool Christians into believing that this was an actual person. Many who preach the Bible claim that the "Beast", or the "Lawless One", or the "Man of Sin", and others, are all a single person who is "the Anti-Christ". Their twisting of John's words is a heresy, and they have caused much confusion among the Christian faithful.
It is this type of misinterpretation that Lord RayEl is working to correct. As he recently put it: "While the waters rise to the necks of my children, they are still searching for a single drop of rain!" meaning that instead of guarding themselves from the dangers of a growing worldwide anti-Christian philosophy, most Christians are instead watching for a single man to bring them harm.
This "great deception" was purposely placed in the minds of Christians, to sow the seeds of doubt and befuddlement, so that upon Christ's return, the faithful would assume treachery, instead of immediately recognizing and embracing their awaited Messiah, because they were sure the evil one would come first. Christians would think the true Christ was instead the Anti-Christ, and they would reject him (and lose their salvation in the process).
Sadly, most Christians are so pride-filled, that they are aware of a great deception, but they're sure that they wouldn't fall for it.
But there's a reason for it. Satan made Christianity the "catch all" religion, setting the bar reeeeeaaaally low, by requiring nothing of people who call themselves Christian. They don't have to learn the scriptures, or change their lives, they can be as screwed up as they want, and just come in on Sunday, say "sorry", throw some money in the plate, and go on proclaiming to be "saved".
This is why they are being found unworthy.
They try to cram some false doctrine in about the Antichrist, Bride, and Rapture, but it's produced by an American church, so that's to be expected.
- There was a post just rejected because it's an example of FALSE TEACHINGS.
When people claim they are receiving messages from Christ, you must remember this...
- Our Lord knows his own name, and would NEVER call himself "Jesus".
- Our Lord declared in Revelation 22:16 that he is Lucifer, so he would NOT say bad things about Lucifer.
- Our Lord has impeccable mastery of the English language, unlike most of these "messengers".
- Our Lord chooses his messengers wisely, and at present, he almost exclusively uses members of this congregation.
Christians love to declare themselves messengers and prophets, as a way to stroke their own deluded egos, and look important among other Christians, but if you use the above guidelines, you will quickly sort out the real from the horse shit.
*...Do not be fooled by the modern teachings of the church, Christ has not RETURNED IN THE END TIME to cuddle, he has come to vengefully judge, and the scriptures tell this to be so.
He shall find 500 million worthy souls to inhabit Earth, and populate his New Kingdom, and those worthy ones will live in light and love forever.
Matthew 10:34-39 Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's foes will be those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.
- They gain followers by giving a "feel good" message (that's what Satan does) that strokes the individual ego, but they can never provide any proof.
We tell it like it is, we hurt feelings, we slap people upside their delusional head with a big wet fish... but we prove what we say.
The evolution of Man will come from hard truth, not comfortable lies.
GIVE ME ,GIVE ME , I WANT , I WANT. It is almost as if people want Christ to be like the character "Santa Claus"
...people want "magic genie Jesus", who they can pray to, get forgiveness from, and get all of their wishes granted, but it doesn't work that way. He is building a kingdom, and there are rules in the kingdom, and the first rule is that EVERYBODY contribute, so that the burdens and responsibilities are S H A R E D... He's done enough for everyone, it's time people took the responsibility to do their part.
And the Bible COMMANDS tithing/donations, so if people want to disobey, then they will be chastised for it, it's that simple.
- False name of Jesus
... he will no longer suffer the profaning of His holy name (by those who call Him "Jesus").
It's amazing how in all this time, almost nobody figured out his name would be RaEl (RayEl), even when 2 Chronicles 7:14 clearly says of Israel "My people, upon whom My name is called".
- IS-RA-EL explained
So unless anybody is aware of a tribe of people named "Jesus", it's time for Christians to accept the truth.
Eze 39:7 And My holy name will I make known in the midst of My people Israel; neither will I suffer My holy name to be profaned any more; and the nations shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.
The Holy Name within the name Israel = Ra-El. –
Now let’s break down the name ISRAEL into Hebrew words: ישראל
יש = ‘Existence’
ישר = ‘Straight’ ‘Honest’
ראל = ‘Rael’
אל = ‘God’ ‘To’
יש ראל = ‘Existence Rael’
ישר אל = ‘Honest God’
2 Chronicles 7:14 "if My people, upon whom My name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Earth is a school for immature souls, and the divisions of mankind here, are preparation for dealing with the multitudes of races you will encounter when the quarantine is lifted off of this planet.
Some will return to the planet(s) of the race that seeded them, some will go to a form of remedial training elsewhere (known by the s Catholics as "Purgatory"), some will be punished, and those deemed "unsalvageable" will be destroyed.
- Hell is very real. It was originally a vast underground Anunnaki mining facility in Africa, that was converted into a penal facility. There are other penal planets/facilities within The Empire, but Hell is one of the worst. It does still exist, and it is still used.
Some people will go there, some will go elsewhere, depending upon the outcome of their judgement.
Some will return to the planet(s) of their seeder race, and some, deemed beyond salvation, will be destroyed.
But 500 million, who follow Our Lord, will be saved by His Grace.
Hindus have a better grasp that it's not one location [Hell], but an entire penal system.
WISDOM: Has Satan tricked you into going to Hell?
Modern forms of entertainment (even cartoons) have made "damn" and "go to Hell" acceptable slander, yet these two forms of cussing are direct violations of The Lord's law.
Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Damning someone/something, is saying you want him/her/it to be condemned to Hell.
Words matter... Think before you speak.
- The Bible clearly states that he is here this time to JUDGE, and to separate the wheat from the tares.
They believe in Satan's corporate church Jesus, not the Christ of the Bible.
Most of the Battle of Armageddon will be fought by Earth's forces, but if Satan does not accept our change of command, then we let the fleet get involved.
The Battle of Armageddon will be less about good vs. evil, and more about destroying the old kingdom, so that the New Kingdom can take its place.Satan's team believes that Man is far too inferior to progress into the next stage of evolution, and to prove that point, they enjoy waving the truth in the faces of the masses, and watching how few will accept it.
Unfortunately, more often than not, the people will accept the comfortable lie, over the obvious truth... Thereby proving Satan's team right.
So when they do big things, they announce it, and sit back comfortably knowing it will make little difference.
... Don't think for a second that that wasn't Satan trying to distract people away from our earth-shaking revelation, that is his way. While the world is coming apart at the seams, he has the masses focused on sports, celebrities and sitcoms... He is the master of distraction, and yesterday was a very blatant signature attack by him.
- Rejecting the Messiah
It's called "Judgement Day". If your religious teachers neglected to inform you about it, then they are the false ones, not him.
You can be half boy scout and half Mother Teresa, but if you reject him, don't plan on being accepted by him.
Satan gives you doubt, in the face of the overwhelming proof you've seen... To doubt, given all that has transpired, isn't just a lack of faith, it's a lack of logic.
- It is all part of the final phase.
IT IS TIME IS NOW TO GIVE YOURSELF TO GOD ...Seek the Lord and follow his way for it is the LIGHT AND TRUTH and ONLY way to salvation! All of these evidences can be inquired about and found here
Via Pay pal [email protected]
More End Times Information:
Sources and Credits
God and His Son
The Gospel of Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
I do not claim ownership of the photos
Hi, what a good topic of truth, and we have to defend the word of our Heavenly Father, because satan is attentive to tear down but our trust and faith with that the evil one can not and can not. Kisses and many blessings
Yes, trust , faith are very important and Satan is good at propagating fear so there is confusion and chaos !
Many blessings and thanks!
If we underestimate Satan in a spirit of arrogance, we set ourselves up to disappoint our Father in Heaven, or worse. Satan tests us, knowing quite well our general nature and weaknesses.
This is such an important topic. This post has so much information in it, that it is mind boggling. I know most of all of this from the teachings of Lord RayEl but If I was a new person just learning all of this, my mind would be hurting right now. Thank you so much, this is such eye opening information.
It is very true that "Satan" is not just a personified depiction of a beast with horns and a pitchfork, but he is extremely intelligent and our greatest adversary for that reason. He was made our adversary not just because he decided to rebel, but he was sent by God [see the book of Job if anyone doubts that statement] to test us. That is a fact, and it is a huge mistake to underestimate him as he will dangle the carrot in front of anyone to make them take the bait. So many are tricked because they have the wrong idea due to other human interpretation. It is extremely important to understand that concept, otherwise, it is easier to be deceived. Excellent post, thank you!
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I've spoken on Satan many times. It's funny how people will always blame it on him or demons when it's clearly the person falling for the trap.
Knowledge is truth...and truth is knowledge...
False preachers are leading people in the wrong direction, often on purpose!
Great post, and a lot to take in. Wow!