The greatest discovery of life is to find Jesus Christ and discover that he has a glorious plan for each one of us, but where to find God?
The patriarch Job wondered: "Who would give me the know where to find God!" (Job 23: 3). Millions of people seek to fill their existential void with unrestrained sex, drug use, money or fame. But none of that satisfies the soul. Our greatest need is Christ, and our greatest and best discovery is Christ. Without Christ life is empty, without direction or meaning. The worst deception is to believe that we can live without God. Many have everything to live, but they have nothing to live for. For many its sun was already hidden, they think it is too late to start again, but God has opened a door of hope where we can enter a higher life here, and another very glorious in the second advent of Christ.
In the third chapter of the Gospel according to John we find an enlightened man who seeks God. His name is Nicodemus:
"There was a man of the Pharisees whose name was Nicodemus, a principal among the Jews. He came to Jesus at night, and said to him: Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher; because nobody can do these signs that you do, if God is not with him. Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he can not see the kingdom of God" (John 3: 1-3).
First, let's visualize the character. In Nicodemus we have a model of refinement, it is an intellectual, a theologian, a man of great reputation.
So there are many today; they stand out for their knowledge of the sciences, letters or arts, but they ignore the most important thing in life: the new birth, the transformation of the mind, the regeneration by the work and grace of Christ. They were born in the biological kingdom but have not been born in the kingdom of God. It is interesting that to give us this lesson of universal application Christ did not choose a promiscuous or depraved person but an eminence, one who stood out among men, and said: "You have to be born again, from the water by the baptism of repentance , and of the Spirit internally and spiritually. "
You and I also need to be transformed. This process of sanctifying transformation is the greatest miracle of divine love, and constitutes the prerequisite for entering the kingdom of grace and the future reign of glory. It is not because of fasting and mortifications; for pilgrimages or flogging or for walking miles on their knees; it is not by good deeds that the soul is freed from its sinful bondage. The kingdom of God is a new life that comes from above. The earthly does not lead to the celestial; nor does the human lead to the divine.
The human being has to be rescued by God by the introduction of a new principle of life and power in the soul. That power has a name and surname: Jesus, the Christ. He who is not re-spiritualized can not understand the wonder of this birth.
The heart, the mind. We are born with a corrupted heart, with a sinful mind, a slave to sin. A heart that resembles a garden plagued by tares: the bad thoughts that produce bad actions. Christ came to cleanse that heart of the impurities of sin.
The supreme opportunity. Today is the time of opportunity to be born again and change the course of life and destiny. Today you and I can be saved if we go to Jesus Christ. "Behold now the acceptable time" (2 Corinthians 6: 2). Come to Jesus today, just as you are, invite him to your heart, and he will do the miracle of recreating you in his own image.
Amen dear Sister!
I am thankful that I am no the man I used to be! My favorite scripture in the Bible is II Cor 5:17 If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things have passed away and all thing have become new, and all things are of God! Made again, born again! Hallelujah!
Thank you!
Daddy William
Love my dear friend, that is when we give ourselves to God from the heart, the past is behind us and all things from now on will be for good.
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Thank you friend @wafrica for the support and of course I am following you