Greetings to you wonderful people, am glad tobbe on your way this morning, its really a pleasure and i give God the praise.
Sometimes we go through challenges over and over again without getting perfect result and we keep asking **Does it mean God has forgotten us? **. Obviously no, its about time we start looking for the prescription to challenges other than sit and complain.
Now, i think you will agree with me that the Word of God is the ultimate, and with it we can overcome any stronghold?. Its not all about living holy and all that but knowing the prescription.
Lets take a critical look at the children of israel and the wall of jericho. That wall was a very big barrier to them, even not all of them are completely holy, funny enough they where no writting bible about what they have to do, just that they where given instruction which is the Word and they obeyed by going round the wall singing praise to God Almighty of which for the last time they shoutted and all that then the mighty wall fell apart.
Now it will interest you to know that while they where singing and carrying out that assignment, they had no doubt in their 💞 heart.
This story should make and enable us see the power in praise, whenever you have a challenge of any kind channel it to God through praise from the innermost part of your heart and while doing this have no doubt of any kind. Claim it with faith.
Remember faith is an evedence of things yet to be seen.
Abraham became the father of many nations cos he never doubted God even at his very old age.
Claim your miracle today with praise and in the Word of God. Remember everything you see or can think of was made through the Word. So when you praise The Word, you have your miracle. But remember without doubt.
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