On the 3rd of March, a West Virginian church went up in flames! A fire so hot and devastating that the firefighters had to back away at one point! After the fire was put out, they were shocked to discover that neither the Bible's nor the crosses were burnt or even touched by the flames!

The following statements were made from the firefighters.
"In your mind, everything should be burned, ashes. Not a single bible was burned and not a single cross was harmed!!" the department wrote.
On March 3 around 12:58am our department was dispatched to assist Beaver VFD with a structure fire at the Freedom Ministries Church, located in Grandview WV. Though odds were against us, God was not.
Picture this, a building so hot that at one point in time, firefighters had to back out. In your mind, everything should be burned, ashes. Not a single bible was burned and not a single cross was harmed!! Not a single firefighter was hurt!
Prayers for the pastor and the congregation today.
The Imperial Regent Angelus Domini, and Cardinal Adam Muema quoted the following scriptures.
Luke 21:33
Earth and sky will pass away, but it is certain that my words will not pass away.
Matthew 24:25
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Cardinal Joseph Monte also stated the following:
We've seen our Lord send a message like this numerous times before... He has urged all to come out of the heretical churches and follow the Word of God, and his clergy, directly!
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It has occurred a few times now... an appropriate message I would say. And also very appropriate scripture quotes.
The truth! The word of God remains!
Quite a fascinating sign!
The number of times this has happened should be a clear message that the church of man is dead and the time of the Word of God is now!