STEEMCHURCH : The Lord changes your life in an instant

in #steemchurch7 years ago



Life can change from one moment to another, and it is true that everything the Lord does and allows to happen is subject to his will and within his perfect plans.

We must invest time in knowing more about God and believing in our faith, he can answer our requests, fix problems, provide for any need and even heal diseases. Absolutely nothing represents a difficulty for him, but we must not forget that the main interest of the Lord for us is in our heart, God wants to form us and shape us through adversities, so that we can become men in whom he deposits his trust and thus use us in their purposes.

The Lord knows our heart so well, and he loves us. He not only knows who we are now and who we were in the past, he also knows who we will become if we allow ourselves to be guided by him, by his word, by forming us with his love.

The Lord never planned to surrender with you, because you are his job and he does not intend to abandon it halfway, for this reason he wants to have a personal relationship of love with his children. To teach how to face trials and difficulties, restore the wounds of the past, and direct your's steps, in their eternal ways and purposes.

The Lord can change your life in an instant

Remember well, that he Lord will never force you to do something you do not want, that is why he longs for your heart before anything else so that you voluntarily follow him.

He raises the poor from the dust, and exalts the needy from the dunghill, puts them among the princes and places them in the seats of honor. Of Jehovah are the pillars of the earth, and he affirmed on them the world


Nothing ever escapes sight and control of the Creator of the universe

We must understand that only those who have developed an intimate relationship with the Lord and understood their insurmountable love for us, know that he will not leave him alone and that he will arrive at the precise moment to take control of every situation to help him cross the desert where you are.

God will welcome us to his family

No matter who we are or what we have done before.


The Bible says: 1 Samuel 10:6

The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you with power, and you will be transformed into a different person

The Lord changes our life in an instant, and it is beautiful to recognize that we are nothing without him, and that being in his presence, we will be in a life full of hope and peace, because it is a firm and stable the path by which we walk. It is the door of escape in the midst of adversity and constant fulfillment for those who know and recognize that they are doing the will of their Creator.

The most important of all, is that our Creator wants to give us a new and eternal life, through which we can walk for the rest of our lives.

The Lord is so wonderful that he has everything in his hands, to raise up those whom others despise, as well as to fill with resources those who have only known poverty.

The Apostle Paul mentions it in his first letter to the Christians in the city of Corinth: few of you were wise in the eyes of the world or powerful when God called you; Instead, God chose what the world considered ridiculous for shame those who consider themselves wise and he chose things that have no power to shame the powerful. God chose what he despised the world, what was considered as nothing and used it to make it nothing, what the world considers important.

Our Creator wants to take over our lives to change it, wants to transform it to turn it into a full life, which you have never known before.

Just Enough a moment of faith and a commitment to follow the Lord, so that he takes our lives, and so use them in a way that we have never imagined, to carry out purposes that never would have considered in your life to do, but only with our Lord directing us we can do it. Because we have entrusted our lives to him and in the end we can only say these words like Samuel's mother: My heart rejoices in the Lord, the Lord has strengthened me

The Lord changes your life in an instant, so just let Him take control of you, and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you and so you can know more about the Father's heart.


Indeed the The Lord changes your life in an instant, so just let Him take control of you..... thanks for this wouderful post, Upvoted and resteem

Our hearts should only long for the Lord to control us, to fill us with him, forn to see the magnificence of the Father. How wonderful it is, when the Lord changes our lives and we continue on his way.

Another great post again, detailed write up, as it speaks directly to my heart...... thanks for sharing this post

Hello, thank you very much for reading this important topic, because only with the Lord can we change our lives, because we are born again in him.

When God takes control of one's life, a change to his ways occurs. Thanks for this powerful message @cindycam

Thanks to you, for finding in these words a great feeling, and a power as it shows in the word. We must let the Lord take control of us, to see the change.

The lord is the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega, he said is there anything too hard for me?
That's why we believe him to change our story by being steadfast and prayerfully persistent.

He will change us, so we allow ourselves to be one body in the name of Jesus.

Absolutely true and of great facts that if the lord comes into your life all things are passed away and all things become new.

into a different person
The Lord changes our life in an instant, and it is beautiful to recognize that we are nothing without him...

And for that we should always be greatful.

We are absolutely nothing without him, because he gives life, he is the one in charge of guiding us, and we must see all the signs he shows us, to go in the way of good.

Life can change from one moment to another, and it is true that everything the Lord does and allows to happen is subject to his will and within his perfect plans.
This is Very true!.
Great word today @cindycam

Hi thank you very much, with these words I describe what our Father has made clear, with facts.

awesome sermon.The lord can do wonders in our life but this is made possible if only we believe in him and have absolute faith in his power. we cant doubt God and expect miracles in our life. we must first believe then leave the others to God to handle.

Trust in God, that is the best we can do in our lives. Our faith must remain at all times.

"The Lord changes your life in an instant, so just let Him take control of you, and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you and so you can know more about the Father's heart."

The above statement really touched my heart.. 👍 @cindycam

We must allow him to be in us, to control us, we must not resist the beauty of the love of Jesus Christ.

All that is required to get the instant change is "divine intervention"

The intervention of the Holy Spirit is the magnificence of our Father.

HE can transform anyone at anytime :

The Bible says: 1 Samuel 10:6

The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you with power, and you will be transformed into a different person

He transformed Saul to Paul
Thanks for sharing

The light of the Holy Spirit transforms us, thus, he converted him, our Father does everything with a porposito.

What can we do without christ, When he knocks be sure to open your heart to him so that he will guide and protect you from all things.

The change that our Father makes is fundamental to have a new life, so we must receive it with joy.

It true God will take control of your heart,if you release your life to him,so that you receive instant trasformation

We must yearn for that transformation and, thus, we will see the glory of God.

The Lord is so wonderful that he has everything in his hands, to raise up those whom others despise, as well as to fill with resources those who have only known poverty.

Thank you for sharing this.

The Lord makes everything possible, even for those who believe that there is no such possibility.
Trust in the Lord and you will see the result.