SteemChurch - Trials and Temptations

in #steemchurch7 years ago

In every facet of our daily living, we go through one situation or the other which may have us reconsidering our stand in Christ. It may have made us doubt our very salvation and it plunges us into a dilemma of whether or not to commit a sin. These situations are trials and temptations and they are quite common in the life of a Christian and they are essential to build our spiritual being.


The Bible tells us to be happy in these times. It even urges us to be glad that we experience trials and temptations.

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
James 1:2-3

Ironic right? But its true fact. The only way to make Gold shine brighter is to pass it through fire! Its the same way temptations make you stronger and brighter.

You might feel God has stretched you too far with the temptation you are going through. However, God has assured us that He would not let us go through trails that are way beyond our capability to handle.

But God is faithful; He will not suffer you to be tempted beyond that which ye are able to bear, but with the temptation will also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
1 Corinthians 10: 13

Temptations are an integral part of every Believer's Heavenly race. Even in the Bible, as perfect as Job was in the eyes of God, He still let him go through harsh temptations. Job knew this and that was one of the reasons he was able to overcome this temptation.

But he knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold.
Job 23: 10

The first Man and Woman went through temptations at the beginning; They were tempted to eat of the very attractive beautiful fruit which God asked them not to eat of. Unfortunately they fell.

Temptations are like examinations; They determine whether or not we go to the next level. Also, the higher you go in level, the harder the examinations. Likewise temptations! They become tougher and tougher as you grow. But hey, its for your own good.
You may be going through one problem or the other. You might be at the brink of throwing in the towel. You might have felt that God has abandoned you.
But He's there. He has always been there! He just needs you to grow!
A mother will watch her little kid crawl, struggle and staggers towards her to get his toy which is laying just by her feet. In fact, even when the baby successfully crawls to that point, she pushes the toy farther!

But she doesnt hate her baby! She won't request or expect him to do a marathon race. She just needs him to grow! She needs him to learn how to walk! She doesn't want to see him suffer. If he was in any form of danger that would harm him, she would intervene.


Its the same with God. He doesn't hate you neither does He just want to see you suffer. He needs you to grow up and He knows you can overcome, which is why He allowed you go through that situation!

Dear friend, in that situation you feel there is no hope, do not give up. Perserve just a little while longer. It'll soon be over! God's got your back. You'll definetly emerge from that trial or temptation stronger!

Thanks for reading. I hope you were blessed!

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I am truely blessed with this post...Thank God for bringing you to #steemchurch