The most incomparable love is that of our GOD, his love for us is genuine. There is no one in this world who can love us as HE loves us.
He gave himself to give us life, salvation, love and freedom, enduring everything on a cross, in which all our sins were transmitted. The suffering that happened before and after arriving at that moment was very painful, one of the saddest events for him, is when one of his disciples betrays him for some coins.
JESUS had a Judas as one of his apostles, who was also part of his friends and family.
Matthew 12, 46-50 JESUS was speaking to the crowd. Somebody said to him: Your mother and your brothers are there and they want to talk to you. In the presence of these family ties, JESUS takes the opportunity to give a great opportunity, pointing with his hand to his disciples, added: These are my mother and my brothers, and then added: Because everything he does is the will of my father He is in heaven, he is my brother, my sister and my mother. He does not deny love to his mother or relatives, and speaks of that other great Christian family. It is not linked to the unique human love of a family. There is another spiritual family that loves, in a spiritual and supernatural order, with a love more intimate and profound than the human love with which he loves the mother and the brothers.
However, a betrayal by a brother or friend is very painful. JESUS was always clear that what he came to do on earth, and nothing was going to move him from the established.
He came to impart the freedom we have today when we confess his name and accept him as our savior. On the cross he won the most important battle of all time and received the eternal victory, his love allows us to establish a marriage and a family, under his cover.
Everything is easier when HE is the source of our lives, his SPIRIT helps us daily to continue and not faint.