in #steemchurch7 years ago

In Matthew 6:33 there is a principle that is more powerful than even the power of prayer. When you seek first the kingdom of God, God begins to ask you the question;
"What do you want?
Many of us we are desperate, our problems made us desperate and we manipulate God's presence, we manipulate the Holy spirit and we use the Holy spirit as a mean to get a miracle instead of using a miracle as a mean to get to know the Holy spirit.

We are like Israel saying God get me out of Egypt in reality they didn't really want God. They just wanted freedom and God waz a mean to get the freedom.
But Moses used the Exodus from Egypt as a mean to know God because when God took too long on the mountain, ISrael worshipped a cow but Moses waited on God. Because to Moses God wasn't a mean to a goal, God was the goal.

Something happens when you make intimacy with the Holy spirit as your number one goal. It numbs your desperation. It doesn't remove the problem, it just makes your problem not the most important thing in your life. Yes you're struggling with finances, Yes maybe there is pain in the your body but understand that God is bigger than the problem because once you die and you will be six feet under that problem will not exist.

God's voice is more important than my issues, what God wants me to do is to reach to the lost is more than something i have in my pocket and while busy doing these three things things, God ways;
What do you want?
Because intimacy with the Holy Spirit kills your desperation. Its dangerous. I know people say get desperate for your miracles, personally i believe for a growing mature christian, that is dangeraous because when your desperate;

  • You become impatient.
  • You always produce Ishmael.
  • You can't differentiate between God's supply and satan's baite.
    God is always a mean to a goal and when you get the goal, God gets left behind. But when you're satisfied in God inspiteof your problems, then God now takes interest in your problem, desires and dreams.
    Because your desires ain't coming out of desperation but satisfaction in the presence of God

Sorry about that i will as well get cautioned about it and as well as alerting my fellowers not to follow a victim thanx @emergedinsteem