SteemChurch has a vision which is: 'Freedom and liberty in the spirit of Christ'
To embrace and promote Christianity on the blockchain by spreading the love of God and celebrating the beauty of his creation, building a supportive community and fighting evil in whatever form it might take.'
To provide spiritual and moral guidance within the blockchain.
To fight for freedom in life and from oppression and slavery.
To ensure liberty and basic human rights for all mankind.
To celebrate the mother, the father, the children and the family!
To grow supportive communities of faith and build effective Christian leaders.
To give the very best of ourselves as our gift unto God.
God is not a casual God, he has plans established with us before the foundation of the world, there will be many legalists, religious who will tell us that this is not from God, and many opinions that could defocus us from our goal. All we do lives In this beautiful community we are here with a purpose, be it good, be bad, or be necessary.
James 1:17 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
Every good gift and every perfect gift descends from above, the Father of lights, in whom there is no change, nor shadow of variation.
All good things come from God but we are the ones in charge of using it for that purpose. The use of the internet is a powerful tool that allows us to communicate effectively, optimize resources, times, etc. However, there are people who use it for bad acts, such as scams, which is not the purpose with which it was created.
We function in the same way, we were created in the image and likeness of God, for good works, but it is in us to let ourselves be transformed by the power of God and to be manifesting his glory here on earth.
The transforming leadership of the Gospel.
In these last years, the gospel has been distorted, because men and women have preferred to manifest their own self, than the love of Christ. It is time for my beloved brothers not only to be bearers of the glory of God, but also to manifest it. We are blessed to be here, the best example we have with our leader @Sirknight, is a leader who has a clear idea of what he wants to happen. He plans visions with power. It is oriented towards the future. As usual, he is idealistic and full of faith.
SirKnight is a bridge building leader.
It has a great variety of parts under one roof, so that one
complex community can fulfill its mission. This requires enormous flexibility, ability to compromise, negotiate, dialogue, listen, understand, and think outside of the established.
Due to the difficulty and speed of change of social environments, the current leadership has become particularly important as a basic instrument to predict and produce transformations and to facilitate the solution of problems or the overcoming of obstacles, promoting the adhesions of others towards the shared objectives and towards the accomplishment of the consequent actions; In this sense, to speak today of effective leadership for change is to speak of Transformative Leadership.
Jesus, announced both the life in abundance and the denunciation of all those actions of the leadership or the people that did not conform to the ethics and values of the kingdom of God. We have before us the challenge of assuming the role of being agents of change, and preparing future generations to be the hands and feet of Jesus to impel significant changes in our country and in the world.
No matter how little we can do, when we come to a place we must transform it, that's what @Sirknight did when he came to Steemit, and he created @steemchurch, changed the environment for the benefit of many.
I remember a time when I came to a very difficult job, people were at war, murmuring and fighting, it was a small explosive place. At first I wanted to go, until one day the Lord spoke to my heart: I brought you to this place to be transformed, I appropriated that word and put it to work. I was the head of that place and in the mornings I went to coffee, I served everyone, I listened to their problems, I gave them advice, I exhorted them in private, I invented sharing at the end of the afternoon, I put love to them without condition, when I gave account and everything was different, the seed of love, the union had been sown in each heart.
From the biblical perspective, the change in the life of the The person is both interior and exterior (Titus 3: 5,6; 2 Co.5: 18). That is, his conversion to the new faith, the values of Kingdom of God, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, provide the basis for becoming a responsible citizen in society. For that matter, Christians need to be clear about their identity as sons or daughters of God, an agent of transformation, and at the same time, implement their knowledge and skills to face the challenges of change in their locality or in wider areas. We analyze here three challenges of being a church and doing mission as the word challenges us, to be agents of transformation in the world. We raise them conscious of our human frailties and limitations; but confident to undertake them as disciples of Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit.
The mission of the church is not reduced to spiritual things, nor is it exhausted inside the temples. Rather it implies following the example of Jesus who made his mission through the streets, the villages and the cities. In those spaces he preached the gospel of the Kingdom, healed many, and served the needs of the people of the time. What does this way of doing mission for us today mean? Assume as Christians the scope of work, the office, the house, the congress, the school or the
University as a mission field. That is to say, in these spaces we must show that we are disciples of Jesus sharing the gospel, being fair businessmen, assuming politics from the norms and values of the kingdom, being probos professionals or sportsmen of excellence, etc. Why should we do it? Because from the Bible there is no area of human life that should not be under the Lordship of Christ: The earth is the Lord's and his fullness; God's creation is good in a great way; the human being was placed to administer it, and one day all things will be gathered at the feet of Christ ((Psa.24: 1; Gen.1: 31; 2:15; 2 Cor. 10: 5; Eph.1: 10).
In this sense, to deal with proclaiming the Gospel implies calling people to be reconciled with God, and at the same time, it implies integrating the Gospel into all spheres of human life. Christians are called to be involved in the life of society in the name of Christ, in order to promote the full life that the gospel brings. This task demands to responsibly assume our citizenship according to the values and ethics of the kingdom within society. It implies that as Christians we contribute to the development of the country as employees, businessmen,
officials, athletes, politicians, students, housewives or religious leaders.
From the biblical perspective, the change in the person's life is both internal and external (Titus 3: 5,6, 2 Co.5: 18). That is, his conversion to the new faith, the values of the kingdom of God, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, provide the basis for becoming a responsible citizen in society. For that matter, Christians must be clear about their identity as sons or daughters of God, an agent of transformation, and at the same time, implement their knowledge and skills to face the challenges of change in their locality or in wider areas. We analyze here three challenges of being a church and doing mission as the word challenges us, to be agents of transformation in the world. We raise them conscious of our human frailties and limitations; but confident to undertake them as disciples of Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Let's take this opportunity that God is not giving, to be better people. We can not go through someone's life and stay the same, leave a mark in each of the places we walk, let's leave the aroma and essence of Christ.

Definitely the Lord Jesus Christ called us to make a difference in the world, we are the perfect choice of our God to transform and bring about changes in other people.
Jesus himself is our greatest example; He told us: "You are the light of the world, come out of the earth ...".
So we are called at this time to change stories.
God bless you apostle darlenys, I always enjoy your teachings.
Apostle Darlenys is not casual, I have been studying this topic for days, God wants there to be people with the character to change the bad for the good. Certainly with Sirknight we have learned a lot during this time. I believe that God will continue to manifest many changes in society through SteemChurch.
Hi Apostle Darlenys! God is waiting for an army to rise as a moral guide for society, who is in Christ as a new creature. Sirknight is a Blessing not only for steemchurch, but also for our families. Good message
The reflection of our walk with the Lord and #steemchurch should always create freedom and liberty for each individual we come across....May We all receive the strength and power to work out the mind of God and @sirknight for a better future in the lord.... God bless you @darlenys01
This is really powerful apostle, thanks for sharing
beautiful publication Apostle Darlenys 01, is a challenge that we have ahead, to be agents of changes. Thank you for sharing this powerful teaching
The world needs people of change, who live doing good with the greatest of examples: Jesus. Blessings @darlenys01
Eneste Current time is looking for leaders. He is looking for someone who has a vision and can firmly exercise a special influence to bring the Church, or a whole country, to the knowledge of salvation.
Everything has a beginning, and in this case it was verified when Jesus called some men and invited them to follow him. He showed no concern for special projects to achieve great goals, but focused on people.
Before becoming famous to the general public, Jesus assembled a select group of men. People who were able to continue with their work after their return to the Father.
Currently God is doing the same with Big Projects as #SteemChurch is. God bless you greatly. @darlenys01
We are indeed agents of change and transformation. God endued us with the ability to recreate our world with the power of words and in the knowledge of Christ. We were called to season as salt and to be the light (Matthew 5: 13-14). Thank you for reminding us @darlenys01
God has really brought us out from darkness to bring forth His light to the whole world. We should take it upon ourselves to change our world from bad to good while winning many for Christ.
I really appreciate the effort of all the parishioners of the #steemchurch and the visionary @sirknight for touching many lives both Spiritually and Physically.
May God continue to use us to change the world for good.
the personal and spiritual change of a person is dantesque after seizing the spirit of God a Christian must transform from his home to where he works to bring everything to the power of the holy spirit and that can be so shaped.
El poder del espiritu santo puede transformar todo felicidades @darlenys01 es muy buena esta reflexion.
it is a very constructive study, it is a reality, there are brothers that their friends do not know nor are they Christians.
I totally agree with you, sister Darnelys, Christians must bring about changes in our environment, bring about changes in favor of the kingdom, contribute our grain of sand to the work of God. The Lord tells us in his word that we are the salt of the world ... salt produces changes in food, gives it life and seasoning ... a meal without salt does not provoke, it is insipid. We must change insipid places, insipid lives. Insipid cities, provoke those changes ... follow the example of our gentleman @ sirknight, who is always in constant movement to generate changes in favor of the kingdom. Let's find the best way to attract souls to the kingdom.
We must continue working to achieve all those goals, but we must do it together supporting one another, giving help to those who need it, giving the best examples and leaving this community that we represent and that we are a part of, @STEEMCHURCH.
Thank you Darlenys for your wonderful publications, worthy warrior and apostolic faithful follower of @Sirknight.
God created us to manifest his glory, wherever we go or come, we must bring Christ. Thank you apostle @darlenys01 always your teachings go straight to our hearts and minds.
what great purpose did God place in our being, to be light in the midst of darkness
Amen apostle darlenys, the Christian is the anchor of society, for that reason we are transformers of changes.
Thank you for your teachings, may God bless you richly and powerfully.
Excellent. Blessings.