The gentleman has been telling me very peacefully, and one of the things I have felt is not to say: we are going to look for the lost souls, he has given me a better name, according to the work we must do, then:
"Darlenys: Prepare, to catch hearts" at the beginning it caused me a lot of laughter, how is that to fish hearts? Yes, it is precisely what he wishes to anoint us in such a way that his spirit meets the spirit of those people and there is a transformation, if we did it by ourselves it would be hard work, but when we do it with the precious holy spirit, it is very easy.
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Those words remained engraved on me, and I began to tell God that I did not know how to start fishing those hearts, because in my human strength I did not see results, so his answer seemed more difficult: "to fish hearts, the first thing that you must do is to conquer it, and it took me to the following verse:
Hosea 11: 4 God Speaks Today (DHH)
With bows of tenderness, with cords of love,
I attracted them to me;
I brought them to my cheeks
as if breastfeeding children;
I bent to them to feed them,
Many times in the worries of the world and due to multiple occupations, we forget the true meaning of being a Christian. It refers to the mission that God gives us through the written word, a work that starts from our birth but does not finish. Never. Being a Christian implies not only following God or believing in Him, it means being your servants on earth, that is, working selflessly for a collective well-being, whose main objective is to preach the word of God to those who do not know it. a question of heart, for it is in the heart where we keep all things good and bad. So how can we conquer these people for Christ? Conquering those hearts to attract them with the same bonds of love that trapped us.
When we were caught maybe our life was not in good sea, our heart did not beat with good sense and we let ourselves go by the current or we walked aimlessly, but from the moment we were caught in that network, we found the address of our path, we become aware that next to Jesus is easier, because He is our guide in the sea of life. Just as you were once caught and renewed by your immense love, there are people who deserve to have the same opportunity, your hands are those of Christ here on earth, He needs you to free hearts imprisoned by the same world.
Each day is an opportunity to rescue lives and fish, God gives us that power of conquest, of unction, to the point that when we go through the lives of people, they do not remain the same. They are those spiritual gifts that we must develop so that the world can be impacted, we just have to be willing to do it and the Lord will, will speak to our hearts.
Acts 1: 8 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
This is a promise, and some of the verses that I like, here we see what the Lord is telling us: That we will receive power, we must know that we without the power of God, his grace we can not do anything.
The biggest problems are in the heart, my dear brothers there is so much need in people, but such need comes from the heart and to whom God reveals that condition, we can rescue and bring freedom to those lives that have been captive.
Every day we must go out and sow that seed in the hearts of the people, God will see to it that from its fruit, we do not know how the process of growth of that seed is, only God knows.
A few days ago, I had to visit the market of Puerto La Cruz, here in Venezuela in search of a medicinal plant for a friend, in fact I almost never visited that place, and since I entered it is like God had taken me to another world, While my friends saw everything with their natural eyes, I saw them with the spirituals. For the first people who happened to ask about the plants, there were two ladies and they talked about the situation of the country, they blamed the government, they argued. At that moment God told me: speak to those people, with a word of science, and showed me what was in their hearts. I obeyed and told him what God had commanded me, those people were touched by the love of Jesus, I was so surprised that I asked God for forgiveness because sometimes we are so passive, when there are people needing a word that can change their life. That was a productive day in the fishing of hearts.
Fishermen of hearts are few, but they should be many, it is only a question of decision and letting ourselves be guided by the power and love of God. Remember that a true Christian must bear witness to his faith without fear. And without grief and he should be happy because he has Christ in his heart. The invitation is to go out of the ordinary, to use fishing gear in other banks, without masks and without ties, and to have the conviction that fishing is not a job that should be hidden, it is not a work that embarrasses, but a labor to be proud, to show and carry out the rest of life.
God has given me specific cases, hearts that must be conquered for him, and he has delegated that task to me, perhaps at the beginning we can question, but God is of eternal purposes to which we must obey, for me it has not been easy to conquer hearts that are humanly they see as of stones, but to place it of flesh is the work of God, mine is to be an instrument that reflects its inexhaustible love, whatever the circumstance.
I join this word, I also believe that we cannot go fishing for hearts if we have not yet mastered our own, so we have been given a good specimen to practice! blessings sister!
Fishing has to be great when you trust in God, and so it must be with hearts since the purpose of this example that Pedro lived was only the beginning of the preparation he was going to have to reach souls for Christ. Thanks for sharing this reflective message apostle @ darelnys01.
A very good explanation for his part apostol @darlenys01, I can contribute that those chosen to collaborate in the work of God, were chosen to work as Jesus did, not to rise as a dominant, or no one's boss, for their works and by their behaviors they will know them. Jesus is the example. I really liked your publication... God bless you!
I think that as a good fisherman, the most important thing is patience and the virtue of conviction of what will be obtained, firmly, with care and many hearts will be caught by the networks of God's grace and will be part of those who know the way of truth and life. You are all a sinner of that Darlenys hearts, God bless your hands.
One of my biggest concerns is to see a population that can not distinguish between his right hand and his left hand as far as salvation is concerned. Jesus paid a high price for the redemption of humanity and people must know it. Good message Apostle Darlenys
Jesus, while on earth, chose 12 disciples to teach them how to weave the gospel of God in order to go out in search of souls and bring them back to the kingdom of God. Jesus taught them of their love and authority and prepared them for that then they will prepare others and so on until they reach humanity for God.
For all well is said, thanks for mak6my day dear sister. Greetings.
The heart of God is inclined for the souls and he began by giving them an example of how fish should be caught and then teach them how to fish hearts.
Jesus taught them that where man gives up, that is where God begins to work and this is so that man does not take away God's glory.
Jesus showed them how with a net you could catch all the fish that you could, you would even have to ask for help to collect them from the net, the first thing he wanted to show them is that the net is to catch many fish and not some fish, because that the networks for that were designed.
We are soul fishermen
Thank you for sharing that message with us, it has great content to motivate us to never lose focus and carry out the work for which we have been called to preach the Gospel of Christ.
We are called to conquer soul for Christ
Jesus did not seek his disciples in the schools or in the temple, but in their places of work. He did not go to find cloistered people, separated from the world; but men who were immersed in the responsibilities of everyday life. I wanted people who knew how to earn their bread with the sweat of their brow. God never calls idle people.
Our goal as preachers should be to present Jesus in such a way that people feel inclined to give their lives and their hearts to him.
A very good publication apostle @darlenys01, to follow Jesus is to preach the Gospel that has the meaning of explaining in depth the word of God, and for that, we must leave everything, that is, the customs and traditions as well as our own criteria of men, which are totally different from God's criteria. God bless you all, an excellent explanation of a fisherman of hearts!
Matthew 13: 47-48 "Likewise the kingdom of heaven is like a net, which lying in the sea gathers all kinds of fish. And once full, they take it to the shore; and sitting down, they pick up the good in baskets, and the bad they throw it out. "
Excellent message apostle @darlenys01, Jesus told them to wait for their promise, to wait to receive the power of God who is the Holy Spirit of God who invests you with power and brings to the world the conviction of sin and thus recognize that they are sinners and need the power of God to be saved. God wants every believer to be a fisherman of hearts since this was the desire of God to come to give his life for us and his gospel is the network that you have to send as the Holy Spirit tells you what you do.
Fishing means "taking something from the bottom of the sea or a river." When we preach to others of God's love and get them converted, then we have brought them out of the depths of the evil and corrupt world so that they breathe in the life of Christ the Lord. . Your life will make more sense when you begin to serve as an instrument of God to share with others your love and your plan of salvation.
That is the great task, to fish souls ... our country is a great sea to fish, the people are overwhelmed, desolate, sad, bitter. There is a lot to fish, but we must have good strategies to fall in love and attract them at the feet of Christ. In these moments we must seize the opportunity to be servants, to attract the neighbor to the ways of God and win souls for Christ.
Receive Christ in your heart and be filled with the Holy Spirit and we will do the same thing that Jesus did when He was with us on earth.
That concept I consider wise and prudent, "catch hearts" precisely when God captures someone is because he did a job in the heart of that person.
beautiful message apostle @darlenys01. The call implies living for another. It was an invitation to leave a job known to another stranger; a personal project, focused on their own needs and those of their own, on the other in which they would have to take responsibility for the lives of other men. It is not possible to follow the Lord without abandoning our own plans and desires.
Although we have to leave many things to serve God, He is responsible for rewarding us ... In any case, serving God is an enormous privilege.
Marcos gives importance to discipleship throughout his Gospel, and already in this brief story he insinuates his basic traits: the initiative always comes from Jesus, so it is a grace of God; Jesus basically calls to share life with him, which implies learning with him and identifying with his mission of "fishing hearts".
thank you for the work or God... @darlenys01 God bless you .!!
Wonderful publication my dear apostle @ darlenys01!
The virtue of a fisherman is patience, the other is knowing how to choose the right place to throw the nets or the hook, and then choose the fish that are most conducive as food.
God bless you!
Set your sights on the things above! Become a disciple of Christ and a fisher of men! You will begin to feel the reality of eternal things, your own soul, the souls of men, Christ and Heaven.
This is how we should be those fishermen who try to show God's love every day, regardless of the circumstances we experience. We are called to expand the kingdom, and we accomplish this only by doing what Jesus would do, "make disciples of all nations." God continues blessing you @darlenys01. Greetings.
a message full of exhortation and love, so we must be those who were called, we have a mission to fulfill, and it is to carry that word that once took us out of the senagoso well and brought us to the admirable light, excellent message apostol @darlenys01, blessings !!
If you are going to be a fisherman of hearts, you must fish for them in the sea of the world, and "fish" them out of the world into the church. Therefore, your heart must agree with us in the church and ultimately with Christ.
I pray many become Fishermen of Hearts.
Thanks for this timely message