in #steemchurch6 years ago

Both in the secular world and in the church, some people think that neither God nor the Bible say much about finances. But, statistically, it is just the opposite: 16 of the 38 parables of Christ have to do with finances or some financial aspect is used to clarify some point of the kingdom of God. Jesus spoke more about finances in all the Gospels than about heaven and hell. In the Bible, there are about 500 verses about prayer, less than 500 verses of faith, but there are more than 2,300 biblical verses related to possessions, riches, abundance, money, material things, resources. So, throughout the Bible, this is something that is constantly talked about.


There are several reasons why we may think that God speaks so much of this subject through all the Scriptures:

1.-Money can not buy your salvation, but a bad relationship with money can make you lose it.
2.-Your relationship with finances has a direct impact on your relationship with God.
3.-Your way of managing finances determines what spiritual things God can entrust to you.
4.-Money and possessions compete with God in time and attention.
5.-Most of your life revolves around money.
6.-The last thing to become is your checkbook.
7.-On one occasion, people asked John the Baptist how it was shown that they had repented.

"7 And he said to the multitudes that came out to be baptized by him: O generation of vipers! Who has shown you how to run away from the coming rage? 8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves: We have Abraham as our father; because I tell you that God can raise children to Abraham even from these stones. 9 And also the ax is laid at the root of the trees; therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut and thrown into the fire. 10 And the people asked him, saying: Then what shall we do? 11 And he answered and said unto them, He that hath two coats shall give to him that hath none; and the one who has something to eat, do the same. 12 Some publicans also came to be baptized, and said to him, Teacher, what shall we do? 13 He said to them, "Do not demand more than what you are commanded. 14 Some soldiers also asked him, saying: And we, what shall we do? And he said to them: Do not extortion to anyone, nor slander; and be content with your wages. "Luke 3: 7-14

Do you want to show that you are repentant? Do not say by mouth that you are the son of Abraham; give fruits of repentance; because if God has to take from the stones children for Abraham, He will do it to fulfill his promise. Give, be generous. Do you have 2 robes? Offer 1; do not sell it You have to eat? Share Leave the trap, do not overcharge. You have work? Be satisfied with your salary.

The way you work with finances demonstrates the true repentance of your heart. And, many times, in your life, the last thing that is converted is your money. People say they serve God, they say they repent, but the way they think about finances says the opposite.

When Jesus entered the house of Zacchaeus, the latter said that he would give of his goods, that he would pay, that he would reestablish; that, if he had stolen, if someone had defrauded, he would pay with interest; and then Jesus stood up and said: Now salvation has just come to this home. Jesus did not say that salvation came because he arrived; salvation came because Zacchaeus understood that he had a bad relationship with money, decided to change it, showing that he truly repented.

Money and possessions give the mind of man a state of security and prestige in society, and that only God should give it to you.
Your security should not be in your bank account or in your retirement account; and your prestige should not come
from your finances, but the grace of God over your life should be enough to say that you are important, and your confidence should be that the God you serve is the one who supplies all your needs according to his riches in glory. Your help comes from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth. No matter what the world does, what happens in the world, your economy depends on the Lord.

God speaks of money in His Word because He wants to correct your heart so that you are appropriately in your relationship with Him.


Yours are, Lord, greatness, power, glory, dominion and majesty! Because everything in heaven and on earth is yours. Yours is also the kingdom, for you, Lord, are superior to all. 1 Chronicles 29: 11 DHHWe must recognize apostle @darlenys01, that everything comes from God.

Three reasons why God talks about money.
A. The way we handle our money is an external expression of a
internal spiritual condition.
B. The way we manage money affects the privacy of our
relationship with Christ.
C. Money competes with Christ for the throne of our heartI add this apostle @darlenys01 to your valuable teaching:

If any of you wants to build a tower, will not you sit down first to calculate the expenses and see if you have money to finish it? Not that, once the foundations are laid, if he can not finish it, all those who see him begin to mock him, saying: 'This man started to build, but he could not finish'.

Luke 14: 28

The rich are the masters of the poor; the debtors are slaves of their creditors. Proverbs 22: 7 (NVIC)

My son, if you give bail for your friend or you are responsible for a stranger, 2 you only set the trap: you are trapped in your own words. 3 To free yourself, my son, for you are in the hands of another, do the following: swallow your pride and take your friend.
4 Do not fall asleep, do not give yourself a moment of rest; 5 flees, like a deer of the hunter; run away, like a bird from the trap. Proverbs 6: 1-3

A principle for finances apostle @darlenys01, is to give and sow. "Give to others and God will give to you: Fill your bag with a good measure, tight, shaken and full God will measure you with the same measure that you measure to others. " Luke 6: 38 DHH

Luke 16:10 says: "He who is faithful in very little, also in the most faithful; and the one who in the very least is unjust, also the most unjust. "
The area of money management is one of those "very little" areas. Because it
we say? ... well, because who knows how you are handling your money?

The area of money management is a "secret" area in our life ... But as we heard him say to Dr. Luis Palau, "in secret life is the secret". The way in which each of us makes economic decisions shows the principles and values we have in life.

We are stewards of God's possessions.
Psalm 8: "... you put everything under his feet ..." Stewardship means
manage the belongings of another.

We approach Jesus Christ more and more. "The one who has my
commandments, and keep them, that is he who loves me; and the one that
love, he will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him "
(John 14:21)
When we are faithful in obedience and service to the Lord,
we learn to love him more. Jesus said: By faithfully applying the
God's principles about finances, our love for Christ
will grow more and more.

Psalm 35:27 says: "But let them rejoice and shout for joy: The Lord is great, and he pleases the welfare of his servant!" We can pray genuinely so that God will
thrive when our relationship with the Lord is healthy and has the perspective adequate with respect to possessions. "Beloved, I want you to prosper in all things, and to be healthy, just as your soul prospers" (3 John 2). The Bible does not say that someone who is of God must live in poverty.

what we must keep in mind is never allowing love for money to take root in our hearts. Rather, give money the place it deserves and always put God first in our family, friends, and also take care of your physical and mental health.It is so dear apostle,@darlenys01

great message dear apostol @darlenys01, every day we must ask God to take care of our finances, to be good stewards, but always keeping in mind, in what the word of God says "seek first the kingdom of God and his justice and what others will come by anadidura ".