Luke 2: 43-50
"When they returned, after the party was over, the baby Jesus remained in Jerusalem, without Joseph and his mother knowing.
And thinking that he was among the company, they walked one day; and they looked for him among relatives and acquaintances;
but when they did not find him, they returned to Jerusalem looking for him.
And it came to pass that three days later they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors of the law, hearing them and asking them.
And all who heard him marveled at his intelligence and his answers.
When they saw him, they were surprised; and his mother said to him: Son, why have you made us like this? Behold, your father and I have sought you with anguish.
Then he said to them: Why did you seek me? Did you not know that in my Father's business I need to be?
But they did not understand the words he spoke to them. "
The Bible tells us about this story when at 12 years the Lord Jesus Christ is taken to the temple, the dads of the Lord Jesus Christ thought that he was among the whole family somewhere; says the Bible that after 3 days they did not find him and they returned, he was in the temple. The answer is very interesting, because when they ask Jesus where he was, he replies that in his Father's business he needed to be, so that as Christians we have two businesses.
1.- The most important business on the face of the earth is to serve the great king.
There is no business more important than that, maybe I have my business, something where I am or sell or maybe I have my job and that can be said to be my business, but the most important business on the face of the earth is to serve great king.
Judges 9: 8-15
"Once were the trees to choose king over themselves, and said to the olive tree: Queen over us.
9 But the olive tree answered, "Shall I forsake my oil, with which in me God and men are honored, to be great on the trees?
And the trees said to the fig tree: Go you, reign over us.
And the fig tree answered: Shall I forsake my sweetness and my good fruit, that I may be great above the trees?
Then the trees said to the vine: For you come, reign over us.
And the vine answered them: Shall I leave my wine, which makes God and man happy, to go to be great on the trees?
Then all the trees said to the bramble: Go, reign over us.
And the thorn answered the trees: If indeed you elect me as king over you, come, shelter yourselves under my shadow; and if not, let fire come out of the bush and devour the cedars of Lebanon. "
2.- My purpose in my business is to please the captain of captains
I'm in this business that is serving the great king, but what should I do while I'm there in that business?
2 Timothy 2: 4
"No one who militates gets entangled in the business of life, in order to please the one who took him for a soldier."
If I am a soldier of Christ, I am under the command of the captain, then I will not get involved in the business of life because the most important business is to please my God, that is the most important business, I I am a child of God, I am in the ranks of the soldiers of Christ, that is my business, not life, the cares of this life, the things of this life, materialism, being entangled in other things that I do not they help to be a good Christian, things that do not please God as the captain.
- Regarding our earthly business there are certain things we must do.
a) Your task is to work hard to avoid having a need
1 Thessalonians 4:11
"And that you try to have peace of mind, and take care of your business, and work with your hands in the way we have commanded you,"
We have our main business which is the king's business, but also as Christians we have this earthly obligation, we must work with our hands.
We have the primordial business that is of the Lord but as far as the earthly business says the Bible, it works.
b) Regarding the earthly business, your task is to work honestly
1 Thessalonians 4:12
"That you may conduct yourselves honestly to those outside, and have no need of anything."
We must not take advantage of people, we must do the best we can, I will strive to work honestly, it is very easy not to get hung up on our work, but interestingly, those who want it have less problems, go ahead, They have fewer worries.
c) You have to work to have no need
1 Thessalonians 4:12
"That you may conduct yourselves honestly to those outside, and have no need of anything."
In the earthly business, whether I work in my own business or I work for someone, I must work with my hands, make an effort and do it honestly, to work so I do not have to
d) Our task is to attend to our boss's business
Daniel 8:27
"And I Daniel was broken, and I was sick some days, and when I convalesced, I attended to the king's business; but I was frightened because of the vision, and I did not understand it. "
We have to attend to the boss's business, it has to do with many things, one of them is having initiative, I must foresee.
It has to do with being a leader, arriving early to work, leaving work late, having a good attitude.
If we have an earthly business or work for someone I have to attend, I have to worry about being a good employee, a person who likes you, the Christian is the one who should make you want, who should do everything with the best effort and God bless that.
Daniel 3:12
"There are some Jewish men, whom you set over the affairs of the province of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; these men, O king, have not respected you; they do not worship your gods, nor do they worship the golden statue that you have set up. "
e) Do not mix religion with business / work
There is a separation between religion and the state. My business is to work but it is not to get involved in religion, there are things that I can attend to, there are things that I should not attend to; and when they give me instructions against the Bible, they are the things I should not understand.
When it is something that displeases God we have no responsibility to do so, we must consider before entering a business to see if it is good or not good, we must attend to business, attend to the indications, but if they leave the Word of God, I must mark my line.
Isaiah 23:18
"But your business and profits will be consecrated to Jehovah; they shall not be kept or treasured, for their gain shall be to those who stand before Jehovah, that they may eat and be satisfied, and that they may clothe themselves splendidly. "
4.- As for your business, consecrate it to the Lord
Many times we do not want to put our business in the hands of the Lord.
a) If I have a business of my own, put it in the hands of the Lord
b) Pray every day for God to bless your business
c) Use your business for the service of the Lord
5.- We have to commit ourselves in God's business.
Genesis 24: 9
"Then the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his lord, and swore to him about this business."
Whether it's my own business, that I'm working for someone, or the most important thing is God's business, we must commit, this servant promised, he said.
Ruth 4: 7
"There had long been this custom in Israel concerning redemption and contract, that for the confirmation of any business, the one took off his shoe and gave it to his partner; and this was a testimony in Israel. "
When we have and do business with God, to serve him, in the king's business I must please him, understand that there is no other better business, says Matthew 6 that we should set our sights on the things above.
In this business in which we are, the first person with whom we must commit, to whom we must certainly fulfill is God; every promise we make with him we must fulfill it, every decision we make with him we must carry it out.
Every commandment that he gives me, in the same way as Abraham's servant, of Boaz, we must commit ourselves to the business being sealed, in the same way that we should commit ourselves every day with God.
We are very committed to earthly business, we are very committed to what is here on earth but we should commit ourselves more to what God says.
In what touches us we should like Eleazar, swear to God for this business, to commit ourselves that in the king's business I will be the best worker and to make him more eager, because there is no business more important than the king's business.
Because although there are many working in the work of God, not all are faithful to the Lord, but are salaried; without getting involved or committing beyond what is necessary, attracted only to thrive economically and personally, or to silence their conscience. [versi] 50 1: 15-16 [/ versi]
Therefore, when we arrive or if we come to understand the Father's love for us as we consider ourselves as his children, with all that this implies, we will not hesitate to affirm, as did the Firstborn of the Father, that in business of our Father it is necessary for us to be.
See what love the Father has given us, so that we may be called children of God; This is why the world does not know us, because it did not know him. Beloved, now we are children of God, and what we are to be has not yet been manifested; but we know that when he manifests, we will be like him, because we will see him as he is.
May the Lord bless all those of his children dedicated in body, soul and spirit to make known and expand his Kingdom.

I'm so proud of you Sis.
Doing the Father's work with so much passion and dedication.
I was at the Venezuelan Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria yesterday and they were all very nice to me.
I hope to visit soon and give you a big hug.🤗
It will be an honor to receive you
The most important business on the face of the earth is to serve the great king. There is no business more important than that, maybe I have my business, something where I am or sell or maybe I have my job and that can be said to be my business, but the most important business on the face of the earth is to serve great king. We have our main business which is the king's business, but also as Christians we have this earthly obligation, we must work with our hands. There is a separation between religion and the state. My business is to work but it is not to get involved in religion, there are things that I can attend to, there are things that I should not attend to; and when they give me instructions against the Bible, they are the things I should not understand.
When it is something that displeases God we have no responsibility to do so, we must consider before entering a business to see if it is good or not good, we must attend to business, attend to the indications, but if they leave the Word of God, I must mark my line. When we have and do business with God, to serve him, in the king's business I must please him, understand that there is no other better business, says Matthew 6 that we should set our sights on the things above.
In this business in which we are, the first person with whom we must commit, to whom we must certainly fulfill is God; every promise we make with him we must fulfill it, every decision we make with him we must carry it out. Because although there are many working in the work of God, not all are faithful to the Lord, but are salaried; without getting involved or committing beyond what is necessary, attracted only to thrive economically and personally, or to silence their conscience. See what love the Father has given us, so that we may be called children of God; This is why the world does not know us, because it did not know him. Beloved, now we are children of God, and what we are to be has not yet been manifested; but we know that when he manifests, we will be like him, because we will see him as he is. Thanks for this message
let's all support this beautiful project directed by God, to improve Venezuela, God is here, with the apostle Darlenys
Amen,@marcelo182..thank you for your kindness and support!
from you and taking your life towards the part of holiness towards doing the right thing at the right time with the love of Christ leading you.
Changing the world and making right descion can be done in fuseing the things you listed with the word of God and making a clear descision of the different between the good and the bad.
With the little you have help those who don't have and God will always be happy with you.
Your life will always be filled with his joy and Hus mercies when your decisions are clear and your life is focused towards the right part of God.
Believe what the spirit tells you
A true child of God is known because he has God as his greatest asset, in God's business he is always involved, serving, investing and God is his wholesale partner. I believe the Apostle @ darlenys01 is a businesswoman with whom God is happy to have her in the business of the Kingdom of Heaven. God will reward everything you are doing.
May the lord bless you for your effort. I am even a Muslim but been feeling lost and empty and currently reading about Jesus and Christianity and been finding succor. Keep it coming thanks.
Check my post here https://steemit.com/christianity/@oladokun/from-islam-will-christianity-be-the-solution-to-my-dilemma-please-help-58bdb73c00126
Welcome my brother, the father is calling you and wants to manifest his love in you. I bless your life and I declare that when you wake up the love of God floods you like never before, just look for it with all your heart.
blessings for you @darlenys01 because as we know you are an example of the legacy of Jesus in this world, building and contributing, but the most important thing that inspires people to follow your example and make better Christians each day.
thank you @rubenmedina182
I impact this part of your publication: "The most important business on the face of the earth is to serve the great king." Serving God is the most wonderful thing we can do as his children, excellent project and vision that God has given him, The Lord will be glorified in each one of them, God bless him
Amen, my sister @michellechristie
I hope you get some video of this conference and share it with us!
The most satisfying of all things is to be about the Father's business. When we are interested and doing the same things He is interested in doing for sure there will be amazing things that will happen. Like Jesus our meat to eat is to do the will of the Father!
Praying for you and God’s beloved Venezuela!
thanks Daddy, those intersecting prayers can not miss, Grateful with you and your love.
Amen! Far away, but both close to the Father's heart!
awesome and genuine message well said , we should consider the matter of the father important in light of the fact that we are keeping stock for ourselves in God's kingdom and furthermore advancing the message of our God in order to exhibit his grandness to the unbelieving scene.
The most satisfying of all things is to be about the Father's business. When we are interested and doing the same things He is interested in doing for sure there will be amazing things that will happen.
There is a separation between religion and the state. My business is to work but it is not to get involved in religion, there are things that I can attend to, there are things that I should not attend to; and when they give me instructions against the Bible, they are the things I should not understand.
Because although there are many working in the work of God, not all are faithful to the Lord, but are salaried; without getting involved or committing beyond what is necessary, attracted only to thrive economically and personally, or to silence their conscience. See what love the Father has given us, so that we may be called children of God; This is why the world does not know us, because it did not know him.
If I am a soldier of Christ, I am under the command of the captain, then I will not get involved in the business of life because the most important business is to please my God, that is the most important business.
This piece says it all!!
Thanks for sharing this with us, You make a strong point here "Therefore, when we arrive or if we come to understand the Father's love for us as we consider ourselves as his children, with all that this implies, we will not hesitate to affirm, as did the Firstborn of the Father, that in business of our Father it is necessary for us to be."
endowments for you @darlenys01 on the grounds that as we probably am aware you are a case of the heritage of Jesus in this world, assembling and contributing, yet the most essential thing that moves individuals to take after your illustration and improve Christians every day.
There is no business in this world besides devoting ourselves to the gods who have created us and this nature all ..
wow wonderful and true message well said , we should take the business of the father seriously because we are keeping stock for ourselves in God's kingdom and also promoting the message of our God so as to demonstrate his glory to the unbelieving world.
very good post, all that you have explained is very helpful to everyone, to live this life, because with them often read the verses of god, many people close to god, and they all will find a happy life.... :)
Pleasing the king is what we were made and designed for. Working with our hands is to empower ourselves to become productive and without need so as to effectively carry out the fathers business. Great post apostle @darlenys, Gods grace comes upon you for more glorious work for the kingdom.
As you express sister, the most important business is that of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the one that should matter to us more than any other job. If we work with dedication and true love in his business he will reward us in everything. The Lord is just, he is faithful, he loves us and he supports us in everything we undertake, but if we seek him first. Many times we lose focus and put material business first and we forget that the business of the Lord is paramount in this life. You are doing a good job, sister. God bless you and provide you everything you need in the work.
yes i absoultly thanks for sharing this posts!
I'm so pleased with you Sis.
Doing the Father's work with so much enthusiasm and devotion.
I was at the Venezuelan Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria yesterday and they were all extremely pleasant to me.
I would like to visit soon and give you a major hug.🤗
gifts for you @darlenys01 on the grounds that as we probably am aware you are a case of the heritage of Jesus in this world, assembling and contributing, however the most essential thing that rouses individuals to take after your illustration and improve Christians every day.
Thank you for sharing this very good publication, a daughter of God who seeks and serves you, working on your work as it should be blessings sister God continue to fill you with your love and blessings in abundance. Amen!
We must learn to glorify God with all our being.
Seeking Him first in everything we do.
He is my first option
Great article. So glad I found you on here. I am encouraged by the faith of people across the world. There is a considerable amount of "lukewarm" Christians or apathetic, self-proclaiming Christians in the U.S. There is an amazing movement going on that is changing the temperature, but at times we all feel as if we are alone doing our Father's work. I know this is a lie of the enemy, because of people like you openly expressing their faith. I pray that I may be such encouragement to others and we can change this "movement" to become the norm. God bless you and what you do. Keep up the good fight.
God has called us to be part of his great people, to be a royal priesthood, a holy nation, he has called us to be part of the people acquired through redemption in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 2: 9).
But in addition to being called for all these things we must understand that we were called to work in the work of God, not only to be that town and there I finish everything, no, we have something to do in the work of God, it clearly says that We were called to announce the virtues of Christ, in other words we all have something to do for the work of God.