Revelation 22:12
** Genesis 15: 1**
I can not stop dreaming of the day when I get the final award, Jesus Christ!
An award often has an honorary character, and is awarded to those who have satisfactorily completed a job or a service, while the reward or reward may have material value. Jesus Christ speaks to us of both, but our motivation should not be the reward, because being in this world in the ways of God, we already enjoy his blessings; What we should be aware of is wanting the award, the kingdom of heaven.
I think at every moment of what God has spoken to my spirit: I will fish with hearts, I have put a crown on your head, which will be full of precious stones and each stone represents a soul, that is your task, to bring the love of Jesus to every people, language and nation, and may that love catch hearts, and those hearts abosrban the soul and rescue them from eternal death.

There are several crowns that the Lord will place on our heads:
Crown of Life, to those who endure the temptation of the evil one, and resist the trials, for the love of God. James 1:12, Revelation 2:10
The incorruptible crown of Gloria, to the shepherds who have shepherd the sheep of God, which he left to his care; estimating them, not for dishonest gains. I Peter 5: 4.
The incorruptible crown will be given to those who have submitted their will to the lordship of God, that is, to those who have died to the flesh. I Corinthians 9:25
Crown of joy, for the one who has won souls for Christ. I Thessalonians 2:19, Phil. 4: 1
Crown of Justice, for those who love his coming. II Timothy 4: 8
Crown of victoria: trusting in the lord.
21: 1 The king rejoices in your power, O LORD;
And in your salvation, how it is enjoyed!
21: 2 And you did not deny him the request of his lips.
21: 3 For you have gone out to meet him with blessings of good;
Crown of fine gold you have put on his head.
The fact of being crowned by our Lord has a more than sublime purpose. And what is this special purpose:
Revelation 4:10 and 11
The twenty-four elders prostrate themselves before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying:
Lord, worthy are you to receive glory and honor and power; because you created all things, and by your will they exist and were created.

The believer must therefore strive to serve the Lord with all his heart, and so, not only will he show his love for the Lord, but he will also be rewarded for it. If there is the possibility of earning rewards or prizes for good service to the Lord, there must also be the possibility of losing rewards or prizes for bad service to the Lord.
All believers are members of a spiritual body, the church, whose head is Christ. Our responsibility as a body is to cling to our head, which is Christ. The only possible way to really grow in the knowledge of God is through being in intimate contact with the Lord Jesus Christ. As humans we are attracted by the novelty of the supernatural, healing, miracles, visions, languages, those actions out of control, and by seeking these experiences we forget to grasp the head that is Christ. If we really want to grow, we must put aside everything that keeps us from being nourished by the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
One of the things that he has confessed lately is the way we can bring blessings to the natural world, most of the time we spend being religious, living under the law, without realizing that Jesus died on the cross of Calvary, and when He said: consummate is, the veil was trait and everything that separated us from God the Father, was taken away, and now we can access through the throne of grace to his presence, there is a single mediator between God and men, his name, Jesus .
I have spent so many experiences in my life as a Christian, and today, I do not regret that scars are the proof that something that came to destroy me could not, because God strengthened me to win, I spent many years praying with a group of brothers, then all they did was reprimand demons, witchcraft, fast and live in a war without rest, when I realized everything was the same and my strength was exhausted, frustration took hold of me, and I even began to wonder if God really existed.
I do not mean by this that the prayers, the fasting, the spiritual war is bad, on the contrary God urges us to pray without ceasing, to be watching, but above all these things there is something more powerful and my dear brothers this deadly weapon is called : Adoration
On a very gray day in my life, I began to meditate on the works of God in antiquity, and I said to the Lord: Sir, if you opened the Red Sea, you rose from the dead, as you are not capable of doing what I have asked you so much, if I have faith. At that very moment, he spoke in my heart and said:
Darlenys, do you know who Lucifer was? he was the protective cherubim, he was in charge of protecting worship in heaven. And when he was driven to earth, his mission happened to be, to steal the worship that belongs to me, and you, my children, fall into that trap, when They have problems, they put their eyes on the circumstances and they disconnect from the source, that is why miracles do not flow, requests have hindrances, there is nothing more powerful, that brings freedom to lives that adore.
The adoration brings a break to our lives, liberating those areas that we have not delivered, in the bible it says that when Pablo and Silas were in jail, they did not start crying, they did not complain, they did not get drunk, the word says that they adored, and the jail was shaken, that is what makes worship shake hell, breaks ties and brings us healing of the soul.
But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; because also the Father such worshipers seek to be worshiped.
God is Spirit; and those who adore him, in spirit and truth, must worship.
This is a song that leads us to worship our King Jesus!
Powerful is his name!

We mice reckon this is a pretty good reward sister D. At the same time, we hope you do not wish your life away. ;)
It is a very revealing testimony Darlenys, I think it is necessary to understand this topic well, you have made it very clear, it is necessary to be able to reach the father, and although our Lord Jesus is the only means for this, we must also add the appendix of the sentence .
Thank you for commenting, that is a part that has taken away the legalisms, the doctrines of men, then in the churches they speak of a false spirituality, worshiping God is not easy, worshiping it costs us our lives.
Nice teaching @darlenys01, certainly the adoration to God provokes heaven, has incredible power, besides adore and exalt the greatness and majesty of God, we enter into his presence to be changed and transformed
Worshiping God is the most noble and important action that the human being can perform, we were all created to adore him, this adoration was interrupted by sin, but God sent his son Jesus Christ to redeem us and have again the option and entrance to his presence through worship
Motivational teaching @darlen............
Receiving a prize fills us with sastifacción but receive a prize given by God according to the promise is the reward of our efforts, we fight to achieve these awards so that no one takes our crown, Excellent reflection @ darlenys01
Sister Darlenys, that verse of Revelation at the beginning of the post always caught my attention: every time I did something improper like scream, lie, watch etc. The Holy Spirit brought to my memory that every word and action will be exposed on the throne of God. That is why adoration is a lifestyle in holiness.
Every one of us, my dear @kristal01, we are going to render an account to God for our acts, to go forward we need his spirit, and we need to adore him, the praise recognizes that he is God, but the worship places crowns at his feet.
When we know that we were born to worship God, then we discover the essence of life.
your experiences @darlenys01 always feed us, the level of revelation and what God has deposited in you is an Apostolic ministry.
Worship is the key to open bronze locks @ darlenys01.-
The entirety of our crowns is Christ. He is our eternal life. I think this post has equipped many for the work of the ministry.