The mission of the Christian in the world is a great mission, it is a mission destined for all, a mission of service without excluding anyone; it requires a lot of generosity and above all to raise one's gaze and one's heart, to invoke the help of the Lord. There is such a need for Christians to witness the Gospel with joy in daily life. The disciples sent by Jesus "returned full of joy". When we do this, the heart fills with joy.
This is a very inspiring video of what a Christian is and his mission here on earth.

Your mission is the best you can do for a person. We have the good news and sharing is the greatest act of kindness we can do. Your mission has an eternal meaning. You can not do anything else that matters as much as helping people establish a relationship with God. Your mission gives meaning to your life. Not only does a person go to heaven for your sake, your life can not be considered a failure. God's time for the conclusion of history is linked to the completion of our commission. Jesus will not come until every one of the people that God wants them to hear the good news have heard it.
ACTS 20:24 (PAR)
Chapter 10 of the book of Matthew begins by telling us about Jesus' call to his disciples. The first step he made after calling his disciples was to give them authority and power to cast out demons, heal the sick and carry His word.
After that, he gave them clear and specific instructions of what they would do with that power and authority that he had given them.
Immediately he gave them the authority and gave them the instructions, he warned them about the persecutions and the things that they would have to go through for His name's sake. I tell them about the dangers they would face and what they would be exposed to by preaching the gospel.
I wish then to concentrate on the following verses that say as follows: "Behold, I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves; Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But when you surrender, do not worry about how or what you will speak; because in that hour you will be given what you will speak. For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you. And you will be hated by all for my name's sake; But he who endures to the end will be saved. So, do not fear them; because there is nothing concealed, that is not to be manifested; nor hidden, that is not to be known. " (Matthew 10: 16, 19-22, 26).

Become a world-class Christian
"Send us to the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for humanity"
PSALM 67: 2 (BAD)
World-class Christians know that Jesus saved them to serve and that they were created for a mission. They are eager to receive a particular assignment and are thrilled with the privilege of being used by God. Their joy, their confidence and enthusiasm are contagious because they know they make a difference.
MARKS 16:15 (NIV)

As disciples we are followers of God and we have the same call as them. However, no one said that this call would be easy, the good thing is that God promised to be with us always. Our absolute dependence must be on God, that is the key to everything. Never think about what others have, God gave each one a purpose, pray to God for your purpose to be revealed to you.
Jesus advises us to be prudent, cunning and meek. We must not lose humility, because our Teacher was the greatest example of humility. Because humility has its attraction, draws attention, brings us closer to people. I have said that we should not worry, because sometimes we do not know how to act or what to say in certain situations. But despite this he said he would use our mouths and put his words to us to minister. Therefore we should not be afraid, because his Word, which is the source of life, flows in our lives. The Holy Spirit is in our lives and he will lead us to what we should say or not say; and it will guide us to how we should act. Even if the enemy gets up to try to oppose us or block our way, God will remove the stones.
Finally, stop thinking about yourself and think about others. This change is difficult because we are naturally absorbed in ourselves. The only way to change this paradigm is depending on God moment by moment.
Change from local to global perspective From the beginning he wanted the family members of every nation he created. The first step to start thinking globally is to pray for specific countries.
Leave the excuses and think of creative ways to fulfill your commission. If you want to be like Jesus, you must have a heart that yearns to reach the whole world. You can not feel satisfied just because your family and friends know Christ. There are more than six billion people on earth and the Lord wants to find all his lost children. The Great Commission is your commission, and doing your part is the secret to living a meaningful life.
PSALMS 67: 2

I invite you to be part of the year-end campaign, initiated by @sc-v "Turn on a Light" let us shine the light of Christ and enlighten the lives of others, that is our mission, that when we go through the darkness of the people, these are clarified by the light of God in us.
It's time for freedom!
Bring your light to the world!

Yeshua's only mission was to seek and to save the lost. Let the saints take a cue.
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"The strength of our faith, on a personal and community level, is also measured by the ability to communicate it to others, to spread it, to live it in charity, to give testimony to the people we meet and who share with us the path of life"
As children of God we have a mission, we all have an assignment from God, he wants us to help other people to be part of the family of Jesus, we must share with our friends, family, neighbors about Jesus
Good reflexion @ darlenys01
God's plan for the world is for everyone to know him, so he has given us a mission so we can share @ darlenys01
Excellent @ darlenys01, sometimes we forget our mission and we wrap ourselves in our own problems forgetting this great command of God
Thank you @ darlenys01 for reminding us of something so necessary in our Christian lives but that we constantly ignore, since it is a mission to share it with all
We must ask God to give us time and courage and his strength to fulfill this mission @ darlenys01, very good reflection
The mission of the Christian is to serve in all areas of life and to share the gospel with every person who does not know God.
Good reminder @ darlenys01
The desire of God is that every person will come to know him, and the mission of the Christian is to fulfill the mission entrusted by Jesus, good reflection @ darlenys01
The mission of being children of God means giving up all motives of personal pride, careerism, fame, power, and being humble instruments of salvation worked by the sacrifice of Jesus.
Thanks for sharing @darlenys01, all Christians have a mission. This means our name, "Christian", which derives from Christ, the "anointed one" by God for the salvation of the world.
the mission corresponds effectively to all Christians, according to our conditions and circumstances in the Church and in the world; Christian mission is an essential aspect of education in the faith; this mission requires today first of all testimony and mercy.
We have a great task, especially the secular world, the secular world, and it is the mission to humanize a little more this difficult life that brings us the world today, too politicized, consumerist, selfish and heartless. And we can humanize it from the gospel, which is the good news that comes from the very heart of Jesus, from his very breath, word that is truth and promise of salvation, the Good News that we hear is to share it with others, especially for those most in need of encouragement, encouragement, relief and consolation.
Bring the love of christ @ darlenys01 is our mission. Thank you for these messages.
blessings very beautiful sister reflection must be proclaimed to jesus devote to win disciples
God bless you, you are right, sister, there is a way to win souls for Christ
"Preaching the Gospel is no reason for glory for me; it is an imperative for me. Poor me if I do not proclaim the Gospel! "
(1Cor 9,16)
Christian mission is a gift to share, educate and communicate the faith and then proceed to evangelize the Word of God.
Sharing the word of the Lord, it is wonderful also to magnify the spirit allows you to bring others to that great truth.
Being true Christians, we will achieve a better world.
Good publication, Apostle Darlenys, is the great mission that Jesus rigorously entrusted to us. regards