Psalm of David, when he was in the desert of Judah.
63 Oh God, you are my God;
I look intensely.
My soul thirsts for you;
my whole being yearns for you,
like a dry land, exhausted and thirsty.
2 I have seen you in the sanctuary
and I have contemplated your power and your glory.
3 Your love is better than life;
that's why my lips will praise you.
4 I will bless you as long as I live,
and raising my hands I will invoke you.
5 My soul will be satisfied
as of a succulent banquet,
and with jubilant lips
your mouth will praise you.
6 In my bed I remember you;
I think about you all night.
7 In the shadow of your wings I will sing,
because you are my help.
8 My soul clings to you;
Your right hand sustains me.
9 Those who seek my death will be destroyed;
they will descend to the depths of the earth.
10 They will be handed over to the sword
and they will end up devoured by the jackals.
11 The king will rejoice in God;
all who call on God will praise him,
but the liars will be silenced.
How many times have you been walking through life and it seems that everything is going well the impression that everything is well-disposed, and things look and look great.But suddenly, change the scenario in those moments I feel like asking: "Where will the trees and the beautiful panoramas have gone?"In my heart, I know that I have just come out of the green degree of my walk with God to enter the dry barrenness of the desert. When things are going well, it is easy to think that we do not really need God. but he has creative ways to remind us how much we do not need one of them is that we enter the desert.
Sometimes a desert is necessary to take us to a feeling of total despair for having God. All the great leaders of God have discovered this truth: Finding ourselves distanced from the consolations of life means being in a place where only God can help us.
The only cry that consoles in the desert is this: "God my God, you are you." David moved to cling to God in his desert. We have to recognize it in all the circumstances that we face. He must be the God of all the moments of our life. Even in the middle of his desert he is Emmanuel. "God with us." He will be your consolation and He will guide you throughout your experience in the desert.
In Psalm 63, David reveals an agran lesson of life. In the middle of a desert and dry land, he thirsts for something that is not water. He calls: "My soul thirsts for you, my flesh longs for you, in dry land. and arid where there is no water "(Psalm 63.1).
When almost everything else would be longing for the water that would sustain them Or perhaps seeking strength to get out of their situation David yearns for God.
Do you remember a time when your longing for God made you thirst for Him with all your being? I can only imagine the intense pain that David felt when he cried:
"My soul longs and even ardently the courts of the Lord:
my heart and my flesh sing to the living God "
Today I can remember many moments of my own life when this was true. and you? Remember a time when your longing for God became so intense that you felt physical pain? .
Read Psalm 63: 2. The people of today are hungry to know God longs to see his power and his glory. The glory of God is the result of the manifestation of his presence. Power and glory must go together. God wants to manifest it in your life more than you long for it to manifest.
I want you to know how much God loves him. When you are going through the most painful moments of your life and you do not have the strength to pray, God promises you that you will pay attention to your sighs. When all you can do in your prayer is to sigh saying, "Sir," He hears your cry. "Lord, all my desires are before you, and my sigh is not hidden from you" (Ps 38: 9).
We all want the rewards, but not all of us accept the process, and you should know this: but it is my conclusion through experience and communion with the Lord, and that rather than blessing God's desire is perfecting you. Says the word:
Philippians 1: 6 NKJV being persuaded of this, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ.
And the place where God perfects our character is in the desert, Jesus returned from the Desert in the Power of the Spirit. Rejoice then ... For after your desert what remains is the manifestation of the Power of God in your life to work a miracle in your situations. You just have to stand firm that God will do.
If you want to be a faithful Christian who enjoys the blessings of God with a humble and grateful heart, interpret the desert time you are going through today as a time determined by God to prepare you for the good land that He has promised you.
The people of Israel crossed 7 deserts before entering the promised land. The number 7 in the biblical typology means: "perfection," consummation. " This teaches us that part of God's dealings is that we go through the desert for the consummation of his precious will in our lives. The deserts were:
Desert of Shur (Ex. 15:22)
Desert of Sin (Ex. 16: 1)
Desert of Sinai (Ex. 19: 1)
Desert of Paran (Numbers 12:16)
Desert of Zin (Numbers 20: 1)
Desert of Ijeabarim (Numbers 21:11)
Desert of Anon (Numbers 21:13)
What is the purpose of the desert times in our lives?
"To afflict you." It is easy to praise God and be faithful when everything goes wonderfully, but what happens in adversity and when everything goes wrong? Are we still faithful in the midst of problems? There God tests the QUALITY of the spiritual life that we have.
"To prove yourself" Try what? The LEVEL of our spirituality. Here the Lord measures our maturity and spiritual growth. Having years as a believer does not mean reaching maturity.
"To know what was in your heart". Here the Lord tests our inner INTENTION to obey or disobey Him. We can deceive all those around us with a facade of "faithful and full of obedience" but the Lord always looks at the intention of the heart.
In my personal life I have crossed many deserts, and if I had to relive it, I would, because it is in that desert where I saw the Lord face to face. I love this verse: Therefore, behold, I will seduce you, I will take you to the desert, and I will speak to your heart. 15I will give him his vineyards from there, and the valley of Acor by the gate of hope. And there he shall sing as in the days of his youth, as on the day he came up out of the land of Egypt ... Hosea 2:14.

In The desert shows you, nakedness, reveals you in a total way, before the mystery of God that surrounds you. Nothing and nobody can interfere in your encounter with the creator of all things, sometimes it breaks you but in its mercy it molds you with your hands like the potter, beautiful sister theme @darnelys.
Hello friend we have to thank God for the good and the bad too
When we are going through some problem or any circumstance, it is when we have to look for more of God.
If we must seek God at all times and at all times. Blessings
Many people turn away from God. .. but in the desert it is when we must look for more of God ... of his love, of his protection and of his help. That's where God shapes us to be what He wants us to be
A desert may be financial, spiritual or physical.
Every one will pass through desert in life but what matters most is your attitude you put on when in the center of the desert.
It isn't time to curse, it is rather time to pray!!!
This is a very powerful message. God bless u for sharing
Thank you darlenys01 for this writing, in this moment of my life, for which I am transiting the desert, facing it strengthened in Jesus Christ and asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
GOD keep on blessing her
Sometimes, a desert is necessary to bring us to a feeling of total despair for having God. All the great leaders of God have discovered this truth: to be separated from the consolations of life means to be in a place where only God can help us.
Excellent message In the deserts of life, only the hand of God can help us and reach us. Blessings, apostle.