Prayer for My Nation

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

We entrust to you Lord, our cause (Job 5: 8-15) I believe that we are at a very decisive time in the Church, in Venezuela and in the world, and this decisive moment must be faced with the weapons that the Lord has given us . And one of the most important weapons we have is prayer.

In these days there was talk of the anointing and the Word, there was also much talk of the renewal, expansion and widening of the things of God, and I believe in that, but tonight I would like to share with you some of the experience that God has given me. been giving in this last time about prayer. In the book of Job, there is a direct challenge to seek God in one direction.

Chapter 5 says: "Surely I would seek God, and I would entrust my cause to him, who does great and unsearchable things, and wonders without number, who gives rain on the face of the earth, and sends the waters over the fields, which puts the humble in height, and lifts the mourners up security ... ... read carefully now and confess this is loud: "... That frustrates the thoughts of the cunning, ... "Can we believe this? "... that his hands may not do anything, that he seizes the wise in their cunning ..." Pay attention to this also: "... And frustrate the designs of the wicked. And at noon they grope as in the night ... "and confess aloud with me verse 15:" ... Thus he delivers the poor from the sword, from the mouth of the wicked, and from the violent hand .. . "


For a long time there is a very special burden in my heart with respect to my Nation, and the Holy Spirit insists permanently with that burden of praying for our country.

And talking to someone about how important the Christian church is, I told him how wonderful it would be if suddenly a page were opened to form a prayer network in Venezuela.

If only three hundred of our Churches would agree on a network of prayer, fasting and intersection for our country, I believe that this country would shake and shook to the core, how many believe it with me? GOD CAN DO IT, because he is powerful, Amen! How good that would be!

Suddenly, letters arrived from brothers from different places, and even from a sister who was born spiritually in the Movement and who now has an intersection network in Switzerland, saying: "... If you make a prayer network in Venezuela, we want to be in contact, to pray for Venezuela and for you to pray for us, we need to unite with people who have this burden of prayer ... "I believe, dear brothers, that the Lord will allow us to have a time of prayer unanimous with the people of God for the nations.

That is my burden, and I am praying and proclaiming that God can do it. Times and circumstances are too advanced. Many analysts and historians have come to verify that what is happening in our country is a phenomenon that they have not seen anywhere in the world. We are making history! We have become a world novelty, but not for good things, but for totally horrible situations.

Who can change this situation? Who can reverse this chaos? And I say: THERE IS SOMEONE WHO CAN DO IT, and it is the Lord Jesus Christ through his Church. Glory to God! They talk a lot but do little, both politicians and economists, trade unionists and all the "istes" there are in the country, but we can not waste time listening to things that are not going to help us at all, we have to put hands to the work !, and our work at this time is: Pray for Venezuela.


We need the Lord to help us take our place as a Church. I'm not talking about getting into politics, or anything that does not correspond, but we have to understand that if a country like ours has such a crisis in politics, in the social part and in the economic part, as a Church we have to intervene, We must intervene! It is our responsibility. We must cry out for God to intervene supernaturally. May God intervene miraculously. Now, I ask: Can God do it? Do we have a supernatural God? Do we have a miraculous God? Do we have an Almighty God? Can God do it? Yes or no? Now confess: "... And he will use me ..." and this is not boastful, because God still uses men and women. God uses his Church! God is going to use us! I am believing that God is going to change the history of Venezuela. It will not change anything or anyone, it will only the Lord and through us.

Prepare for the next change! Get ready for the transformation of Venezuela! Get ready for the next hour !, and I say: Glory to God !, because it is easy to say Glory to God! when everything is done and everything is seen, but now we must say Glory to God !, when nothing is seen and everything is darkness, darkness and negativism, but I believe by faith that: WE WILL SEE A FULLY NEW VENEZUELA! and that WHAT IS GOING TO FULFILL THE PURPOSE AND THE WORD THAT GOD HAS FOR THIS NATION !!!!!, Even if hell says something different !, Even if men make fun and do not give us anything !, God has everything to give us! What men deny us will God give us!
I proclaim in the name of Jesus: We do not need the miseries and crumbs of man! We have abundance in our kingdom and in our God! And this is the time to show that in Venezuela there is a people who know their God, that, we are going to look for God in this hour of crisis.

Today, I saw brothers looking for the remains of desperate food in the trash, and I thought with my heart: Lord bring justice for my country, a country with so much wealth.


Let's look at a well-known passage in the 2nd Book of Samuel Cap. 15, where King David has to flee because of the conspiracy of his son Absalom. It says: "And David went up the hill of Olives, and he went up crying, with his head covered and his feet bare, and all the people he had with him covered each one his head, and they were weeping as they went up. "Here we find a totally critical situation that King David and his family were going through, who had to flee because Absalom conspired to take away the kingdom," ... And they told David, saying: Ahithophel is among the who conspired with Absalom ... "Now, pay close attention to David's prayer:" ... Then David said, "Stifle now, O LORD, the counsel of Ahithophel ..."

Brother, confess now with me: "... stifle now, Lord, all advice of evil and wicked men ...", We continue reading: "... When David reached the top of the mountain to worship God there, here Husai arquita who met him, his clothes torn, and earth on his head, and David said to him, "If you pass with me, you will be a burden to me." But if you go back to the city, and say to Absalom, "King I will be your servant; here I have been a servant of your father, so I will be your servant now, then you will void the advice of Ahithophel ... "

We also read a paragraph of chapter 16 "Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, Give your advice about what we must do." And Ahithophel said to Absalom, "Go to your father's concubines, whom he left to keep the house; the people of Israel will hear that you have made your father hateful, and so the hands of all who are with you will be strengthened. "Then they laid a tent for Absalom on the housetop, and Absalom came to his father's concubines, The eyes of all Israel, and the counsel that Ahithophel gave in those days, was as if the word of God were consulted, and so was all the counsel of Ahithophel, both with David and with Absalom ... "

We are going to entrust our cause to him. There are Venezuelans who spend their time crying because of the misery that exists, but in this hour of misery and crisis we have to confess and proclaim in the Spirit that we have victory and that it is coming soon! That it is approached like a spirit! Comes! Come! Come! It comes from above! It comes from the Kingdom! It comes from the heavenly places! It comes from the throne! OUR ANSWER! IT IS NOT IN MEN! IT'S IN THE! In the King of kings and Lord of lords, I believe it and proclaim it with all my heart. I am teaching it in the church and to the young people.

I have dreamed all my life with raising a people that knows how to pray, that knows how to seek God and that knows how to enjoy the answers of the Almighty, and God is doing it. God is raising a new generation of powerful warriors in prayer, and within that mighty army you are my brother, do not underestimate yourself, he is the one who trains, he is the one who invests, he is the one who anoints. Confess right now: "... God invests me to pray for Venezuela ..." Dies Lord, the advice of the wicked (2 Samuel 15: 30-34, 16: 20-23 and 17: 23)

On this occasion, Ahithophel, a wise man, who had been a servant of David, was in favor of Absalom and against David, but David had prayed, "... Now, O Jehovah, the counsel of Ahithophel ... "Recently a friend told me:" ... I was talking with high authorities from another country, who asked me several questions aboutVenezuelaand they told me the following: Did you know that within the group of those responsible for the IMF there was a Nobel Prize in economics that visited Venezuela several times? And that a while ago was separated from his position because he told the wise men of that organization that they were committing a very serious error with Venezuela? That they were being abused and that they were taking advantage of the opportunity not only to exploit Venezuela, but also to bleed this Nation? ..

We can not settle for praying only for our neighborhood, our city, our family and our congregation. Dear brother, there is something that touches us all very closely: It is the terrible crisis that we have, and if we do not pray, WE HAVE HORRIBLE DAYS, but I do not wait for horrible days, I wait for glorious days in the future because God can reverse the situation As in the days of Esther, when everything was ready to exterminate the Israelites, God gave them victory and life. Hallelujah! God is going to give victory to Venezuela, but we must have wisdom to pray.

Not only to pray for a family, for a town or for a city, we are going to pray for the provinces! Let's pray for the Nation! Let's pray for the nations! because they are our inheritance, as the Psalm says: "... Ask of me, and I will give you as an inheritance the nations, and as your possession the ends of the earth ..." Glory to God! Confess now: "... my Nation is my inheritance, God gave it to me, Venezuela is not of the devil or of men, Argentina is ours, is of the church, IS OF GOD ..." All the kingdoms of the Earth is from God! The whole earth belongs to God! Venezuela is from God! Venezuela is a people and Nation redeemed by God to fulfill its purpose! May the angel of Jehovah harass them and persecute them (Psalm 35: 1 to 6)

We must pray that all those who try the evil of Venezuela will be ashamed and that the Lord will not only shame all the corrupt, thieves and liars in our country, but also that there will not be any left. Will the Lord cleanse them? we have to pray for the Lord to raise up rulers as he wants, to fear God and to fulfill his Word. We continue reading verses 5 and 6: "... Be as the chaff before the wind ..." And now read carefully: "... And the angel of the Lord harasses them ..." and more still: "... Be your dark and slippery road ... "And what else does it say? "... And the angel of Jehovah pursues them ..."

Ask God in the name of Jesus to mark your heart with the spirit of prayer for this Nation, and if God marks you, you will pray for Venezuela with wisdom and authority. "... And when Herod was going to take him out, that same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and the guards in front of the door guarded the prison, and behold, an angel of the Lord appeared. "Glory to God for the angels! When the church prays, God mobilizes his angels! "... and a light shone in the prison, and touching Peter in the side, woke him up, saying, Get up early, and the chains fell from his hands ..."



image(2).pngTogether we stand, all Ghanaians are on their knees praying for country Venezuela, the Lord said we must trust to him in times of difficulties and he will be our refuge. All that I will like to say it to pray and trust in him and shall be well sister @darleny01. Greetings from Ghana

beautiful apostolic publication, we must pray for our nation, with so many difficulties, the hunger that is everywhere in this country, we must pray all together.

wonderful missional distribution, we should appeal to God for our country, with such huge numbers of challenges, the craving that is wherever in this nation, we should supplicate all together.

We need to have confidence that Venezuela will have a characteristic change and wealth will want all

My favored and wonderful Venezuela you thrive and the triumph will come; God is doing

appealing to God for our Venezuela all together, consistent God will reestablish and raise our lovely nation

Amen, Blessings for my country, only with effort and prayer we can achieve it, move forward.

We have to have faith that Venezuela will have a natural change and abundance will come for all

My blessed and beautiful Venezuela you prosper and the victory will come; God is doing

Hello friend @ darlenys01, praying for our Venezuela all together, unanimous God will restore and raise our beautiful country

We must pray at all times and at all times for our country and more in difficult times we are living, but the glory is of God

Blessings for our country, Venezuela is in the hands of God and he will do his work

Greetings and blessings Apostol I am believing this word.

Job 8: 5-7
5 If you seek God in the future, And pray to the Almighty; 6 If you are clean and upright, Surely then he will be awakened by you, And will make the abode of your righteousness prosperous.7 And even though your principle has been small, Your last state will be very great.

I am sure that we will rise from this, but it is necessary that the people of God seek more his face.

Inspirational post Sister!

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yes i absoultly thanks for sharing this posts

Amen, God listen to prayer, that strong weapon we have to fight adversity and our nation needs it now.

It is time for change, because God has decreed it, now we as true followers of Christ must unite, pray and make this divine decree be materialized, blessings brothers, blessings Venezuela.

At trying times like this we need knights and warriors who will intercede for our countries.

Nigeria also need a revival where the power of God will be made manifest in lives of individuals, communities and government.

There is a task ahead, and it is intercession (standing in the gap)

"I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but I found no one."
Ezekiel 22:30

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14

Blessings for our country, Venezuela is in the hands of God and he will do his work

Excellent message, and excellent momonto so that we all agree to create the urgent prayer network for our country. Certainly I can pray only, but if we do or more agree, the supernatural effect will be more forceful. Apóstol let's start as well as the prayer network raises no matter that we start with two or three, God is with us and this will grow and be glorious for our country and the rest of the nations. DTB