Steemchurch: Do not let yourself be defeated

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

GENESIS 41: 40-44

Being a winner, being a victorious person is not only to achieve the goals of our life, but all the things that have had to face and overcome in order to achieve them.

In the life of Joseph, who became the second in the greatest empire of that time, in Egypt, we can recognize what are all those things that in our life we will have to face and overcome to reach our goals and to succeed in life .


The first thing that Satan wants to destroy in a person's life are his dreams, because a person without dreams is like a ship adrift, it is an empty life, without direction, without goals, without projects.

We have to know that, just as Jacob loved Joseph and was very special to him, so Heavenly Father loves us and we are very special to him, and God's love of our life, his favor, and his mercy, will produce many times. envy, criticism, contempt, and ridicule in the hearts of those people who do not want anything with our God.

Possibly we will have to face the disbelief of those people who do not believe that God can make our dreams come true.

Possibly we will have to face the contempt of those people who think or believe that we can not succeed, that we can not have a better life than we have today, that they do not believe that our life will change for the better.

Possibly we will suffer the same contempt as Joseph first of our own family, perhaps of our own parents or brothers, but we have to trust that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and he has blessing plans for our life.


Chapter 37 of Genesis ends in a very sad way, Joseph sold by his own brothers as a slave, Joseph suffered in his life a true adversity (Disgrace, contrary and unfavorable situation) that could have totally changed his future for evil, for failure , but it was not like that.

In chapter 39 we can see that Joseph was able to recover from adversity, José did not let himself be overcome by adversity, José did not let adversity determine his future, José was sure that even in the midst of the worst adversity of his life: GOD WAS WITH HIM. (verses 2-3)

In my country there is a phrase that says: "The parakeet wherever it is green" and means that the one who is good at something does not matter the situation that he has to face will succeed, but we could say: "The Christian where he shines "

In spite of the difficulty or adversity that you are facing today, although it seems that everything in your life has changed for the worse, even though it seems that everything is against you, you can overcome your adversity if you remember as Joseph did, that even in medium of adversity God is with you (Isaiah 43: 2).

Surely what his brothers did to him caused much pain in the heart of Joseph, because rejection, betrayal, and bad attitudes produce pain in our hearts, but Joseph did not allow the pain to weaken and destroy him, he allowed God I was with him to comfort him and heal him.

We also have to allow our God to comfort us with his love and mercy (Isaiah 66: 12-13) as the embrace of a mother who sits her children on her knees to comfort us of her pain so our God comforts us , if in your life the pain is overcoming you and you do not find consolation, it is because you have moved away from the love of God, it is because you have separated yourself from your heavenly father, come to him today, come to the arms of your heavenly father.


If this year we want to be victorious, we have to yearn to be in everything, and that is why we have to recognize that the temptation comes from satan, and he only wants to steal, kill and destroy in our lives.

To fall into temptation means to fail, to fall into temptation means to be defeated, that is to say that if we want to be victorious in 2018 we have to be able to overcome the temptation that satan puts before us.

To overcome temptation we have to understand that our sin offends and harms our neighbor, but mainly our God (verse 9).


Joseph had in front of him the people who sold him, his own brothers, had in front of him those who had caused him so much pain and pain and had the power to do them wrong, to take revenge on them, but José overcame evil with the all right.

Joseph instead of destroying his brothers, instead of harming them, instead of taking revenge for what they did to him, he forgave them, he gave them life, he did them well despite all the evil they did to him.

We as children of God have to take the example of Joseph in our lives, and the word of God commands each one of us to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).

And how can we do that, how can we overcome evil with good? Let's see what our Lord Jesus Christ taught us (Matthew 5: 43-45).




Faith is all what a true believer needs, and our Lord said, those that believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. This shows us that for believing in the Lord problems may come but will take us through.

More success in reaching your (personal and professional) goals. You know how easy those great ideas come along? And you know how much work it is to implement them and see them through? When you learn to encourage yourself, you'll get all the way to completion.

The absence of faith has a role to play in unbelief and doubt thats why alot of us end up defeated!

Thank you for your encouraging post, your words of wisdom and encouragement, and the example of righteous Joseph.

Jacob was deceived by his other sons into believing that Joseph was mauled by a wild animal and had died. Joseph, who was sold into slavery and later falsely accused and unjustly imprisoned, has now been raised up, arrayed in glorious clothing and has been appointed to the right hand of the Pharaoh. Joseph’s experiences typify and foreshadow that of the suffering servant Messiah. Jesus was rejected by His own kinsman, falsely accused, unjustly punished but raised from the dead to be adorned in clouds of glory, seated at the right hand of God and given rule and authority over all of creation.

Blessings in Messiah Jesus, Steven Sherman, born-again Jewish believer @lastdays

Faith without work is useless, we have to work towards our faith or else we would be defeated. How do you work towards your faith? By believe in in the word of God.

Great talk
I love the fact that you used the story of joseph to give this talk.
Nice thinking.
Great post

With all the ups and downs in life, it's understandable when people give up but that is where a background of rigid faith should come in. When your faith in God is strong, there is nothing you won't be able to overcome.

The more we realize his death on the cross has given us victory over everything, then we are sure of defeating anything that is of evil. We are the children of God and we can't be defeated.

The truth is that we are humans and as long as we live on this planet, we must have challenges and tribulations. But when we know the God we serve and we believe in him strongly, he will not put us to shame and we would overcome that temptation without pain.


Life is filled with temptations, trials and hardships sometimes they make us want to end our struggles and give up but Like the bible said we need to be steadfast and pray to God renew a new spirit within us.
This way we can persevere and continue in faith of our lord Jesus Christ the devil wants us to give up and get drowned in our sorrow but we must keep believing that nothing is too hard for God
A powerfully written message indeed

You are only defeated when you accept defeat.
You have the power in you to defeat anything of this world. So setbacks doesn't means the end.
If you fail 10 times then try again 11 times till result would come.

I love that:

do not let yourself be defeated.

God has given us victory

i AM of the Lord.I will not fail or falter