What is the heart?
The heart is the one that determines who we are and how we behave and it is from where we make every determination in our life. It is the organ that completely establishes all that we are, as well as the realization of our path on earth and in eternity.
"Everything keeps your heart because life flows from it". Proverbs 4:23
It is the heart that allows us to take great steps in life. It is where the greatest strength of our being is concentrated to obtain victory, to overcome difficulties, to take challenges, and risks. It is where fear and courage are forged. It is also one of the determinants of a considerable part in terms of our health.
And most importantly, it is in the meditation of the heart where our salvation or our condemnation is determined.
"For with the heart it is believed for righteousness, but with the mouth it is confessed for salvation." Romans 10.10
Meditating with the heart can lead the soul to true repentance and change behavior, motivations and intentions under the right path. According to the way man meditates with the heart, it will be the result of his restoration.
What is meditating with the heart?
Meditating is the way of thinking that leads you to reflect, it is when you mature in a fundamental area of your life and this is the heart. When you reflect to act properly in any situation that is deformed in any part of your life. When you do it from the spiritual heart, you do it in a genuine way as long as the heart is regenerated.
6 Components that will teach you to meditate with the heart
In the same way that our physical heart is formed by components for its correct functioning, the spiritual heart has 6 components that will show you how to learn to meditate with the heart in an effective way.
1.- The ventricles of the spiritual heart
This design is impalpable. We have a carnal ventricle that is responsible for the thoughts of the soul, and a spiritual ventricle that absorbs everything that comes from God and our spirit.
In the region of the ventricle of the spirit is where God writes his laws. This part is surrounded by the consciousness that comes from God and was placed within us from our birth. On the other hand, it is attached to communion through a channel through which life circulates to our whole being.
"This is the covenant that I will make with them. After those days, the Lord says: I will put my laws in their hearts and in their minds I will write them. Hebrews 10:16.
Just as the physical heart has one side that harbors the dirty blood and cellular debris, and another side where the purified blood is absorbed and sent to the whole body. In this way the spiritual heart pumps either iniquity, or faculty of God and life, to our whole being.
It is from the carnal ventricle that the thoughts of the heart that contaminate the soul and the body emerge.
In the spiritual atmosphere there are substances. It is there where it is born, that faith is the substance of what is expected. In this way iniquity enters the organs and bones to contaminate them.
In the word of God it is expressed as follows:
"But what comes out of the mouth, the heart comes out; and that contaminates man "Matthew 15:18.
"The gentle heart is life of the flesh; But envy is rottenness of the bones. "Proverbs 14:30
2.- The foreskin of the heart
Around the carnal ventricle, we see a dark substance that surrounds it, this is the foreskin of the heart. It is a part where you find the conscience that was thickening in an evident and desensitized increase, by the sin, the evil and the incredulity of the adamic habitat, which tells you meditate with the heart but it is not clean to do it effectively.
As long as it is not expelled and changed by a reformed conscience, it will be like a plug that prevents the flow of God from illuminating and irrigating our soul to meditate with a healthy heart. meditate incorrectly when the heart is submerged with this dark and malignant substance.
That is why God calls us to circumcise our hearts so that the life and healing of God can be manifested in the renewal of our souls and we can use this area correctly.
"Circumcise, then, the foreskin of your heart, and do not harden your neck any more." Deuteronomy 10:16.
The conscience that surrounds the heart perverts, causing disbelief. Perversion not only comes from sin, iniquity, and rebellion. A broken or wounded heart is also perverted. Destructive emotions such as envy, jealousy, bitterness, etc., are important components that pervert the heart. The greater the perversion, the greater the disbelief and the lack of faith.
This foreskin in the conscience is a lens of darkness that causes people to see everything deformed and distorted, it is a dense bandage that activates the distrust of everything and everyone. A heart in this terrible condition, is completely blocked and can not trust even in God, which will distort the meditate with the heart in a correct way.
His lips can pronounce that they love him and declare that he believes him, but the facts will say the opposite. The evident sample will be the fruits that will manifest in his life, where only his confidence in himself and his reasoning will be evident.
"All things are pure for the pure, but for the corrupt and unbelieving nothing is pure to them; for even his mind and conscience are corrupted. " Titus 1:15
This corruption is transformed into impenetrable veils of darkness that make it impossible for people to see God. We were created to see and feel our maker. Jesus is the reflection of the invisible God and when we convert from the heart. He reveals himself and allows us to see him.
- The flow of life and the valve of the heart
It is from our spirit that life springs, since it descends and leaves God. Whether we have the generation of our spirit through Jesus Christ or not, we all inherit God's natural life.
When a person is still in his Adamic condition, he continues to absorb from his spirit, the flow of life to be able to coexist in this world.
When someone is filled with the spirit of God, the flow of life will be an abundant source of the resurrection life that will flow from the center of communion to his whole being. The imparting of every perfect gift and of the divine condition, flows substantially from a channel that links the spirit to the carnal ventricle.
4.- The center of emotions.
One of the most important parts of the heart is the center of emotions. Everything we feel, whether good or bad, is processed by the heart.
"From within, out of the heart come evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders." Matthew 7:21
The heart is an extraordinary chest full of treasures, memories, good and bad experiences. It is the written book of everything we have treasured in the soul. It is the newspaper library where all our experiences are stored and recorded. It is from there that we establish our personality, our way of thinking and believing.
"The good man, out of the good treasure of his heart brings out evil; Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". Luke 6.45
The emotions are linked to the two ventricles, the spiritual and the natural. In this way the heart is able to process the feelings and sensations that come from the soul as well as those that come from God, as they are; the joy, the peace, or the expectation of a miracle in your life.
It is the one that determines the emotional center and is attached to the physical heart, the mind and the brain.
5.- The will
In this part the heart is also connected to the two ventricles and is the one that determines if we live by the spirit or by the flesh, in this way it is relevant to meditate with the heart in a sense aligned to the perfect will.
In the same way as the rest of the heart, it is surrounded by the conscience that will lead us to make good or bad decisions.
The transcendence of this part lies in the fact that it will derive our eternal life either in salvation or in condemnation.
"For those who are of the flesh think of the things of the flesh; but those who are of the spirit, in the things of the spirit. " Roman 8: 5
The will operates as an influence that inclines the heart towards the flesh or toward God. This is what we also call free will. It is free, because nobody can lead and govern it but only us. God can not make determinations for us and the devil can not do it either. The devil the only thing he can do is seduce the will for people to surrender to their temptations and lies.
It is important to refer that while the life of an individual is not established in Christ, sin dominates being. The darkness occupies the place invested in the golden pot, they settle down there and conscience is cauterized. In this period the fallen soul very subtly pays attention to the voice of conscience and at great volume the persuasive lies of the devil.
- The heart according to the heart of God
This is the heart of those who love and fear God, not founding their lives in the flesh but in the spirit. The life of Christ flows freely through the heart surrendered to him, causing the works of the flesh to die.
The valve is completely open, transferring the resurrection life to the physical heart and blood, healing and vivifying the mortal body.
The spirit of God has conquered control and our conscience has been cleansed and restored making us sensitive to the ways of God and the spirit.
In this condition the heart is in full service of the spirit and can receive the thoughts of God, it is in this perfect moment that meditate with the heart according to the heart of God you will do it correctly without any misaligned influence, it is in this condition that every decision what he takes will be correct.
The people when they reach this heart, the revelation and the hidden mysteries of God are received in their spirit, from the believer will come rivers of living water and Divine knowledge, that will take them to a level indicated and aligned to meditate with the heart that God wants that every human being has ...
My beloved brothers, these days I felt a little bit of tension, because I was very tired, and I recommend this type of music to relax and meditate.
Beautiful publication. In Psalm 19:14 it says, "May the sayings of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing before You ..." He asks that his words and thoughts be consistent. The words of the mouth are a farce if they are not supported by the meditation of the heart. The purpose of meditating on the commandments of God is: "to keep and to do according to all that is written therein". The purpose is not only knowledge but obedience. Blessings apostle @darlenys01
It is important that our heart is healthy so that we can meditate and make decisions ... It is also necessary that we have a heart that is pure to God, a heart of flesh and not of stone!
hello, apostle, blessings, God give you the strength to keep going, you are in my prayers, so that you feel better ..
thanks @marcelo182
Meditation is a means of relaxing our mind and clearing our thoughts, going to a quiet place, feeling nature and thinking in a relaxed and orderly way can be a way to alleviate some difficult situation and from there depart to the desired mood for every person
Wow such fantastic quality post, our heart is the focal point of everything, every decision and every actions we've taken, it's the thought that takes place in us that reflects the heart we have that is why as Christians we must always let our heart meditate good thinking, because when it does, it would finally reflect God in us.
I love the way you broke it down.
The heart is the entrance into the soul.
Even The Bible says we should meditate on His Word.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Please do take care Sis.
You are strengthened in Jesus Name. Amen.
Love you.
💖 #Steemchurch needs A Strong Apostle as yourself.
Hmmmmm... Wow... Amazing. Every thought in life starts from the heart, before taking it to action. So we should guide our hearts jealously, because in it brings forth issues of life. Thank you ma'am.
Thanks for sharing this with us, this have said it all "Meditating with the heart is one of the doors that God has established and is one of the most important entrances that connect with the kingdom of God. Just as the physical heart has two parts, the spiritual heart is also divided into 5 components that are fundamental, so that you can meditate correctly in any situation."
The spirit of God has conquered control and our conscience has been cleansed and restored making us sensitive to the ways of God and the spirit.
In this condition the heart is in full service of the spirit and can receive the thoughts of God, it is in this perfect moment that meditate with the heart according to the heart of God you will do it correctly without any misaligned influence, it is in this condition that every decision what he takes will be correct.
when we make decisions ... it is best we make them deep down from our hearts than from just our head. Thus, avoid regrets. thanks a lot for sharing
Meditation transforms!
Heartfulness is an approach to life that helps us understand why meditate ? It helps integrate our inner world with the outer world peacefully.
To meditate is to think deeply about what God has told us in Scripture and prepare our minds and hearts for prayer. Scripture fills our meditation and meditation fills our prayers. Thank you for your publication dear apostle, God bless you
the through reason of Christ is to understand him and love him. it is really good to meditate with how heart, for fat easy communication to God.
hello, apostle, blessings, God give you the strength to keep going, you are in my prayers, so that you feel better ..
thanks for sharing this posts
La paz de Dios es solo para el que ha alcanzado el nivel de espiritualidad de tal manera que nada puede quitarle esa paz , cualquier método que sirva para alcanzar nuestra tranquilidad aparte de la que Dios brinda es bienvenida, que viva el Rey.