We were all creators for Him and for Him. And when we were created, the path to fulfillment was laid out in us. In all human beings the essence of God that is the spirit was deposited. So that through the spirit we communicate with the Creator. The human being was created to transcend, that is why at some point in our lives despite having recognition, economic opulence, power; or a stable relationship of couple, we do not find fullness. Nothing in this world will fill the space that belongs to God. No matter how much we get, that emptiness has the size of God.
The Scriptures say, like He who puts eternity into our hearts, we no longer only live with the consequences of sin, but we are living with this missing ingredient of communion with God.
That's what makes our heart empty, that's what we want, that's what we want, but we can not have it on our own. No matter how hard we try, we can not make our way to God. Then God came to man. Jesus Christ came. Promised in the Old Testament, through King David and many others. Jesus came and did for us what we could not do for ourselves. He died on a cross for your sins and my sin and not only died for our sins, not only was he buried as proof of his death, but he was resurrected from the grave, and if we follow him and trust in him, that is the only way to have a relationship with God.
Most human beings seek and seek direction for their lives, but in the wrong places. In the search to replace that need to transcend and find purpose, the human being can be lost. Obtaining a temporary cure for your empty life in: horoscopes, idolatry, witchcraft, leavened religions, "5 quick steps to be happy" etc. But, none of this will fill the space that belongs to God.
"Who am I?" And "Where do I go?" Are the questions that every human being seeks to answer. Some choose to believe that they come from the monkey and go to dust, many others have chosen to come from God and to Him we go.
In my life as a Christian, I have seen many births. I have seen how so many people are redeemed from their past and finally found purpose. Salvation is the beginning to transcendence and the greatest gift that the human being can receive."The most valuable miracle is our salvation." And I totally agree with that .The Lord Jesus offers a new beginning to all who believe in His name and He is the only way to happiness.
In Jesus are all the answers of our destiny. And only He heals the wounds suffered in the pursuit of the false purpose.
The fact that you are reading these lines is not a coincidence. But the answer to your PRAYERS in silence to find your way. You are tired of seeking your purpose in what is perishable and finely you have been willing to seek what transcends. The longed for fullness that you have been looking for, you can only find it in one place: "The cross of Calvary"
You have lived in ignorance all your life. They have made you believe that there is nothing beyond and that at the end of your life you will be a fertilizer for the earth. Or perhaps you have been led to believe that access to God is restricted only to senior clerics of the known religion. Perhaps your soul is bound to death by seeking your purpose in the wrong places. Whatever the case, it does not matter ... because today Jesus wants to save you, free you and give you life purpose.
Also this message is dedicated to those insecure people, whose mind is between two thoughts, are captive and have lost even the people they love, just because they have not let Jesus enter that heart, God wants us to be happy, but that happiness alone can give it, he will give us the requests and desires of our heart.
Do you want your heart to be filled, do you want to stop living with this inner emptiness? God is kindled or He will light your empty heart, when you understand the resurrection of Christ for love of you. In David's words, his heart was filled with joy when he realized that Jesus did not stay in the grave. His saint would not see decadence. Jesus was not in the grave. He was resurrected and because Jesus was resurrected, when we follow him with ardent passion, we will not only follow him through this life, but we will follow him through death and resurrection itself. There is life beyond the grave and that is what fills the empty heart.
It is difficult to sustain a life where the priority is not God. Stress, anxiety, pain and failures will take hold of us in such a way that sometimes we will not have the desire to live, but when we understand that this life is temporary and that there is no "tribulation, anguish".There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God, "There is victory in Jesus, and He makes , and He makes paths of peace and tranquility, where there are none.
And Psalm 16.11 You will show me the path of life; In your presence there is fullness of joy; Delights to your right forever.
If the people we love will fail or disappoint us, they will not be able to destroy our lives, because our trust ultimately lies in God. If our present and future are in His powerful and loving hands, we need not fear what may happen to us. Read Psalm 118. 5-9.I say it with propriety, many people I have loved have betrayed me, wounded and disappointed , but in none of the cases have they been able to stop me, but each scar is the reminder that what they wanted to destroy me could not because I am centered in the rock that is Christ.
And I can express with Job "Naked I came out of my mother's womb, and naked I'll go back there. Jehovah gave, and Jehovah took away; be the name of Jehovah blessed. Job 1.21
We will never be alone, there will never be a void in our life, because Christ fills all, failure, pain, suffering and depression, will not be ours, because He will carry them, "come to me all the tired and worked I will give them rest, "said Jesus, for his yoke is easy and light is his burden.
With God there is no solitude, He comes and He and He will fill your emptiness, heal your wounds, strengthen you as the eagle and "when you walk by the fire, you will not burn, nor will the flames embrace you".
As you listen to this adoration, tell jesus: I give you my heart, and let him fill everything empty, until he reboices your cup.

It's time to love, tell God how much you love him, tell those people how much you love them, and be part of the year-end @sc-v campaign, "Turn on a light" and let love of Christ shine through you.

There is no void in this life that Jesus can not fill, because He certainly fills everything, has promised to carry our burdens when we come to Him, we just have to appropriate this promise and live confidently
Good reflection for the soul @darlenys01
Amen @ricci01, as the writing says: where will I go sir if only you have a word of eternal life.
Blessings darlenys sister there are many people who are distressed seeking to cover that emptiness of their hearts in many things but less in Jesus there is where we must work
Thank you for comment, without any doubt we at some point we are out of focus and our heart feels faint, that is why we have to give ourselves only to Jesus and that he fills us with joy.

Thank you sister Darlenys for this message. Only Jesus can fill the emptiness and vacuum in man. Since we were created for Him and His pleasure, the absence of Him renders a heart incomplete. There will still be confusion, anxiety, fear, incompetency untill Jesus sets in to settle everything because He is the truth, wisdom, life, light, love...
Good morning Sister
Thank you for your words my brother @uyobong, happy day for you there in nigeria. God with noostros in a single spirit.
it is so big that it would not fit in the fullness of the universe, but in its omnipresence it can be in each of our hearts, a beautiful song that I had not really listened to.
Thanks for sharing.
Amen @theonlyway,Jesus alone is our life.
How good it is to know that we are not alone in any adversity that presents itself to us either physically or spiritually, because Jesus supplies any need for solitude, wounded depression or strees, he will fill all emptiness of the soul
Thank you for reminding us this great truth @darlenys01
It is true that many people seek to satisfy their sorrows in the wrong places, but the one who comes to Jesus in search of alleviating their sorrows, sadness or loneliness will find relief, then, Jesus himself will carry our burdens and fill emptiness
God is the one who sustains the life of man, therefore it is God who can fill the void in the heart of man
Good reflection @darlenys01
tonight you have broken me with this word my beloved apostle @ darlenys01, only he can fill that void and give us the strength to make decisions, to move forward, only he makes us happy.
Thank you Darlenys for your words, only Jesus is able to fill and heal our wounded heart.
filling us with the @darlenys, thank you for this apostolic message.
blessings apostle, you can read my publication
When we rest in the arms of Jesus, He will take our burdens and; He will dwell completely in our hearts and fill our emptiness with His grace. There will be no sadness but a permanent joy. Have so much joy when you are in various tests. Blessings, apostle.