The emptiness in the heart of Man

in #steemchurch7 years ago

God came to the human being and found in him a land in total chaos (his heart), in despair, without consolation, overwhelmed by his problems, darkness clouded his sight and his understanding causing in his life a total chaos. But there was a hope for the human being. The Lord Holy Spirit was on us looking at our situation and said God is necessary to fill the man with love, we are going to pour on our mercy so that he can achieve salvation.

John 3:16 That God so loved the world, that he did not stop until he gave his only begotten son; so that all who believe in him may not perish but may live eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that by his means the world might be saved.

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Today the human being is seeking to satisfy his soul, to find peace and love but it is not remembered that Jesus said: Come to me all of you who are loaded and tired and I will give you rest. It is a promise of Jesus the son of God sent to be able to achieve salvation and eternal life, since it is by the mercy of God and love for us human beings that we prepare the perfect plan of salvation and eternal life by sending his beloved son to take our place, of course it is conditioned to make it a decision of each one to be free, happy and live in peace with all those around you, you have a free will and only you can decide to receive and accept Jesus as your only and enough savior.

In the heart of the human being there is a void, a space that has not yet been filled, and which with the desire to be happy fills it with so many perishable things, worldly things that have expiration, but not the great love and mercy of God our Heavenly father, the human being in his eagerness to find true happiness commits great horrors, fills the emptiness of his inner being with liquor, drugs, violence, cigarettes, marijuana, easy women (adultery, fornication), weapons, bad company, dishonest positions (extortion, drug trafficking, children, women, etc.) craving for power (amassing wealth) and many more things that will disappear one day, and even then all this does not fill it, does not satisfy it, does not make it happy because All this is transient and everything that passes has a time of life and expires and it is no longer useful, but Jesus left us teaching that he was the whole, the complement of all, and the only one who can perfectly fill the empty of the heart of humans.

"Ephesians 1:20 that God exercised in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him on His right in the heavenly regions, far above all government and authority, power and dominion, and of any other name that is invoked, not only in this world but also in the future. God submitted all things to the dominion of Christ, and gave it as head of everything to the church. This, which is his body, is the fullness of him who fills everything completely . "

God the Father placed Jesus on his right giving him authority and power, our Father gave Jesus his beloved son the power and all dominion over all things, he is lord over all authority, power and any domain is human or hosts of Satan, Jesus has absolute power, above all things, and when you have that emptiness in your heart, He is the one who complements your life, he said: Without me you can do nothing, it is the fullness of him who fills everything completely, there is no one else in this world or universe that can fill the emptiness of your heart, only Jesus is the perfect complement to the life of every human being there is no one else. He is the only name given to all men in which there is salvation and eternal life, Jesus himself said: he who has a son also has the father and therefore has the Lord the Holy Spirit and is completely filled with the love and power of God.

Because our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit of God, and he is the only one who can fill it to perfection, 1st. Corinthians 3:16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 17 If anyone destroys the temple of God, he himself will be destroyed by God, because the temple of God is sacred (holy), and you are that temple.

God wants to live in the most intimate and secret of your being and that place is your heart, he wants to be present in the heart of every human being and when God does not dwell in the heart, when he does not occupy the place that belongs to him, creates a great emptiness that we all want to fill with vain, mundane things and that the contario of giving us true happiness day after day destroy us, depress us, consume us and take us away from God, when one is hungry and feels a vacuum in his stomach which sometimes causes pain has to be filled for that pain to disappear, that feeling of dissatisfaction, insatiable must be filled with food so that the pain of the inner emptiness disappears, in the same way in every human being there is that big feeling of filling the hollow of your heart and this place the only one that can fill it to perfection without you being dissatisfied is God, pray constantly, read the word of God that is our daily bread and congrégate to hear word of God and believe in your heart because faith comes by hearing.

Because when God lives within your heart he will give you true happiness and he will still fill your life completely so you can live a full life.

John 4:14 But the water that I will give him will become within him a spring of water that will flow endlessly to eternal life.

The true satisfaction will come from your interior in joy, peace, joy, a heart full of joy and love to give to others in need as we do, and it will remain that way forever.

Job 8:20 »God does not reject those who are true, nor give their support to those who do evil. 21 He will put laughter in your mouth again, and shouts of joy on your lips. 22 Your enemies will be covered with shame, and the dwellings of the wicked will disappear

We must come before God and recognize our need for his presence in our lives. When God is the center of your heart and dwells in you, he will again laugh in your mouth and shouts of joy and praise will come from your lips, because where he dwells spirit of God there is freedom, a true freedom to live without fear, without fear and hope.

2 Corinthians 3:17 For the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Dare to be happy, let Jesus enter your heart because he will bring with him God the Father and the Lord Holy Spirit to fill your life completely and you can live a life full of satisfactions in Christ Jesus.


It is only through Jesus Christ completely God, completely man who died on a cross, that we can go from our empty heart to a heart full of Him. If he had stayed in the grave, then we have absolutely nothing to celebrate. Without the Resurrection, that defining truth of our faith would be useless, we would be, as Paul says, among all the most worthy of pity, our faith would be useless. Beautiful publication apostle @darlenys01.

Do you want your heart to be filled, do you want to stop living with this inner emptiness? God is kindled or He will light your empty heart, when you understand the resurrection of Christ for love of you. In David's words, his heart was filled with joy when he realized that Jesus did not stay in the grave. His saint would not see decadence. Jesus was not in the grave. He was resurrected and because Jesus was resurrected, when we follow him with ardent passion, we will not only follow him through this life, but we will follow him through death and resurrection itself. There is life beyond the grave and that is what fills the empty heart.

If the people we love will fail or disappoint us, they will not be able to destroy our lives, because our trust ultimately lies in God. If our present and future are in His powerful and loving hands, we need not fear what may happen to us. Read Psalm 118. 5-9.
And we can express together with Job "Naked I came out of my mother's womb, and naked I'll go back there. Jehovah gave, and Jehovah took away; be the name of Jehovah blessed. Job 1.21.Thanks Apostle @ darlenys01!

The wise Solomon said that God placed eternity in the human heart, only the eternal presence of God can fill that void. With thirst for God we will always be satisfied Apostle Darlenys

We all need Christ Jesus to fill the vacuum in our hearts. Having being made the fulness of the Godhead, Christ in our heart will fill us with the glory, and love of God. Thanks @darlenys01 for sharing

Man will always feel a void in his heart as long as he does not seek God, He is the only one who fills everything, and as long as man does not seek it he will not understand why that void is not filled.

If your heart is empty and if you are in the search and you are struggling to discover what this life was really about, let me tell you something: you are doing it because God himself has put something in you, He has placed eternity in your heart and you are trying to discover why you are so dissatisfied with this temporary life and all the things you can buy and the things you can get to try to fill it, but in this world you will never fill your emptiness, only Jesus can fill the empty heart.

Jesus is the only one who can fill the emptiness of our heart, when he enters hi we will never be the same again.

Sometimes we listen to the lovers (as), and to the spouses, to say: "you are everything to me", "you are my whole life", "without you I can not live", or we have also heard the parents refer to their children like: "my everything", "my someone for whom to live", "the meaning of my life" "my happiness", but life teaches us that this is nothing real. We are all born with a void that only Christ can fill, therefore, no one can be for us all we need. Because of this, we can not ask people close to us more than they can give.

If you still have that gap in your interior which you know is there, although you do not know how to explain it and you search in the pleasures of the world or in the daily life, fill it with projects, dreams and goals so do not waste your time, accept Christ as your personal savior and let it enter your heart.

The most pressing need of the human being is not physical or material, but spiritual.

Each one of us was created by God in Christ Jesus for good works which He determined in advance (Ephesians 2:10). This being so, it is more to understand why it is that the more times we have the more we want and are never satisfied and that this great gap in our interior can only be full when we allow God in Christ to fulfill his purpose in us when entering our heart and let it fill us, satisfy us, nurture us from Himself and show us His will, His purpose and His desire for which we were each created.

All in his time we feel a loneliness, a very large emptiness in our being, we try to fill it with many things, many vices come into play when you feel this but none of that fills that great emptiness, only makes us do it more and feel more big. Each person is different but everyone, we ALL seek to fill that void, everyone with different things, everyone has weaknesses but we all look for something to satisfy that.

Man has tried to fill this void with things like tobacco, alcohol, drugs, pleasures, etc; that they never make him happy, they only lead him a life of misery and frustration, since they only cause addictions that enslave his will, moving him further and further away from God. The true freedom and fullness of the heart is given by Jesus.

"In the heart of every man there is a void that has the form of God. This void can not be filled by anything created, only by God, through Christ Jesus. "

Do you feel a void that you have not been able to fill with anything? The will of God is that you be happy and live satisfied, but you need to follow these three steps 1) Come to Jesus with an attitude of humility, 2) Believe in Jesus with all your heart and 3) Give up all sin in your life.

The Bible tells us about this great abyss that is in the hearts of men, which was purposely put there by the will of God (Ecclesiastes 3:11) for the sole purpose of being filled with Himself (Genesis 2: 9) that is, when God created the human being (man and woman) he did it as a vessel, a vessel which contained God within him in the person of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17) and this for the sole purpose of that people will express it to Him through Christ.

We only have one life and according to how we use it, our existence will depend on eternity. Think! Christ wants to love you and give you all His love but the only true way to experience it is allowing God to fulfill His original plan of creation and that Christ dwells in the heart of every human being in the person of the Holy Spirit.

Sister Darlenys, I believe that God wishes to speak to someone about this teaching, my message today speaks about the emptiness of the heart. Blessings

I think we are in the same spirit, God wants all of us to be filled with his love! I already read your message is very nice @kristal01!

Today God wants to fill that void, remove the sadness, loneliness, discouragement, frustration, defeat, heal your heart of any lack of forgiveness that leads you to resentment, resentment and bitterness. Come to Christ this day, He awaits you with open arms.

With God there is no solitude, He comes and He and He will fill your emptiness, heal your wounds, strengthen you as the eagle and "when you walk by the fire, you will not burn, nor will the flames embrace you".

How does Jesus fill that void? God is our Maker and has created us with a sense of eternity, so that we can look for him (Ecclesiastes 3.11, Acts 17.24), that is why he wants to relate to us from the womb of our mother, he knows us and has seen us Psalm 139.13 -16 "Because you formed my bowels; You made me in my mother's womb ... My body was not hidden from you, Well, I was formed in secret, And woven in the depths of the earth. My embryo saw your eyes ...
We must learn through His Word to have confidence in Him. If we place our hope in the people close to us, our destiny is failure, because we all fail or will miss one day in some way, or we will be disappointed, and we will consume in a solitary way and sterile. Our life will be sad, gloomy and pessimistic. How else could it be if we live in uninterrupted uncertainty, anxiety and fear, offered by this fallen world, with so many adverse circumstances? God does not want that kind of life for his children. Christ came to "let them have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (Jn 10.10)

Believing in Jesus Means: Confidence of the heart and mind in God and his ways, which leads us to act in harmony with his perfect will. It is not enough to know about God or to hear about him, it is necessary to have a personal encounter with Jesus, to receive him in our heart Lord and Savior (Rev. 3.20) Jesus said it (John 6: 53-56)

Cute message apostol @darelenys01 God is able to fill the ponds of our life, change our lament in dance, we just have to dispose and let Him do it in us, only HE fills EVERYTHING.

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Our life is totally full, when we let Jesus be in it, acting as He would, taking his teachings embodied in the Bible, that others see Him and not me