This message I want to dedicate to all those people who struggle every day with ties of the soul, with things that do not let them move forward, living a life of unhappiness, with empty hearts, waiting for someone to free them, today is the day that Jesus is going through your life, asking you to give everything in your hands, today is the day in which the chains that imprison your mind, your soul and your spirit, are broken, just ask Jesus to enter that intimate place, it is time If you are free, the son of man is walking around every corner, in every place, waiting for a heart that humbles and humiliates him to let him in ... when you read these lines you will feel that the fire of God runs through your being and that the Holy Spirit , like all a knight, is ready for this divine appointment.
On the eve of the Congress of Women, held in my city entitled "Women of Conquest" I have played as the main theme, the role of women in society. Thank you to my beloved Apostle. Bertha Fermin, who has inspired me a lot in this topic.

We start by remembering those great women who marked lives. I think that every Venezuelan knows the name of Manuelita saenz, "the liberator of the liberator" woman who fought with fervor, renouncing everything to serve the Army of the Liberator, was personally in the battlefield facing the Spanish invaders. How to forget his exploits next to the great Bolivar, where not infrequently he showed off that spark of intuitive woman, who perceives, or as we say he knows things, what on several occasions was decisive attitude to preserve the life of our liberator Simon Bolivar , and even alert him about his enemies and traitors like Francisco de Paula Santander.
His example is a beacon that continues to illuminate the struggles of all of us, women that we face with courage and without fear of the enemies of emancipation. Its greatness is unappealable but we are still in debt to give it its true place in history.
Every time there must be less forgotten women and more and more those who join the struggle shoulder to shoulder with men, to conquer the new beautiful homeland with social justice for all.
Throughout history, our liberators have needed women liberators to fulfill their divine mission.
In the bible, the harlot preserved the life of the offspring of the Messiah. The womb of Mary, a woman full of grace, was necessary for the savior of the world to come and set us free.
On this occasion there was a story of shocking testimony:
This is the case of a child who was born in a family with a stable economic situation, was a family of good moral values, but always his parents lived focused on doing business and money, on few occasions this child, received affection, a hug of his mother, he learned to live among rules, standards and undertakings. This child grew up wanting to look for a path of perfection, of logic. When he grew up he was an enterprising adult, what could be called successful, between disappointments and emotional failures, life was making him an inconstant man, prisoner, like the waves of the sea, one day is fine, another day is wrong, he does not make decisions and makes them firm, but you hear a thousand voices around you, you need to relate to people who constantly adulate you, to feel that you are someone, you do not know how to recognize love, fidelity, esteem, because your heart is captive, this man makes you harm, consciously or insensibly to people who have valued it, have loved it to the point of losing them.
This story was revealed to a woman who happened by chance for the life of this man, but Jesus, the liberator of liberators, established a plan to make it free. She knows that it is a great responsibility, but even so she is obedient. God does not want that this man continues submerged in a life without purpose, with oppressions that stop him, with chains that do not let him be who he is, a liberator.
When this woman asked God about this, because she had to make this man come back, he answered: because I reveal myself in the way my children need, this man needs my love revealed in the form of a woman. of mother, wife, daughter, sister, only my love.
Woman, help idonea-integrity and wisdom
We are all valuable in the hands of God, if we let ourselves be used by him. This is the time when the Deborah awaken and go out to conquer the ravaged cities.
There is a job to be done in the lives of others, of men and women who cry out every day to be happy.
The wise woman builds her house, the fool with her hands destroys her, it is time to build our house, our church, our community, our country.
Do not look at man, look at God, do not mind the applause of the people, but be approved by the Father, one of the things that brings me joy is when I am faced with an impossibility, then I say "I am the perfect protagonist for may God act in my "remembrance to David, he did not qualify, his father did not even value him, but the holy and fearsome God, he placed the measuring tape in his heart, and Samuel, do not look at the appearance, look at his heart.
We have been prepared for battle, look around and the spirit that reveals all things, will bring to memory the path of freedom.
We do not imagine God's plans, they are nice and perfect.
My beloved women of @steemchurch, let us be like this great woman of history, let's free our homes, our children, our family of vices like drugs, alcohol, there is nothing impossible for God. Take your sword ... learn to forgive, and love without measure.
Taken from my stories: Divine Experiences, the path to His Glory.
It is an inspiration this publication Apostle Darlenys, you are one of those warriors that fight for Freedom! I loved this post.
Greetings apostle, I wanted to say hello, she could go to the march for Jesus, I would have liked to meet her. God bless her
hello, you went to the march ... me too ..
from Puerto Piritu and a tour of Barcelona ..
If you want we can make an appointment lisbeth, write me for whatsapp.
Excellent reflection of reality and called to keep firm the will of God, the world has become toxic: many people have dedicated themselves to proliferate the evils of history and drag those who are empty and far from the path of God. That is why @ darlenys01 this @steemchurch project is full of the blessing of keeping the word of God alive, helping everyone to multiply and follow the teachings of God, consolidating our hearts to survive all the adversities and trials that come our way in the path. Long live the women of @steemchurch who raise their flag to free from the vices and the evils of history to all those around us, as humble and full of love prophets.
great contribution sister, the word is the seed that brings freedom to our lives, words without spirit are just logos.
Beautiful @darlenys, we are hardened women, history teaches us that limitation can not but our desires, we are women willing to fight for what we want, Jesus Christ is our greatest motivation. How beautiful it is to remember our history!
God has given us an important role in our family, we have blood of warriors, in addition the strength of the Holy Spirit makes us winners, thanks @ darlenys01 for this encouraging message
Thanks to Christ who is our greatest deliverer, the bible says that you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. We as Christians should promote the word of salvation to bring freedom to the captives. Thank you Apostol for sharing the theme.
I never cease to amaze you with your prophetic messages apostle @ darlenys01 are a blessing for our lives, thank you for raising our faith and our encouragement. beautiful everything ..
I loved this message is full of power, encouragement, strength, I believe that no woman who reads it is in the same spiritual condition.
all this is great, we are the liberators of our house, family, community and country ..
Simply spectacular this message @darlenys01, reminds me of the times we have to fight for our husbands, our children, it is a wonderful story, that leaves our country, our land and women like you, a fighter for social justice.
Excellent reflection @ darlenys01, Long live women! certainly that is how our Venezuelan sisters are beautiful and warriors.
How beautiful, to know that we are blessed! For this reason, God created us as an ideal help for man, we must rescue the lost and fight for our families, Thank you apostle @ darlenys01, for this beautiful and motivating message.
Guao ... @ darlenys excellent reflection patria and cristocentrico, since you use as an example the history of our country and take it to the spiritual plane; We are certainly women of warlike and liberating races, the greatest work is done by the holy spirit in us to become bastions of our husbands, children, friends, family ... of our nation, we fight and we will achieve our dreams.
Excellent @ darlenys01, obviously women are an important part of the family, specifically it is the ideal help of man, the Bible points out and our history has taught us that the Venezuelan woman is a warrior, honors who she deserves
Excellent and motivating message @ darlenys01, I reach the heart with strength to keep fighting, wel our God is our great victory and we are victorious.
Remember our history is a sense of belonging, and thank God for being part of the history of a land full of grace is to recognize where we come from, today @ darlenys01, you remind me that we are women liberators and warriors, and with God on our side we will achieve our victory and conquest.
Thanks for this nice message
Very beautiful this message apostle @darlenys01, women have always been after the great achievements of men who have made history.
I loved the dedication Darlenys is powerful, you are undoubtedly a channel of blessing, the world needs women with that ability to fight. Thank you for sharing.
Women are the maximum, worthy of admiration, are mothers, wives, daughters, and liberators, that good perspective.
I think there are too many words to describe this message, men always admire the beauty and courage of women.
In my life now I feel that the only liberating force for me is to either die or get better by having an experience of miracle to change my life for the better @darlenys01
If you believe, you will see his glory ..
Thank You