The bible teaches us that man by law will not be justified since no man really fulfilled the law although many boasted of it and God in his mercy knowing that the only one who could fulfill the law was Jesus Christ sent him to die for us to so that the debt we have as sinners would be paid and we would obtain it through the grace that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
For this reason we are no longer saved by the law but by grace through Jesus Christ.
In this sense, the whole Christian life is the fruit of God's grace in our lives, his favor in us that we did not deserve, but thank you we are saved and this is not the gift of any man but of God.
Romans 5: 1-5
Justified, then, by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom we also have access by faith to this grace in which we stand, and glory in the hope of God's glory. And not only this, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces patience; and patience, test; and the test, hope; and hope is not ashamed; because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit that was given to us.
For this reason we are justified before God by faith and not by anything else and it is his grace that sustains and encourages us so that in the midst of any tribulation we can have peace and hope.
Everyone in life goes through tribulations but it is our attitude that will define how we face it because I believe that when we go through tribulations it is necessary to be prudent and wise and fully trust in Jesus Christ because difficulties must allow us to grow in hope because our forces they must be rooted not in our own strength but in what God allows us to give for mercy.
God promised us to be with us every day until the end of the world and if you and I believe this we should also know that we will not be alone in trials or tribulations and this should be our hope.
God loves us because He is the essence of love and nobody loves us like Him. His promises will reach us and this teaches us that we do not need to present ourselves before Him as fair because He justified us through faith so that we could have salvation and entrance. to his presence.
This is our hope the grace of God revealed through Jesus Christ in our spirit that He is no longer in a tree He is at the right hand of the father and in our hearts because his redemptive work was once and forever and through that work today we are victorious today we can fight with hope because we know that he is with us and hurts in our tribulations and his hand is ready to help us.
Let us live in hope against hope and we will overcome through faith and grace of God in us.
ricci01.Very true @darlenys01, faith is our greatest victory over tribulations and hope in our beloved redeemer Jesus Christ.
Grace over grace.
Blessings beloved, let's go ahead, let the problems not stop us