in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Our country Venezuela is going through social changes, at a political level that should be studied and described in a spiritual way more than any other cause. What we have been observing in the general sphere is what is happening in the world at a spiritual level. God has declared a next spiritual level for Venezuela, so the power in darkness unleashed is powerful, but it is not a war between us as people, it is an opposition in the spiritual airs that descends to the physical world.On the other hand I agree with several prophets who have declared that Venezuela is in labor, today more than ever with firm faith that a change has begun in my nation.

"The woman when she gives birth, has pain, because her hour has come; but after she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for the joy of having a man born in the world."
John 16:21

Edited image

On several occasions the Apostle Paul writes in his epistles relating the pain of childbirth with the tests that purify every believer, the Church in general and even the nations. The "labor pains" are always related to great tribulations, afflictions and pain, but in a good sense; because as in the natural, after the pains a new being is born and the mother forgets what she suffered for the blessing of having the child in her arms, the same happens in the spiritual world: many times we suffer pains as in childbirth and then caress the blessing of God.

The word of God they say in the book of Romans 8:23 "For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers so far birth pains." The Bible seems to describe us as nature itself manifests itself by warning that something great is about to happen.

With tears in my eyes, I can not stop thinking about the mercy of God for my nation, yesterday could have been a black day in the history of Venezuela, many countries with less intense telluric movements have suffered tragic episodes of human loss, but the mercy of God has reached us, and I have felt in my spirit the embrace of the Father.


The earthquakes do not always announce bad days, they also announce freedom, I remembered a word that the Lord revealed to my brother @emiliocabrera where he said that the revival of Venezuela would begin in the East of the country. I do not know how long it will take, I just know that God He has not forgotten us, and a new Venezuela will be born, and we will be the protagonists of the greatest harvest of souls ever seen ... we will take it to the feet of Christ.

Venezuela has begun its birth process, each and every one of the pains that have come upon us as a nation have the sole purpose of purifying our hearts so that the new Venezuela, the nation of great revival, will be born. But just as only the mother suffers from these pains, only those who have remained and are suffering the pains of national birth will be those who enjoy more and first hand the great blessings that are about to give birth. The doctors, assistants and nurses can only help to produce the birth, but it will be only the mother who will enjoy, after her pains, the first and greatest blessing to embrace and have with her the creature of her suffering, now converted in its greatest motive of happiness.

Venezuela is one of those nations that will give birth to a new one; a country according to the heart of the Lord that will grow and bear fruit not only for its inhabitants, but for many other nations of the world.
Maybe many think that this takes and it seems that it never came, so we must not forget that when the process of divine conception for a nation begins God knows time ("kayros", one that is not measured chronologically, but is the Lord's time) of the birth of the new country; "What is impossible for men, for God is possible", never forget it.

My dear brothers the time is of God, we as a church must stand firm, it is the time of the harvest, it is the time that God has arranged to purify us, to conquer souls, and to fill hearts of his love. It is time to give to know Jesus, and the change will come, because I do not know anyone who believes God to be ashamed.


we declare rain of blessings for Venezuela. this earth will be blessed again. In the name of God

Venezuela is a great nation, this is a great declaration. I wish I could spend some time in your nation one day.

Amen ... Beautiful declaration, accompanied by a beautiful melody. So it will be Apostle Darlenys, in if discovery Venezuela was called land of grace, will soon be known as a land of revival. God will send the latter rain. The rain that bathes the savannas and mountains and makes them green again.

Venezuela blessed land, land of grace, we will see you smile again. Darlenys, pride of Venezuela, we will see the glory of God.

You made me cry with this message, I believe that this is how my beloved apostle @darlenys01 will be, we will see that new Venezuela.

Darlenys trumpet of God here on earth, messenger of the sublime God, as you said will be, Venezuela is happy land, land of revival, desired nation, the greatest revival of the last times we will live.

If we continue to sow Jesus in the hearts of Venezuelans we will have the best nation the world can have. Great publication apostle @darlenys01.

Amen Sister Darlenys, the mercy of God is great, God has seen the affliction of his people and will come to help us.

God thinks that this country is a nation of grace. Venezuela is called to be great. Thank you for this message full of hope.

God is not a man to lie, he has promised blessings for his children, and we declare a shower of blessings on this nation that still has a people who do not bow their knee to baal, this nation of Venezuela will be known as a nation of revival nation that praises the name of God. we declare it so dear apostol @darlenys01

You have said apostle @darlenys01 had to raise a different generation, we are those men and women who are going to take Jesus to the streets of Venezuela, and let him know to know @sc-v will be great, thank you for your words.

the earth cries out for our savior, this nation is a nation blessed by God a land full of his mercies that accompany them every day, beautiful interpretation for this beautiful message.

No matter what you can say about this country, nothing contrary to God's plan can happen, because God cares for Venezuela. Thank you apostle for that strength you give us to keep going. You are a warrior of this time.

We must continue to cry out to God for national reconciliation to materialize, and for there to be constructive changes in the political, economic and social order; and fundamentally in the moral and spiritual.

Apostle @darlenys01 you are a prophet, Venezuela is being changed, in the time of God we will see the answers to our requests. Long live Venezuela!

Jesus saw Venezuela, and we will see how this country dramatically converts to Him, so much, that we will not only export oil, but also Jesus. Excellent message worthy of an apostle @darlenys01.

We can not change a country that does not love itself, you can not pray for a country that you do not love. We must sow love.

Loving a country is not just saying it. The love for a country must go beyond words, it must go to the last consequences; the love for a country is not to love it for its oil or for its gold; the love of a country must go to the people. These words have never forgotten me apostle @darlenys01 I know you are a woman who loves your land.

Let us continue praying that God will listen to us, and this country will again flow milk and honey, because the word says that where there are two or more gathered in his name he will be there.

The people when Jesus entered Jerusalem, praised God; When Jesus is in the heart, people speak differently. Not in religions or political current, it is faith in Jesus, that we are governed by Jesus from the heart.

We need to enrumber the country in the values of Jesus. If we want a different country, we must change ourselves first. We must bring values, hope and faith to each person. We will bring a different influence that brings genuine unity, it is the message of Jesus that can make it possible.

"The most important thing is that they recognize God as the only king, and that they do what he asks of them. God will give them all they need in due time. "Matthew 6:33 (TLA)

Amen bless this Nation, Good message Apostle @darlenys01. The new Venezuela will be born, I believe it.

Jesus is going to come to Venezuela to be the greatest influence of all time. Jesus says: "I am going to work today and tomorrow, and I will conclude on the third day"; that is, no matter how it looks, I'm going to do my work. No matter what they suffer or what they do not see, Jesus will do his work.

Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah, the people whom he chose as an inheritance for himself. Psalm 33:12.
Venezuela God is in control.
There is hope.

I have no words to express how wonderful you show in your message in your post, thank you for your words that greatly strengthen the faith and trust in God, almighty. We are waiting for the moment that our Lord God will give us recovering our freedom and happiness...