Today women have multiple responsibilities, we are mothers, wives, businesswomen, various facets and without neglecting those that we have a ministerial call in the work of God.
Sometimes we hear people say: we are tireless, this statement is not quite true, we are warriors but there are people who exhaust us.
Break down this message based on the biblical text of Matthew 11: 29
Matthew 11:29 New International Version (NIV)
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, that I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls;

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First of all we have to recognize that we are limited human beings, getting to the point that we get sick and this forces us to take a break and receive attention from the people we love.
This message is for all those people who are loaded, who are exhausted, maybe at home they have no rest, in their work they have a boss who exhausts them, circumstances, in short, all fatigue unbalances us.
So, when you ask someone, the characteristics of the people and the circumstances that weaken us, we find answers such as: I am exhausted by people who murmur and complain, hypocritical people, those who constantly criticize you and negative people, I think these They are the most predominant.
In these last months the Lord has disturbed me to take out what he has given me, that word and that knowledge to empower women, and most importantly, it is that as I take the word of wisdom and revelation from the deposit of the spirit, I grow and minister my heart.
For years I lived tired and fatigued, and always said that people attacked me, and it was true, but one day, the word of mateo confronted me, I began to wonder why Jesus said that we cast all anxiety on him, because his yoke It was soft and light load. Let's not look at something very important here, one of the characteristics of people who wear us out is that they have a hidden pain, perhaps from their childhood, lack of forgiveness, roots of bitterness etc, but it is not in us to carry that burden, it is there where We must put the word to work. If we take the spiritual burden of these people who slander us then we will end up tired.
And although it seems a lie, those people who seem difficult to us, are just screaming,
I need attention, I need to be valued, now: what should we do as Christians?
We have to know these people a little more, not to carry ourselves but to take them to the feet of Christ, he carried all the weight on the cross, he can, we are ambassadors of Christ, I like to believe in people, in the opportunities, in which lives can be restored, but it is in the intimacy that we can help these people, why are we easily exhausted? because we respond incorrectly, sometimes we do not help these people, but we feed them those wounds, for there to be a growth there must be a feedback, we give and receive from our experiences.
When I have arrived at workplaces, I have always liked to prepare coffee and in the spare time I have shared a coffee or tea with each one of my work team, knowing what they do, what they like, talking about their family, their problems etc, and I have really obtained wonderful results, I have been able to see how tense environments are transformed into pleasant atmospheres, full of the peace of Christ, of course it took me time to understand it, only the maturity that the Lord gives us makes us act wisely.
Jesus said that we should be like him meek, this meekness of which he spoke is nothing more than a control over power and authority, so we will be able to respond to others. God has given us the freedom to respond as we wish, and If it is true that there are people who exhaust us, when they are in front of us we should only respond as Jesus wants, this is the way that there is no burden on our shoulders.
By taking the yoke of Jesus that is light our souls will receive rest, in a nutshell when we hold on to Jesus, we no longer have to fight with our own strength, he is our defender and helper and will give us victory and we will not be tired.
Women and men warriors of God: the soul is the one that gets tired because the spirit is quickened in God, so consider feeding the spirit so that our flesh does not tire.
Share a relationship music with biblical verses of trust and rest in God.
Isaiah 40: 29-31 New International Version (NIV)
29 He gives effort to the weary, and multiplies the forces to him who has none.
30 Boys get tired and tired, young people falter and fall;
31 But those who wait for Jehovah will have new strength; they will raise wings like eagles; they will run and not get tired; they will walk, and they will not tire.
Blessed be the name of the Lord
And it is not just women... 😴
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Beautiful message @darlenys01, every day we should appreciate the work of these virtuous women.
Very good reflection @darlenys01, we rest when we put our burdens on God, because the work becomes light and his peace leads us to a safe path.
Thanks Darlenys is true everything you explain here, most of the time we get tired because we act under our strength and do not act under the yoke of Jesus that is light.
Of a truth, I’ve come to meet with a virtuous woman again in my generation. Here is the secret; “only the maturity that the Lord gives us makes us act wisely.”
Thanks Darlenys for becoming a source of encouragement to everyone around you, this is Christ at work through you.
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