Thank you so much for sharing. It is important to note that everyone deals with, and remedies depression differently. I would love to be of help to people feeling this pain. The world is so great, so vast, so beautiful.
Each individual will have a different therapy for depression. In general, it is important to have support. Knowing you are not alone in the struggle. Knowing you are not alone finding your way out of a situation.
I have struggled with hopelessness. What helped me was knowing that many other people struggle as well with the exact same feelings. Then I needed to find purpose and meaning in my life. Something that would bring joy to my life.
I was always told to put others before myself, that has helped me as well. Not everyone has the same passion but everyone has something that they love. The problem is time money and other resources can easily get in the way. Just reach out to someone if you re feeling helpless. Put down your guard and become vulnerable. Chances are the people you reach out to can relate on some level.
Depression ranks right up there with stress as the silent killers of the human race. We can all do something to help. That is to listen, understand and never judge. If the situation was reversed you would want the same. The trick is being able to reverse the situation at the time of your critical actions.
So happy you were blessed by the post.
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