kisses of an adversary

in #steemchurch7 years ago

A kiss is an image of love, acknowledgment, and cooperation. The Bible calls this a "sacred kiss" (Rom. 16:16), or "kiss of love" (1 Pet. 5:14). It isn't alluding to the sentimental kiss between a couple, but a kiss of kinship between brethren. Thusly, a kiss ought to bring harmony and association.

However, there is a different sort of kiss scripture refers to as "kisses of an adversary", which "are beguiling" (Prov. 27:6). A savage kiss shrouds pietism, contempt, and terrible goals. Judas kissed Jesus as a flag to His captors, to identify their objective. It was a kiss of death.

Only one out of every odd kiss is the same. Be recognizing. We live in an adulterated world, with numerous wolves putting on sheep's clothing, as a way to achieve their ulterior intentions. I have heard ghastliness stories of men who went to chapel under the front of a sheep to locate an undiscerning sister for marriage, whose eyes at last opened after she said "I do".

The scripture alerts us to be as shrewd as serpents and as innocuous as pigeons. Christians must not be gullible, taking everything at confront esteem. Our otherworldly sensor of underhandedness is the Holy Spirit. Trickery is Satan's lord weapon. He has utilized this system since the times of Adam and Eve. Do you know why? Since it works! Be delicate to observe the loving kiss of love from the destructive kiss of the foe.

How was Judas' kiss beguiling? What was his shrouded motivation?

The motivation behind this reverential is to attract our thoughtfulness regarding the need of profound affectability. Try not to take individuals essentially in light of what they say or depict to be. You would prefer not to be negative and suspicious, but be delicate to the Spirit.


Good to hear from you debty, Thanks for sharing with Us!
