Good morning Steamians. This day, i thought of one big way to impact lives and decided to share a copy of my book with you in chapters.

Read and let me hear from you


Amongst the many battles of choice every single youth is faced with is the choice of life partner. Once the single youth is defeated in this battle, the entire life becomes a warfare.
Sister Oyinkan was a devout Christian. She dedicated her life to Christ and His service in her youth. She attended every service in church even while she awaited admission into tertiary institution.
The news of her admission was carried by the wind to the ears of all in the community. It was a testimony. The church danced, the family rejoiced and she was the topic of sermon for a whole month, “Sister Oyinkan, our pride”.
Oyinkan was everything mothers talked about, she was never seen with any boy at odd hours or place. Oyinkan met brother Seun in school fellowship months after her resumption to school. He was a good Christian brother, always in church, had answers to every question in bible study. He was not a prayer warrior but when he sings, mountains move. He was three years ahead of Oyinkan academically.
One month after they met, he proposed. Oh, the joy in the heart of Oyinkan. Two weeks after her proposal, she said ‘YES’. They were both swimming in the air and flying in the sea.
The second semester was met with great expectation especially by Oyinkan. Before they went home for the first semester, break, they agreed to inform their parents. So Oyinkan was anxious to know what his parents said about their relationship.

“Neither give head to fables and endless genealogies; which minister questions, rather than Godly edifying which is in faith: so do”.

Why marriage? I guess you are wondering if you should provide an answer to the question. Yes, please. Before you read on, pick your pen and answer the question in the lines below: ................................................................................................................
Thank you for answering, if you did. It dhows you are ready for knowledge and if you didn’t it shows you should go back and answer it. Thank you.

You don’t just walk into the market, pick an item you know nothing of and go back home rejoicing. No, it’s not done. It’s either you abuse the item or the item use you up. Marriage is not the end, it’s rather a means to an end. The word of God must therefore be the basis for the truth.

“The word of God is the backup that keeps your back from touching the ground”.

Give me your attention

“The world is full of theories that will never work. But when you encounter God’s word, you become the encountered work for your generation”.

We need to establish the answer to this question by the word of God. In an attempt to answer this simple but thought provoking question, i need to crosscheck the following with the answer you provided:

(i) It is God’s plan
“Now the Lord God said, it is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone.....” (Genesis 2:19)
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”. (Genesis 2:24).
At creation, God ensured that everything was in place. Nothing was lacking. He saw a need, a space to be filled and marriage was that part of creation left out. Immediately, it was planned and executed. Marriage is not just formality, it’s God’s plan.

(ii) It Takes Two
“ is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone....”. (Genesis 2:19 Amp).
Every creation centred around a man was a contribution of many others. To be alone is to live a solitary life. There is no fulfilment in being alone as man was created with a desire for companionship.
“If you don’t have what it takes, you will be taken out of the picture of the future”.
It takes two to tangle, when one chases one thousand, two will chase ten thousands.

(iii) Lifting
“For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him”. (Ecclesiastes 4:10).
Its not miser to fall, inability to stand or be lifted destroys. Jesus said “rise up and walk”. Isaiah said, “Arise and shine”. Peter said “Arise”. All through scriptures, someone is always instrumental to the lifting of another.

(iv) For heat
“Again if two lie together, then they have heat; but how can one be warm alone”.
I wonder why that passage of scripture is a question. May be the answer is; well hte individual should take warm liquid or food or cover himself or herself up with thick clothing. No, that cannot be the final answer. There is a heat or warmth that comes from intimacy, companionship and intercourse. For this purpose also is marriage instituted.

(v) For sex
Yes. You are seeing right. Sex is meant for marriage. If it doesn’t matter, why are homes breaking because of sex. Don’t begin to form spirituality and shy away from the truth.

(vi) For procreation
:And God blessed them, And God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it”. (Genesis 1:28).
Accept it or not, marriage is the only safe and ideal place to get pregnant and give birth. Many out of claiming to be so spiritual have come to say child birth is not an issue in marriage. That is not true. God planned it that child birth should take place in marriage. So, prepare your mind to give birth when you get married.