Thanks @egheprincez for sharing this carefully prepared and holyspirt-inspired post.
Truly, the state of our minds influence our level of prosperity. Prosperity here, refers to spiritual, as well as material prosperity (which can be broken into financial, health-wise, etc.)
And just like you've rightly admonished us through your post, we always need to programme, configure and renew our minds with God's word, which is what gives life and true prosperity.
No wonder the book of Proverb 17:20:
>One whose heart is CORRUPT does not PROSPER; one whose tongue is perverse falls into trouble.
All Praises Belongs to God Almighty for his wisdom and understanding for Service.
Truly, the state of our minds influence our level of prosperity. Prosperity here, refers to spiritual, as well as material prosperity (which can be broken into financial, health-wise, etc.)True talk! @degreatmyke
Exactly, all praises belong to God Almighty.