Many may not want to agree to the fact that life is a battlefield. But it is, beyond every doubt. And as Christians, we have been equipped with the right arsenal not to be defeated by these battles— waged by forces of darkness.
Hello, fellow parishioners of @steemchuch (and dear readers), in this piece, we shall thoroughly look at what we have been supplied with as believers to remain victorious in the perfected victory of Christ on the cross more than 2000 years ago... I advise you read through with an open heart.
First of all, it is imperative for us to look at what an armour means.

Now, let's look at...
The Whole Armour Of God
The English rendering of the Greek word "panoplia" is "whole armour", which was derived from two Greek words; namely: "pas" (all, every, or whole) and "haplon" (weapon; armour, tool or instrument of war). Thus, the whole armour of God is a spiritual armour which is far different from the physical armoury the army or terrorists use in attacking their opponents. This is because spiritual warfare is not carnal. And as such, we must judge spiritual things with spiritual things; it will be a costly and a terrible mismatch for one to want to apply carnality in spiritual affairs.
Check out the collection of God's armour...
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
Ephesians 6:10-17
Look at the collection...

Truth (belt)

Righteousness (breastplate)

Gospel of peace; good news (boots)
Faith (shield)

Salvation (Helmet)

The word of God (sword)
Looking at God’s armoury highlighted to us in Ephesians 6:10-17, we will discover that the words ‘whole’ and ‘armour’ were used; meaning that they are singularly whole (so to say); complete—no one exist in isolation of the other. So having truth signifies the presence of righteousness, and having righteousness is possessing the word of God, and just like that.
What is the purpose of this set of armour?
- To stand against the deceit and schemes of the Devil (Eph. 6:11)
- To pull down stronghold (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
- To stand tall amidst of adversity.
- To live, walk and operate in the consummated victory of Christ.
Truly, every believer ought to understand that the spirit of the new man has been graciously delivered from the captivity of the devil and that, we have been given the power of attorney— to act 'legally' in the authority of Christ (Mark 16:15-17). To this end, the whole armour of God is available to all Christians. However, it is a thing for something to be available for one to use, and it's another thing for a person to use what has been made available to him or her.
Holy Spirit help us to always optimally be mindful of and to utilise this whole armoury you've provided to us, to walk and soar in your victory forever more. Amen
Thanks for sharing with Us @STEEMCHURCH!
Kind regards.I feel honoured. @steemchurch many thanks for the Resteem.
He tells earlier for us to remember we have been seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. He explains we are to grow by the teaching of the 5 fold ministry so we are no longer tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.
Stay awesome.
Kind regards.Precisely @bekky. Thanks for stopping by, and for your nice comment.
The devil has come to deceive and destroy the children of God who truelly believe in him and it is our duty as Christians to always be ready to fight the devil for he is looking for who to deceive.

Do not allow the things of the flesh to deceive you for it is of the 😈 devil
Stay awesome.
Kind regards.@izuchukwu1506 thanks for your amazing comment with such an elegant visual illustration.
Explaining the physical representation of the ARMOUR OF GOD is quite thoughtful of you. Thanks for also promoting out discord channel!
Kind regards.Apostle @tikhub it's a privilege to be part of the steemchurch family. Thanks for your fine comment.
Beautiful illustrations.
The armor of God is surely what we need to overcome easily any intent of hurt that may try to come our way.
Kind regards.Absolutely @dyz7. I sincerely appreciate this nice input of yours.
Great post and teaching brother!
Note that the very first thing said “Finally brethren” in other words in summary. This discourse is a recap of what Paul has been writing in the rest of the letter. The way you can withstand the devil from a successful attack on your home is to love your wife as Christ loved the Church. Wives submit yourselves to your own husband. Children obey your parents.
He tells earlier for us to remember we have been seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. He explains we are to grow by the teaching of the 5 fold ministry so we are no longer tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. He tells us we are the workmanship of God, created unto good works. The entire letter is being summed up with finally btrthren. These verses are the crescendo of the rest of the letter.
We were saved by grace!
If we abide by the Words of the 1st five chapters we will be fully dressed for the battle.
Great post!
God bless!
Daddy William
Thanks Daddy Williams for your holyghost-inspired comment, well served... I love this line:
Stay awesome!
Kind regards.
I like the way you said it better!
God bless brother!
Daddy William
Well-done man of God!
Its not in the body that we have to fight this war!
But in the spirit, if we've got to do it!
The battle ground in in the mind!
Let us daily renew our mind in Him and be on fire so that our thoughts will be the centre of God's activities.
Kind regards.Precisely @rabiuaudu... It's our mind the devil tries to take charge of so that we won't bask in the victory Christ has perfected. Thanks for stopping by, and your nice comment.
You've really put great effort.In making this scripture more visible to me..
It was sound like story but no most person can now visualize it.
Thank you
Stay awesome.
Kind regards.Oh, I'm glad it resonated with your mind. Thanks for stopping by @joshuaky.
the whole armour of God is a spiritual armour which is far different from the physical armoury the army or terrorists use in attacking their opponents. This is because spiritual warfare is not carnal. And as such, we must judge spiritual things with spiritual things; it will be a costly and a terrible mismatch for one to want to apply carnality in spiritual affairs. The purpose of the armour makes us to stand against the deceit and schemes of the Devil, to pull down stronghold, to stand tall amidst of adversity and to live, walk and operate in the consummated victory of Christ. Thus every believer ought to understand that the spirit of the new man has been graciously delivered from the captivity of the devil and that, we have been given the power of attorney to act 'legally' in the authority of Christ. Thanks for sharing
Kind regards.Thanks @iboiosi for coming around.
Clarifying the physical portrayal of the Armor OF GOD is very insightful of you. A debt of gratitude is in order for additionally advancing out disagreement channel!
Awesome post and educating sibling!
Note that the principal thing said "At last brethren" at the end of the day in rundown. This talk is a recap of what Paul has been writing in whatever is left of the letter. The way you can withstand the fallen angel from an effective assault on your house is to love your significant other as Christ cherished the Church. Spouses submit yourselves to your own particular husband. Youngsters comply with your folks.
He advises prior for us to recollect that we have been situated in grand places in Christ Jesus. He discloses we are to develop by the educating of the 5 overlap service so we are never again hurled forward and backward by each breeze of tenet. He reveals to us we are the workmanship of God, made unto acts of kindness. The whole letter is being summed up with at last btrthren. These verses are the crescendo of whatever remains of the letter.
We were spared by effortlessness!
On the off chance that we submit to the Words of the first five parts we will be completely dressed for the fight.
Awesome post!
God favor!
Daddy William

Clarifying the physical portrayal of the Armor OF GOD is very attentive of you. A debt of gratitude is in order for additionally advancing out friction channel!
Stay awesome.
Kind regards.@cryptospecio thanks for the nice comment.