STEEMCHURCH: Where is God in the midst of tragedy?

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Where do we find the inner strength to withstand fears, tragedies, disasters and terrorist attacks? How far can we count on God?

To what extent can we trust that God will be with us? Is someone to whom we can turn in any crisis situation, as well as in moments of calm?

The tragedies, the disasters, the terrorist attacks: Where is God?
God is the Creator of the universe and is willing to know Him. It is for this reason that we are all here. It is your desire that we trust in Him and have the experience of His power, love, justice, holiness and compassion. So He is saying to all who want, "Come to me."

Unlike human beings, God knows what will happen tomorrow, next week, next year, the next decade.

He says, "I am God, and there is no one like me, I declare the end at the beginning" 1 He knows what is going to happen in the world. And even more importantly, you know what is going to happen to you throughout your life and wants to be in it with you, if you choose to make it part of your life. God says it can be our "refuge and strength, help in time of trial" 2 But it is necessary that we make a sincere effort to seek Him.

He says, "You will seek Me and you will find Me when you will seek Me with all your heart." 3 This does not mean that those who know God will not live difficult moments. When a terrorist attack occurs that causes suffering and death, those who know God also suffer. But there is a peace and a strength that only gives us the presence of God.

One of those who followed Jesus explained it this way: "We are pressed from all sides but not weakened, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned, punished, but not destroyed" 4 Reality shows us that we will have problems in life. Even so, if we live them knowing God, we can react to them with a perspective and a strength that is not ours. There is no problem that is unbearable for God. He is bigger than any problem that comes to meet us, and we are not alone in dealing with the problem.

The word of God tells us, "The Lord is good, he is a refuge in time of trouble, he cares for those who trust in Him" ​​5 and also, "The Lord is close to those who call him, to those who they truly call, he satisfies the desires of those who fear him, he hears their cries and saves them "

Jesus Christ said to his followers these words of consolation: "Two sparrows cost a centimo? And still noy there is a bird that falls to the ground without the father's permission." The hair on your head is even numbered. you fear, you are much more valuable than the sparrows. "7 If you truly seek God, he will take care of you as no one else will.