Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
Neither give place to the devil.
Anger may be dangerous. One who is angry may do or say sinful things. Apostle Paul was admonishing us that we should be angry, yet not sin and not let the sun go down on our anger. In other words, anger may flare up in our lives, but we must be careful of what we say or do when angry and we must manage and overcome anger. There are levels of anger that may push one to seek revenge; some even to the point of taking life, Revengeful anger is forbidden - Romans 12:19. Do not give the devil an opportunity. Misplaced anger gives the devil entrance into our lives as it may lead to sin. Satan who was referred to as the prince of the power of air, the spirit that is working in the sons of disobedience. The schemes of the devil and the flaming arrows of the evil; one which Christians must contend in within the spiritual warfare against wickedness. Uncontrolled anger gives Satan an opportunity to work against our living as new creation with a renewed mind.
It is best to avoid anger; for verse 31 says we should put away all bitterness, wrath, anger etc. We should therefore be watchful of uprising of unholy emotions and fretful passions, which may lead to flushes of bad temper. Gentleness and meekness are our great calling as Christians. Proverbs 29: 11,20 says: “A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back. Do you see a man hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him”. The problem with anger is that it may lead us to lose control of our conduct and lash out at others with foolish words or deeds that may hurt others and may be regretted later. By contrast, a wise man will control himself/ herself, even when grieved and tempted to be angry.
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
We must bear with one another in love. How does tolerance differ from patience? It is the practical outworking of an inner spirit of patience. To tolerate other people does not mean that we are blind to their faults or shortcomings. Rather, as we recognize that we are less than perfect either. We don't just say, “I will reluctantly tolerate this person instead in love”. We must continue to minister to that person seeking his best welfare all the time. In other words, tolerance is an attitude of overwhelming love for others that leaves room for shortcomings as that individual also struggle to mature in the Lord.
Showing tolerance for one another in love expands unity in the Lord‘s church. Apostle Paul admonished us to keep bearing the shortcomings and differences of other people. That does not necessarily mean accepting or putting up with everything; especially as there could be some tolerance that could endanger. These could be times when silence is a sign of political correctness. In such situations however, truth, clarification and correction must be done in love, meekness and gentleness. Tolerance based on godly virtue will no doubt enhance faith. We should therefore not compromise our beliefs to be "politically correct," but we should be tolerant of one another enough to listen and love one another in spite of our differences.
We have to imitate our heavenly father and develop such beautiful qualities. Thanks for sharing on the SteemChurch tag.
Upvoted & Resteemed
anger lies at the bottom of the heart of a fool, we should pray to God for his help against the spirit of anger and he shall give us victory
We should always mind the wat we think and what we do to others because the lord throgh his powers and his mercy have given us his authority to do all things through our clear heart.
I loved this article as it reminds me of the one I wrote about anger as a deadly sin.
Also it admonishes us about how dangerous anger can be and why we should avoid it.
The Bible says do not allow the sun set on your anger and it means we can get angry but we should not let our anger get the better of us. Tolerance is a virtue and a good one at that, it shows meekness in spirit and from the beatitudes, the meek in spirit are the ones that will inherit God's kingdom. Life is a journey and we must tread softly, when I am vexed by someone, I walk out of the situation to avoid a serious conflict because as Christians, we are a center of mockery by people who do not see the light and our tolerance will be a magnet to attract them into God's kingdom.
God is more than tolerant; he is also merciful and kind. He does not just endure our waywardness and rebelliousness, he sent his only Son into the world to pay for our sinfulness. He paves the way for us to enter back into relationship with him and harmony with each other. We should develop this behaviour, and show love to people. Thanks for sharing.
Anger can be a very great hinderance to great achievements.
So we should always learn to control our anger and learn to show tolerance and love one another.
Anger is a big sin......
Don't take it lightly!
Great post. thanks for sharing
My own understanding of what Apostles said is that being angry Is not a sin. In the sense that anger will arise sometimes, but what we do in that state will determine if we have sin or not.