reflect God's glory

in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)

Greetings to all parishioners and to all telosians.

Peace be with you all.

Whether you are black, white or brown, skinny or fat we all wonderfully made by God. God took his time out to bless each and every one of us and nobody is left out. Sometimes we only need to open our eyes and what the lord has for us.

We must reflect God's glory always and let the whole world see how amazing we are, we are all sons and daughter of God.


Psalm (139:14,16)
"I am fully and wonderfully made... and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. "

You probably don't grasp the true meaning of these words. Let me help you. Look at a mirror now and you are sure to see your face. fourteen days hence, look again in the mirror and your face remain the same. Science tells that our body cells are constantly dying and being replaced. Your skin cells get damaged and replaced roughly every two weeks, in 300-500days you have a new liver, in 120days new red blood cells and in ten years you have a brand new skeleton! The question now are: where are the new cells generated from? How is that your new face looks exactly the same as the "old"?

You are an amazing creature of God. Beyond your physical looks, you must realize that God has a divine purpose for creating you and He want you to reflect His glory. But, are you? The starting point is repentance from all sins. After that, live a consistent life righteousness.

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27)

Thanks for your time.


One of the things that I have asked God is not to leave me alone being only a bearer of his glory, but a manifestator of it, thanks @dwayne16, for this message!

Thanks my amiable leader for your contribution.

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Excellent and formidable God @dwayne16, very good reflection, Blessings.

Great reminder. God is indeed awesome.

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