The miracle of God
We began this month with good news, we will live our great festival of evangelization, in October we will live as a community the great Radiominuton. Our spiritual director, father Javier Riveros, invitation is to live from this big party, with the slogan a certainty that gives us faith: "God does wonders in your life". The invitation is to be able to live in this time of grace, understanding that everything God does in our lives are wonders. We invite you to live with us this time and that you can discover the wonders that God perform in you.
How can we make to identify the wonders of God in our lives? It is a question that we can question. We can fall into the mistake of thinking that the word 'wonder' has to do directly with extraordinary events, as well as, we will wait for the wonders of God in our lives to be great supernatural events, what will prevent us see every day the real wonders of God, ranging from the most unthinkable, until the smaller things everyday existence.
Just that you look to your around and you realize that everything that surrounds you is a wonder of God. You have your family with you, you have friends, you have people that you value, you have a place to sleep, a plate of food on your table are not these things wonders of God? It is a marvel of God today you can breathe and you can struggle to get ahead. It is a wonder that you can feel loved, protected and supported by the friend God. It is a wonder that you can find with him in every moment of your day. It is there, in daily life where he must begin to look at the wonders that God is doing in us every day.
Many people frustrated is because he hopes that the wonders of God are supernatural events. I am sure that God is able to do whatever he wants, that no I am sure, however, I also know that learn how to identify the action of God in the little things allows us to understand it close and that turns out to be, in my view , one of the greatest wonders.
You can be sure that at this time God does wonders in your life, look to your look around, what you hold in your hands. You feel blessed by it, be able to recognize that every hug, every smile, every caress that you can receive, is a marvel of God for your life. This month you can learn to rediscover all the good things God does in you, you know you loved and blessed.
Romans 1:20:20
For the invisible things of him, his eternal power and deity, Miss see since the creation of the world, being understood by the things that are made, so are inexcusable
Genesis 1:14:14
And God said: be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day and night: are signs, and for seasons, and for days and years
2 Peter 3:10:10
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass with a big noise, and burning elements will be crippled, and the Earth and the works that are therein shall be burned.
Job 37:5:5
Thundering God beautifully with her voice, the does big things, we do not understand.
The greatest thing is knowing Christ for in him we live and move and have our being.
Since I met God through the local church in my neighborhood, I believe that my life changed, and I began to live wonders with Jesus Christ. thanks for such a beautiful post.
We can see God’s handiwork wherever we go. If we see the birth of a child, a sunrise, flowers or the smile and laugh of little children, we see how Good God is. We see the majestic mountains, the power of a thunderstorm or see the expanse of the ocean. Wherever we go we see life, birds singing and we know this Creator God is Wonderful. When we look into space and see stars beyond number and galaxies so far away, we see how limitless the Eternal God is. If we see Jesus and know Him we know the immense Love God has for mankind. Great post! Thank you!
Daddy William
The wonders of God abounds each day. Sleeping and Waking up alone displays the wonders of God. His mercies everyday is what I see.
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Good post,,thanks Sis