So often it becomes many times our prayer of supplication, that we ended up making prayer an intensive 'tepiditis': I pray... ask... I ask for... and thus passed us our encounters with God asking and asking, without recording everything what implies the prayer, this is to thank, praise, worship and often discutier with God. Then you give a sentence that is not intended to be the model of prayer, but only a guide so you tell God that you are not coming to ask for nothing, that you only come to give thanks and to express what you feel your heart:
My Lord and my God:
*I come before you to thank you for my life.
I am not asking anything, I do not come to tell you to give me something.
I want to leave behind that sentence concerned and put in place a prayer of Thanksgiving.
I want to be able to get away from the order, and lay my head in a thankful prayer.
I have many things for which thank today, enough only to raise the eyes to feel that I'm alive, enough to only see people I love well, enough to tell those with whom I share the life that I love to understand that you are doing your work in me.*
I look to my around and find endless reasons to be thankful. I can breathe, I can walk, I can fight, I get ahead, I am filled with capabilities that you have placed in me so that I can walk quiet.
I look also and I find problems, evidence that face and that make me often shake, but want to understand today as a way to grow, as a way of learning...
This is the most sincere prayer that I offer you from my heart, a prayer that only wants to recognize how good you are, a prayer that beyond the tepiditis, brings a Thanksgiving and an offer. I give my heart and all that is in it, I consecrate my life as a living host...
Blessed and praised be forever, by force that you surely in me, for all that you do in me. I know that your grace fills me with and that I can go forward with confidence, because your love holds me in the middle of the test.
Today I do not come to ask you for anything, but only to thank, because now you have given me too much, and there is nothing in me that does not come from you... Amen
Matthew 6:7
And pray, do not speak only to mention as do the gentiles, because they imagine that they will be heard for their many words.
Jeremiah 33:3
"It cries out to me and will answer you, and I will give you to know great and hidden things that you don't know."
Psalm 66:17
I cried unto him with my mouth;
I praised him with my tongue.
Lord, today I do not want to ask you anything, only to thank for my family, my friends and the people that surround me. Thank you for always loving me and listening to my prayers. I love you Sr. this would be my prayer today. thanks for sharing
Thank you Lord for my life, my family, my friends, for the nature, the daily food and drink, for the good and the not so good that it serves me as learning.