STEEMCHURCH: The Five Roles Of Women In Today's Society

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Let's fight not to be women multitasking

The 21st century is the century of women. We are good mothers, good workers, good housewives, good lovers but also and, above all, women who dream of a world where our rights are recognized and where gender equality reigns, where men and women charge the same and where do not discriminate against the female sex for such day-to-day things as getting pregnant. Let's walk together to get it: #JUNTASxlaigualdad.


Professional worker

We are talking about the woman who does a job, whether on her own or someone else's, whether she is a liberal professional, has a company, is an employee, or works full-time or part-time, on a fixed or temporary basis. But also to those women that society has hidden: those who take charge of household chores without receiving financial compensation in return. When will this be changed? Let's fight for it.



In marriage or life as a couple you have a "sole obligation": to be happy next to the person you have chosen. For this you will support your partner, as he will do with you, in his day to day through listening to their problems or concerns or with small gestures of love that keep your relationship alive. What you will never do is forget yourself, submit to their desires and tolerate macho attitudes. If that time comes, it is best to cut with the relationship.


When the woman is also a mother, she is responsible (but not the only one) of the structure that makes up the emotional, physical and intellectual life of her children, transforming totally dependent babies into completely independent adults. The mother usually carries the weight of the children: she is often the one who prepares and cooks the menus, does the shopping, mediates in the fights between the children, dominates the pediatric medicine, finds the socks that are unpaired, takes the temperature to the child when he sleeps and endless details that arise in the day to day of a family.


The woman is the one who asks for her maternity leave and, even, the leave to take care of the children, judging her and criticizing her for it. Increasingly, men are applying for paternity leave and share caring for children and household chores. Let us work so that this is the trend and eliminate once and for all macho attitudes that only impede the personal and professional growth of women.

Household manager

One of the most traditional roles of women has been to personally take care of domestic tasks and thus become the final responsible for the home. What role does man play in all this? We want to be super women, we just want to reconcile work and personal life, and that we can only achieve if the man is involved in the house.

Woman above all

The society in which we live "demands" that the woman has to be groomed, that she looks pretty, that she looks after her physique, her hairstyle, that she looks good. But what does it say to feel good about yourself, to have confidence in one, to improve your self-esteem? If we do not take care of ourselves inside, it's going to be impossible for us to do it from the outside. Being well also means having a nice-looking image when you look in the mirror and take care of your health and appearance, without living for appearance. We all know that the woman who is well with herself also has a good external image that projects towards others.

Genesis 2:18

And the LORD God said: It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a suitable help.

Proverbs 11:16

The graceful woman achieves honor, and the powerful reach riches.


thanks for sharing it's good to see you here

thanks you :)

Women are so special because they were made so by God. They can perform multiple tasks at the same time and that is a plus

The role of women as stated by the holy book,
I think the role has increased drastically over the years for women every where

"Who can find a virtuous woman for his price is far above rubbies" The role of a virtuous woman is not an easy one takes only the grace of God to be one.
Thanks @edithrosalia for sharing

thank you, it is a real pleasure to write for steemchurch

Although things have changed considerably, the value of the female gender will never diminish. .. I invite you to take a look at my last post and know a reality that many face and most ignore.