
Even though there are so many things in which we can reflect on love, there is a very special quality about it that I would like to highlight, for the blessing of our lives. That quality is the power that love has TO CHANGE - people, circumstances, and our perspective of life. But, I clarify that the love to which I refer, is not any love (it is not the cheap and superficial love that they sell us out there), The love of which I am speaking to you is, nothing more and nothing less, that love of God, in Christ Jesus. Love that is perfect, eternal, and that has the ability and ability to change EVERYTHING.
There is nothing that the love of God can not change. Because of sin we were dead, but today Jesus Christ gives us life, and in abundance. What we could not do for ourselves, Christ did for the salvation of our souls. The Bible says very clearly in John 3:16, that "God loved us so much that he gave his only Son [Jesus Christ], so that all who believe in him will not lose us, but have eternal life."
The love of God changed our reality of death, in new life. Without Christ, we are completely vulnerable and impotent before the evil and the circumstances of life. But, as the love of God changes everything, through the Holy Spirit, we constantly receive the authority to resist evil, the wisdom to do what is good, and the strength to endure difficult times in life (Acts 1). : 8).
Actually, the love of God changes everything: the darkness, before the radiant light of Christ, dissipates. At the order of his voice, the storms of life calm down. The enemy, facing the power of Jesus Christ - he has no more, but flee. Such is the power of God's love, which the Bible tells us, that everything is possible for us in Jesus Christ, who is our strength (Phil 4:13). There is nothing in this life, that the love of Christ can not conquer - nothing. The love of Christ heals us. The love of Christ renews us. The love of Christ, restores us. The love of Christ brings order, balance, and fulfillment to our lives.
You know, but God does not leave it there. Not only does the love of Jesus Christ change us from the inside out, but, if we allow it, it also impels us to love our neighbor in the same way that we are loved by the Lord. And this allows us to fulfill the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, to love one another, as he loved us.
