
Hello esteemed friends of steemit here I leave a post related to religion and its myths, At no time in history, anywhere on the planet, religions have served for human beings to get closer to each other. On the contrary, they have only served to separate, to burn, to torture. This is a very sensitive issue, and I want first of all, to say that I am deeply respectful of the beliefs and opinions of all people, I do not intend to impose in any way what I think about the topic of religion, but simply, as a free man, I expose what I believe on this subject and support it on scientific grounds and in common sense, that is, in using the natural ability to judge events and events In a reasonable way, of course I can not express myself, because I do not have enough elements to give an in-depth opinion about the many religions that are professed in the world, so apart from what I generally have as a concept, my elders appreciations will be related to the Catholic Church, which is the closest to our culture and customs. .

We can not deny the Anthropians and the Pithecanthropists at the beginning of humanity, concerns of a mysterious nature, if only because their intelligence, of the same nature, if not of the same degree, as that of Homo sapiens, implies a similar reaction. against the abnormal, to which they could not be explained. Man, from his ancestors to the present, has inaugurated and developed reflection, that is, the ability to translate into symbols the immaterial reality of the surrounding world, without which intelligence would be deprived of handholds ..

The thesis is valid that primitive humans believed that telluric and uranic forces not only govern the universe but dominate the destiny of human beings in a chaotic and irrational way.

Homo sapiens sapiens was oriented early, towards the discovery that its human nature harbored two differentiated factors: one corporeal (a material, compact, gravid and mortal body) and another disembodied (a bore, volatile, weightless and immortal)..

As human society evolved, these manifestations took on a concrete historical character, giving rise to myths, legends, customs and regulations that gave birth to different religions, beginning with the polytheistic cults of Egypt and Mesopotamia, (Babylonians and Egyptians knew much about the regularities covered by celestial bodies, and particularly eclipses, they also considered this knowledge as religious secrets and were far from seeking natural explanations), continuing with Judaism in the Middle East, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity in all its variants. .

Religious people acquire their religious ideas and practices through social exposure, through a faith transmitted mechanically at home and at school, a merely gestural faith and conveyed by childhood myths and beliefs that, being accepted without true conviction and without intellectual scrutiny, degrade human dignity and damage the cognitive capacity of subjects endowed with the innate attributes of intelligence and creativity. The son of a Zen Buddhist will not become an evangelical Christian without an appropriate cultural experience. While a simple exhibition does not cause a particular religious profile, since a person may have been educated as a Roman Catholic and then abandon those beliefs, some degree of exposure to these influences is required, since this person will never invent a religion out of nothing..

A single subject can not invent a complex religious system like Roman Catholicism. However, some less elaborate religious cults can be created by a person, as is the case of Scientology, which emerged from the mind of a science fiction writer, or so much fraud that exists out there. I always remember the film by Sam Peckinpah, whose main actor was Jason Robards and titled "The Ballad of Cable Hogue", in Spanish it was called something like "The Ballad of the Desert" and where David Warner, excellent actor, played a false pastor who claimed to be a minister of a church "of his own revelation" and only used that characterization to deceive, steal or seduce women. An interesting note, his white shepherd's collar was quickly put on when he needed to act as god's minister and when he was not, he was on his back, something like a materialization of the so fashionable double moral..


Religious misery is, at the same time, the expression of real misery and protest against real misery. Religion is the sigh of the tormented creature, the soul of a soulless world, and it is also the spirit of situations lacking in spirit. Religion is people's opium.

Religion is the dream of a better world that will come when the people realize what religion is. We show the oppressed creature what its sighs mean and then and as a result the revolution will take place. The abolition of religion brings human liberation. Religion is the requirement for, the promise of and the obstacle to that liberation..


PSALM 71: 2