They say that love surpasses everything. When people fall in love, they see their physique and academic level and do not give importance to the religion they profess. Everything is rosy, however this is an important aspect to take into account before formalizing a relationship of courtship and even more when it is intended to formalize a marriage.

The courtship between two people of different religions, may or may not affect the couple, this will largely depend on the maturity of both, but if they decide to stick to a relationship where there is this religious difference should put the cards on the table.
I recommend that this is why it is necessary that this aspect be discussed, also that the couple is aware of how many problems this difference of beliefs can cause. Some believe that the relationship can work as long as the beliefs are mutually respected, but this is actually difficult.When a family has already been formed and children are being procreated, with what belief or religion will the children be instructed? Both will feel the right to decide about the spiritual instruction of children.
It is very difficult for a marriage based on differences of religions to last so long, one of the two parties may end up yielding to avoid more conflicts, although human love can not be placed above the love of God. It is more than a question of preferences, this is a matter of will and conscience, because it stresses that religion is not something that can be negotiated between couples, and that if one of the parties ends up giving it must do it from the heart and not to please the couple.

In a sentimental relationship prior to marriage, and it is elementary that people should be clear of God's will for their lives. The unequal yoke is the union of two people under antagonistic beliefs, ie an evangelical person with a person of another religion or an unbeliever (non-practitioner of the gospel), that is why it is important that from the courtship a person who shares the same beliefs is chosen.
By contracting marriage the two parts become "one flesh" (Eph 5:31; Gen. 2:24). That explains first of all the sexual relationship within marriage. But the full meaning develops more widely over the years. Marriage is a bond that involves not only the body, but also the soul and spirit.
The fundamental basis of marriage is the courtship, so it must be the stage where the other person is known, and know if this is or is not indicated to share the rest of life.


Psychological consequences

According to Jahaira Castro, a psychologist, a person who has been formed under a type of belief all his life, can not change all his thoughts overnight, this would cause a conflict in his personality. To please his partner a person can give in to know or practice another religion, initially he will do it only for not losing that person, but his interior may or may not accept that change, it would be a very difficult situation, the best thing is that there should be a harmony as to this aspect in the couple, and that they share a single belief, "ends Castro.

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The right person and ideal partner for your life, is the one that brings you much closer to God.