in #steemchurch7 years ago


Esther 2:15 Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her for his daughter, was come to go in unto the king, she required nothing but what Hegai the king's chamberlain, the keeper of the women, appointed. And Esther obtained favour in the sight of all them that looked upon her.
2:16 So Esther was taken unto king Ahasuerus into his house royal in the tenth month, which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.
2:17 And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.

Promotion comes from God. it is a design of God to bring His
purpose to pass in lives of the persons promoted. God knew that from David‘s throne, the Saviour of mankind would come, He promoted him even when his father has written him off. His father did not see anything in him that qualified him to be a king. But the all-knowing God knew the qualities in him. Even
the Seer could have picked Eliab as the king looking at his outward appearance.

We will examine three promotions in this book of Esther>>

  1. Haman

Esther 3:1 After these things did king Ahasuerus promote Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him, and set his seat above all the princes that were with him.

Harman was promoted by King Ahaseurus. Who was this Harman? He was the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite. A descendant of Agag, king of the Amalekites. lSam.15:20. The Amalekites were ancient enemies ofthe Israelites.
Ex.17:16, Deu.25:17-19.
‎Haman enjoyed the power and prestige of his position, and . he was enraged when Mordecai did not respond with the expected reverential bow. Haman's anger was not directed just toward Mordecai, but toward what Mordecai stood for__ the Jews dedication to God as the only authority worthy of reverence. Haman's attitude was prejudiced; he hated a group of people because of a difference in belief or culture. Prejudice grows out of personal pride. considering oneself better than others. He hated Mordecai vis-a-vis the Jews. Hatred and bitterness are like weeds with long roots that grow in the heart and corrupt all. of life.

Haman was very wealthy, but he craved something even his money could not buy respect. He could buy the trappings of success and power, but his lust for popularity had become an obsession. Do not let your desire for approval, applause and ‘ popularity drive you to immoral actions.

The most arrogant people are often those who must measure their self-worth by the power or influence they think they have over others. Haman was an extremely arrogant leader. He recognized the king as his superior; but could not accept anyone as an equal. When one man, Mordecai, refused to bow in submission to him, Haman wanted to destroy him. He became consumed with hatred for Mordecai. He was already filled with racial hatred for all the Jewish people because of the long-standing hatred between the Jews and Haman's ancestors, the Amelekites. Mordecai‘s dedication to God and his refusal to give homage to any human person challenged Haman's self-centered religion. Haman saw the Jews as a threat to power, and he decided to kill them all.

The purpose of God: God was preparing Haman’s downfall and the protection of His people long before Haman came to power under Ahaseurus. Esther as a Jew, became queen, and Mordecai's role in exposing assassination plot indebted the king to ' him. Not only was Haman prevented from killing Mordecai, he also had to suffer the humiliation of publicly honouring him. Within hours, Haman, died on the gallows he had built to hang Mordecai, and his plan to wipe out the Jews was thwarted. Esth. 3:5-15. ln contrast to Esther,who risked everything for God and won,Haman risked for an evil purpose and lost.

Our initial response to the story about Haman is to say that he got what he deserved for he bargained for it. But the Bible leads us to ask deeper questions. How much of Haman is in me? Do I desire to control others? Am I threatened when others don't appreCIate me as I think they should? Do I want revenge when my pride is attacked? Confess these attitudes to God, and ask Him to replace them with an attitude of forgiveness. Otherwise, God's Justice Will settle the matter.

Whatever you sow, that is what you will reap.

Esther 6:1 On that night could not the king sleep, and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king.
6:2 And it was found written, that Mordecai had told of Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's chamberlains, the keepers of the door, who sought to lay hand on the king Ahasuerus.
6:3 And the king said, What honour and dignity hath been done to Mordecai for this? Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him, There is nothing done for him.

Mordecai sowed good works, he saved the life of the king and the queen even their children's lives. These evil persons were hung upon gallows. The good works was recorded in the book of records. God has all records of your deeds. The time of reward has come.

Mordecai refused to please men. His determination came from his faith in God. He did not take a poll first to determine the safest or most popular course of action, he had the courage to stand alone.

Mordecai refused to kneel down before Haman Jews did bow down to government authorities, at times. as a sign of respect but Haman's ancestors were ancient enemies of the Jews lsrael had been commanded by God to blot out the remembrance Amalek from under heaven.
The conviction of Mordecai was probably, if he knelt down or stood up for Haman; he had acknowledge Haman as god. We must worship God alone. We should never let any person, institution or government take God's place. When people demand loyalties or duties from you that do not honour God; don't give in. lt may be time to take a stand.

It may be viewed from all their perspective. that if Mordecai stood up for Haman. the problems that ensued could not have been.His standing up was not for Haman but for his office and the King that put him there. if Haman had over looked what Mordecai did, Haman could have enjoyed his position for a long time in peace.

Note that Haman could not have known if one of the gate men did not call the attention of Haman to it. Whichever way we view this. it was God's perfect plan to bring his word to pass.
Many great people had been brought down or instrument of greater achievements by the unimportants. Although Haman had riches, glory, power and status,he was an unsatisfied and discontented man. Mordecai on the other hand,had strength of character, godly convinctions and assurance in his God.

While we should not expect earthly rewards for being faithful to God, they often come. Esther and Mordecai were very faithful even to the point of risking their lives to save others. When they were willing to give up everything, God gave them a reward in proportion to their all-out commitment.

Mordecai enjoyed a good reputation among the Jews because he was still their friend when he rose to a place of power. Corruption and abuse of authority often characterize those in power. But power used to lift the fallen and ease the burden of the oppressed is power used well. People placed by God in position of power or political influence must not turn their back on those in need.

We clearly see God at work in the lives of individuals and in the affairs of a nation. Even when it looks as of the world is in the hands of evil people. God is still in control, protecting those who are His. Although we may not understand everything happening around us, we must trust in God’s protection and retain our integrity by doing what we know is right. Esther, who risked her life by appearing before the king because a heroine. Mordecai, who was effectively condemned to death rose to become the second highest ranking official in the nation. No matter how hopeless our condition, or how much we would like to give up, we need not despair...God is in control.

Esther: There was a substitute for Vashti. it was a miracle for her too. With virtually no rights and little access to the king, it was better for Esther not to reveal her identity. While boldness is stating our identity as God's people is our responsibility, at times a good strategy, is to keep quiet until we have won the right to be heard. This is especially true when dealing with those in authority over us. But we can always let them see the difference God makes in our lives. God placed Esther on the throne even before the Jews faced the responsibility of complete destruction so that when trouble came, a person would already be in the position to help. No human effort could thwart God's plan to send the Messiah to earth as a Jew. if you are changing jobs, position, or location and can't see God's purpose in your situation, understand that God is in control. He may be placing you in a position so you can help when the need arise.
Esther risked her life by coming before the king. Her courageous act gives us a model to follow in approaching a difficult or dangerous task


Esther did the following>

•Calculate the cost
•‎Set priorities
•‎Determine a course of action and act boldly.

In conclusion,we should always strive to understand the purpose of God and acknowledge Him in every aspect of our lives.
We should know that He is the all knowing God,and His plans for us are of good and not of evil.
Thanks for reading.


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